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 -fp/ip split
 -f-min merge order

+various optimizations via list -> hash
  • Loading branch information
andrewbadr committed Jun 19, 2007
1 parent bf407c2 commit eb7069b
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@@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
# python-automata, the Python DFA library
# License: New BSD License
# Author: Andrew Badr
# Version: June 11, 2007
# Version: June 17, 2007
# Contact:
# Code contributions are welcome.

from debug import prints

class DFA:
"""This class represents a deterministic finite automon."""
def __init__(self, states, alphabet, delta, start, accepts):
"""The inputs to the class are as follows:
-states: an iterable (lists or sets would work) containing the states of the DFA (usually Q)
-alphabet: an iterable containing the symbols in the DFA's alphabet (usually Sigma)
-delta: a complete function from [states]x[alphabets]->[states]. See note below. (usually delta)
-start: the state at which the DFA begins operation. (usually s or q_0)
-states: a lists containing the states of the DFA
-alphabet: a list containing the symbols in the DFA's alphabet
-delta: a complete function from [states]x[alphabets]->[states]. See note below.
-start: the state at which the DFA begins operation.
-accepts: an iterable containing the "accepting" or "final" states of the DFA
Making delta a function rather than a transition table makes it much easier to define certain DFAs.
And if you want to use transition tables, you can just do this:
delta = lambda q,c: transition_table[q][c]
One caveat is that the function should not depend on the value of 'states' or 'accepts', since
these may be modified during minimization.
self.states = states
self.start = start
Expand All @@ -30,7 +34,7 @@ def __init__(self, states, alphabet, delta, start, accepts):
def pretty_print(self):
"""Displays all information about the DFA in an easy-to-read way. Not
so easy to read if you have too many states.
actually that easy to read if it has too many states.
print ""
print "This DFA has %s states" % len(self.states)
Expand All @@ -45,6 +49,7 @@ def pretty_print(self):
print c, "\t", "\t".join(map(str, results))
print "Current state:", self.current_state
print "Currently accepting:", self.status()
print ""
def validate(self):
"""Checks that:
(1) The accepting-state set is a subset of the state set.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,10 +92,32 @@ def recognizes(self, char_sequence):
# Minimization methods and their helper functions
def state_hash(self, value):
"""Creates a hash with one key for every state in the DFA, and
all values initialized to the 'value' passed.
hash = {}
for state in self.states:
if value == {}:
hash[state] = {}
elif value == []:
hash[state] = []
hash[state] = value
return hash
def state_subset_hash(self, subset):
"""Creates a hash with one key for every state in the DFA, with
the value True for states in 'subset' and False for all others.
hash = self.state_hash(False)
for q in subset:
hash[q] = True
return hash
def state_merge(self, q1, q2):
"""Merges q1 into q2. All transitions to q1 are moved to q2.
If q1 was the start or current state, those are also moved to q2.
prints("Merging '%s' into '%s'" % (q1, q2))
if q1 in self.accepts:
Expand All @@ -103,33 +130,37 @@ def state_merge(self, q1, q2):
transitions[state] = {}
for char in self.alphabet:
next =, char)
prints("Checking transition [%s][%s]->[%s]" % (state, char, next))
if next == q1:
prints("Changing transition [%s][%s]->[%s]" % (state, char, next))
next = q2
prints(" Now it's [%s][%s]->[%s]" % (state, char, next))
transitions[state][char] = next = (lambda s, c: transitions[s][c])
def reachable_from(self, q0, inclusive=True):
"""Returns the set of states reachable from given state q0. The optional
parameter "inclusive" indicates that q0 should always be included.
reached = []
reached = self.state_hash(False)
if inclusive:
reached[q0] = True
to_process = [q0]
while len(to_process):
q = to_process.pop()
for c in self.alphabet:
next =, c)
if next not in reached:
if reached[next] == False:
reached[next] = True
return reached
return filter(lambda q: reached[q], self.states)
def reachable(self):
"""Returns the reachable subset of the DFA's states."""
return self.reachable_from(self.start)
def minimize(self):
"""Classical DFA minimization, using the simple O(n^2) algorithm.
Side effect: can mix up the internal ordering of states.
prints("Starting states: %s" % self.states)
#Step 1: Delete unreachable states
reachable = self.reachable()
self.states = reachable
Expand All @@ -138,10 +169,16 @@ def minimize(self):
if q in self.states:
self.accepts = new_accepts
prints("After deleting unreachable: %s" % self.states)

