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ThisData.NET is a .NET / C# client for the ThisData Login Intelligence API (


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Create a ThisData client

var thisdata = new ThisData.Client("YOUR API KEY FROM THISDATA");

Track Events

Find the point in your code just after a login success, failure or password reset . We recommend you use the TrackAsync method to send data to the ThisData API

public void Track(string verb, string userId = "", string name = "", string email = "", 
	string mobile = "", string source = "", string logoUrl = "", string sessionId = "", 
	bool cookieExpected = false, string deviceId = "")

To track a successful log-in

thisdata.TrackAsync("log-in", userId: "john12345", name: "John Titor", email: "");

Optional params

  • userId - string - A unique identifier for the user
  • name - string The full name of the user
  • email - string - An email address for sending unusual activity alerts to
  • mobile - E.164 format - A mobile number for sending unusual activity SMS alerts to. e.g. +15555555555
  • source - Used to indicate the source of the event and override company or app name in audit log and notifications
  • logoUrl - Used to override logo used in email notifications
  • sessionId - If you use a database to track sessions, you can send us the session ID
  • cookieExpected - Send true when using our optional Javascript tracking library, and we'll know to expect a cookie
  • deviceId - A unique device identifier. Typically used for tracking mobile devices

Event Types

Event types are called Verbs and are available as constants e.g. AuditMessageVerbs.LOG_IN

For a full list of supported verbs see

Verify Identity

Use the Verify method to enable contextual authentication in your app. It accepts the same parameters as the Track event with the exception of the event type/verb.

public VerifyResult Verify(string userId = "", string name = "", string email = "", string mobile = "", 
	string source = "", string sessionId = "", bool cookieExpected = false)

Verify will return a risk score between 0->1 which indicates our level confidence that the user is who they say they are.

0.0 - low risk/high confidence it's the real user

1.0 - high risk/low confidence it's the real user

VerifyResult res = thisdata.Verify(userId: "john12345", deviceId: "xxx-xxx-xxx");

if(res.Score > 0.9){
	// Step authentication, prompt for password or 2FA code

Get a list of Events

You can get a list of events enriched with their risk score and location data for use in custom audit logs.

public EventsResult GetEvents(string userId = "", string[] verbs = null, string source = "", 
	int limit = 50, int offset = 0, DateTime? after = null, DateTime? before = null);

Get last successful log-in time and location for a user.

EventsResult = thisdata.GetEvents(userId: "john12345", limit:1, verbs: new string[]{"log-in"});

string lastLoginCountry = EventsResult.Results[0].Location.Address.CountryName;


To extract the webhook body use the GetWebhookPayload method which will return a ThisData.Models.WebhookPayload object.

public WebhookPayload GetWebhookPayload(string secret = "") 

Validates the webhook signature using a shared secret. If no secret is provided it defaults to your API Key

WebhookPayload payload = client.GetWebhookPayload("your-secret");

if (payload.WasUser.HasValue) // Its a user responding to a was this you notification
    if (!payload.WasUser.Value)
        // The user confirmed it was not them

For more information about types of webhooks you can receive see

API Documentation

API Documentation is available at


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


.Net client for ThisData Login Intelligence API







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