#Step 2: Partition the states into equivalence classes
changed = True
classes = [self.accepts, [x for x in set(self.states).difference(set(self.accepts))]]
classes = []
if self.accepts != []:
nonaccepts = filter(lambda x: x not in self.accepts, self.states)
if nonaccepts != []:
while changed:
changed = False
for cl in classes:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,6 +215,7 @@ def minimize(self):
state_map = {}
#build new_states, new_start, new_current_state:
for state_class in classes:
prints("Processing state class: %s" % state_class)
representative = state_class[0]
for state in state_class:
Expand All @@ -190,8 +228,8 @@ def minimize(self):
for acc in self.accepts:
if acc in new_states:
transitions = {}
#build new_delta:
transitions = {}
for state in new_states:
transitions[state] = {}
for alpha in self.alphabet:
Expand All @@ -211,10 +249,15 @@ def find_fin_inf_parts(self):
#O(n^2): can this be improved?
reachable = {}
for state in self.states:
reachable[state] = self.reachable_from(state, inclusive=False)
finite_part = filter(lambda x: x not in reachable[x], self.states)
infinite_part = filter(lambda x: x in reachable[x], self.states)
for q in self.states:
reachable[q] = self.reachable_from(q, inclusive=False)
in_fin = self.state_hash(True)
for q in reachable[self.start]:
if q in reachable[q]:
for next in reachable[q]:
in_fin[next] = False
finite_part = filter(lambda x: in_fin[x], self.states)
infinite_part = filter(lambda x: not in_fin[x], self.states)
return (finite_part, infinite_part)
def pluck_leaves(self):
"""Returns a maximal list S of states s_0...s_n such that for every
Expand All @@ -224,17 +267,17 @@ def pluck_leaves(self):
This is also a maximal list of vertices satisfying the first property alone.
#Step 1: Build the states' profiles
loops = {}
inbound = {}
outbound = {}
can_loop = {} #can_loop indicates that this state does not reach an accepting state,
#so that we can know if self-loops are allowed for this state.
#This is necessary for unminimized input.
for state in self.states:
inbound[state] = []
outbound[state] = []
loops[state] = 0
can_loop[state] = (state not in self.accepts)
loops = self.state_hash(0)
inbound = self.state_hash([])
outbound = self.state_hash([])
can_loop = self.state_hash(True)
accepts = self.state_hash(False)
#can_loop indicates that this state reaches no accepting state,
#so that we can know if self-loops are allowed for this state.
#This is necessary for unminimized input.
for state in self.accepts:
accepts[state] = True
can_loop[state] = False
for state in self.states:
for c in self.alphabet:
next =, c)
Expand All @@ -246,7 +289,7 @@ def pluck_leaves(self):
to_pluck = []
for state in self.states:
if len(outbound[state]) == loops[state]:
if state not in self.accepts:
if not accepts[state]:
plucked = []
while len(to_pluck):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,33 +325,38 @@ def finite_difference_minimize(self):
#Step 1
#Step 2
(fin_part, inf_part) = self.find_fin_inf_parts()
#Step 3
sd = symmetric_difference(self, self)
similar_states = sd.pluck_leaves()
similar_states_list = sd.pluck_leaves()
similar_states = sd.state_subset_hash(similar_states_list)
state_classes = []
for state in self.states:
placed = False
for sc in state_classes:
rep = sc[0]
if (state, rep) in similar_states:
if similar_states[(state,rep)]:
placed = True
break #only for speed, not logic
break #only for speed, not logic -- like how I live
if not placed:
#Step 3
(fin_part, inf_part) = self.find_fin_inf_parts()
#Step 4
for sc in state_classes:
fins = filter(lambda s: s in fin_part, sc)
infs = filter(lambda s: s in inf_part, sc)
if len(infs) != 0:
rep = infs[0]
for fp_state in fins:
self.state_merge(fp_state, rep)
rep = fins[0]
for fp_state in fins[1:]:
self.state_merge(fp_state, rep)
fins = filter(lambda s: s in fin_part, sc)
infs = filter(lambda s: s in inf_part, sc)
if len(infs) != 0:
rep = infs[0]
for fp_state in fins:
self.state_merge(fp_state, rep)
rep = fins[0]
for fp_state in fins[1:]:
if rep not in self.reachable_from(fp_state):
self.state_merge(fp_state, rep)
self.state_merge(rep, fp_state)
rep = fp_state
def levels(self):
"""Returns a dictionary mapping each state to its distance from the starting state."""
levels = {}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,15 +394,17 @@ def long_path(q,length, longest):
longest = candidate
return longest
return long_path(self.start, 0, None)
def DFCA_minimize(self):
def DFCA_minimize(self, l=None):
"""DFCA minimization"
Input: "self" is a DFA accepting a finite language, and "l" is the length of the longest word in its language
Result: "self" is DFCA-minimized
Input: "self" is a DFA accepting a finite language
Result: "self" is DFCA-minimized, and the returned value is the length of the longest
word accepted by the original DFA
See "Minimal cover-automata for finite languages" for context on DFCAs, and
"An O(n^2) Algorithm for Constructing Minimal Cover Automata for Finite Languages"
for the source of this algorithm (Campeanu, Paun, Santean, and Yu). We follow their
algorithm exactly, except that "l" is automatically calculated and returned.
algorithm exactly, except that "l" is optionally calculated for you, and the state-
ordering is automatically created.
There exists a faster, O(n*logn)-time algorithm due to Korner, from CIAA 2002.
Expand All @@ -364,7 +414,8 @@ def DFCA_minimize(self):
n = len(self.states) - 1
state_order = self.pluck_leaves()
l = self.longest_word_length()
if l==None:
l = self.longest_word_length()
#We're giving each state a numerical name so that the algorithm can
# run on an "ordered" DFA -- see the paper for why. These functions
# allow us to copiously convert between names.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,8 +474,8 @@ def level_range(i, j):
def cross_product(D1, D2, accept_method):
"""A generalized cross-product constructor over two DFAs.
The third argument is a binary boolean function f, and a state (q1, q2) in the final
DFA accepts if f(A[q1],A[q2]), where A indicates the acceptance-value of a state.
The third argument is a binary boolean function f; a state (q1, q2) in the final
DFA accepts if f(A[q1],A[q2]), where A indicates the acceptance-value of the state.
assert(D1.alphabet == D2.alphabet)
states = []
Expand All @@ -438,9 +489,11 @@ def delta(state_pair, char):
return (next_D1, next_D2)
alphabet = D1.alphabet
accepts = []
D1_accepts = D1.state_subset_hash(D1.accepts) #we like to keep things O(n^2) around here...
D2_accepts = D2.state_subset_hash(D2.accepts)
for (s1, s2) in states:
a1 = (s1 in D1.accepts)
a2 = (s2 in D2.accepts)
a1 = D1_accepts[s1]
a2 = D2_accepts[s2]
if accept_method(a1, a2):
accepts.append((s1, s2))
return DFA(states=states, start=start, delta=delta, accepts=accepts, alphabet=alphabet)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -471,25 +524,27 @@ def inverse(D):
def from_word_list(language, alphabet):
"""Constructs an unminimized DFA accepting the given finite language."""
from copy import copy
accepts = language
start = ''
sink = 'sink'
def delta(q, c):
next = q+c
if next in states:
return next
return sink
states = [start, sink]
for word in language:
for i in range(len(word)):
prefix = word[:i+1]
if prefix not in states:
fwl = copy(states)
def delta(q, c):
next = q+c
if next in fwl:
return next
return sink
return DFA(states=states, alphabet=alphabet, delta=delta, start=start, accepts=accepts)
def modular_zero(n, base=2):
"""Returns a DFA that accepts all binary numbers equal to 0 mod n. Use the optional
parameter "base" if you want something other than binary. The empty string is always
parameter "base" if you want something other than binary. The empty string is also
included in the DFA's language.
states = range(n)
Expand All @@ -498,3 +553,21 @@ def modular_zero(n, base=2):
start = 0
accepts = [0]
return DFA(states=states, alphabet=alphabet, delta=delta, start=start, accepts=accepts)
def random(states_size, alphabet_size, acceptance=0.5):
"""Constructs a random DFA with "states_size" states and "alphabet_size" inputs. Each
transition destination is chosen uniformly at random, so the resultant DFA may have
unreachable states. The optional "acceptance" parameter indicates what fraction of
the states should be accepting.
import random
states = range(states_size)
start = 0
alphabet = range(alphabet_size)
accepts = random.sample(states, int(acceptance*states_size))
tt = {}
for q in states:
tt[q] = {}
for c in alphabet:
tt[q][c] = random.choice(states)
delta = lambda q, c: tt[q][c]
return DFA(states, alphabet, delta, start, accepts)

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