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Merge pull request #330 from reviewdog/remainig-as-summary
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github-pr-review: use review summary comments for too many annotations
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haya14busa committed Sep 29, 2019
2 parents c3a0a3e + eba86ca commit 95ccf8d
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Showing 5 changed files with 210 additions and 22 deletions.
24 changes: 3 additions & 21 deletions doghouse/server/doghouse.go
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (

// GitHub check runs API cannot handle too large requests.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,28 +189,13 @@ func (ch *Checker) summaryFindings(name string, checks []*reviewdog.FilteredChec
lines = append(lines, "... (Too many findings. Dropped some findings)")
lines = append(lines, ch.buildFindingLink(c))
lines = append(lines, githubutils.LinkedMarkdownCheckResult(
ch.req.Owner, ch.req.Repo, ch.req.SHA, c.CheckResult))
lines = append(lines, "</details>")
return lines

func (ch *Checker) buildFindingLink(c *reviewdog.FilteredCheck) string {
if c.Path == "" {
return c.Message
loc := c.Path
link := ch.brobHRef(c.Path)
if c.Lnum != 0 {
loc = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", loc, c.Lnum)
link = fmt.Sprintf("%s#L%d", link, c.Lnum)
if c.Col != 0 {
loc = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", loc, c.Col)
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s](%s): %s", loc, link, c.Message)

func (ch *Checker) toCheckRunAnnotation(c *reviewdog.FilteredCheck) *github.CheckRunAnnotation {
a := &github.CheckRunAnnotation{
Path: github.String(c.Path),
Expand All @@ -227,10 +213,6 @@ func (ch *Checker) toCheckRunAnnotation(c *reviewdog.FilteredCheck) *github.Chec
return a

func (ch *Checker) brobHRef(path string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("", ch.req.Owner, ch.req.Repo, ch.req.SHA, path)

func (ch *Checker) diff(ctx context.Context) ([]*diff.FileDiff, error) {
d, err := ch.rawDiff(ctx)
if err != nil {
Expand Down
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions service/github/github.go
Expand Up @@ -4,16 +4,20 @@ import (


var _ reviewdog.CommentService = &GitHubPullRequest{}
var _ reviewdog.DiffService = &GitHubPullRequest{}

const maxCommentsPerRequest = 30

// GitHubPullRequest is a comment and diff service for GitHub PullRequest.
// API:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,10 +79,23 @@ func (g *GitHubPullRequest) Flush(ctx context.Context) error {

func (g *GitHubPullRequest) postAsReviewComment(ctx context.Context) error {
comments := make([]*github.DraftReviewComment, 0, len(g.postComments))
remaining := make([]*reviewdog.Comment, 0)
for _, c := range g.postComments {
if g.postedcs.IsPosted(c, c.LnumDiff) {
// Only posts maxCommentsPerRequest comments per 1 request to avoid spammy
// review comments. An example GitHub error if we don't limit the # of
// review comments.
// > 403 You have triggered an abuse detection mechanism and have been
// > temporarily blocked from content creation. Please retry your request
// > again later.
if len(comments) >= maxCommentsPerRequest {
remaining = append(remaining, c)
cbody := serviceutil.CommentBody(c)
comments = append(comments, &github.DraftReviewComment{
Path: &c.Path,
Expand All @@ -97,11 +114,36 @@ func (g *GitHubPullRequest) postAsReviewComment(ctx context.Context) error {
CommitID: &g.sha,
Event: github.String("COMMENT"),
Comments: comments,
Body: github.String(g.remainingCommentsSummary(remaining)),
_, _, err := g.cli.PullRequests.CreateReview(ctx, g.owner, g.repo,, review)
return err

func (g *GitHubPullRequest) remainingCommentsSummary(remaining []*reviewdog.Comment) string {
if len(remaining) == 0 {
return ""
perTool := make(map[string][]*reviewdog.Comment)
for _, c := range remaining {
perTool[c.ToolName] = append(perTool[c.ToolName], c)
var sb strings.Builder
sb.WriteString("Remaining comments which cannot be posted as a review comment to avoid GitHub Rate Limit\n")
for tool, comments := range perTool {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("<summary>%s</summary>\n", tool))
for _, c := range comments {
sb.WriteString(githubutils.LinkedMarkdownCheckResult(g.owner, g.repo, g.sha, c.CheckResult))
return sb.String()

func (g *GitHubPullRequest) setPostedComment(ctx context.Context) error {
g.postedcs = make(serviceutil.PostedComments)
cs, err := g.comment(ctx)
Expand Down
65 changes: 64 additions & 1 deletion service/github/github_test.go
Expand Up @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ func TestGitHubPullRequest_Post_Flush_review_api(t *testing.T) {
if *req.Event != "COMMENT" {
t.Errorf("PullRequestReviewRequest.Event = %v, want COMMENT", *req.Event)
if req.Body != nil {
if req.Body != nil && *req.Body != "" {
t.Errorf("PullRequestReviewRequest.Body = %v, want empty", *req.Body)
if *req.CommitID != "sha" {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,6 +286,69 @@ func TestGitHubPullRequest_Post_Flush_review_api(t *testing.T) {

func TestGitHubPullRequest_Post_toomany(t *testing.T) {
cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
defer os.Chdir(cwd)


listCommentsAPICalled := 0
postCommentsAPICalled := 0

mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/repos/o/r/pulls/14/comments", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode([]*github.PullRequestComment{}); err != nil {
mux.HandleFunc("/repos/o/r/pulls/14/reviews", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var req github.PullRequestReviewRequest
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&req); err != nil {
if req.GetBody() == "" {
t.Errorf("PullRequestReviewRequest.Body is empty but want some summary text")
ts := httptest.NewServer(mux)
defer ts.Close()

cli := github.NewClient(nil)
cli.BaseURL, _ = url.Parse(ts.URL + "/")
g, err := NewGitHubPullRequest(cli, "o", "r", 14, "sha")
if err != nil {
comments := []*reviewdog.Comment{}
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
comments = append(comments, &reviewdog.Comment{
CheckResult: &reviewdog.CheckResult{
Path: "reviewdog.go",
Lnum: i,
LnumDiff: i,
Body: "comment",
ToolName: "tool",
for _, c := range comments {
if err := g.Post(context.Background(), c); err != nil {
if err := g.Flush(context.Background()); err != nil {
if want := 1; listCommentsAPICalled != want {
t.Errorf("GitHub List PullRequest comments API called %v times, want %d times", listCommentsAPICalled, want)
if want := 1; postCommentsAPICalled != want {
t.Errorf("GitHub post PullRequest comments API called %v times, want %d times", postCommentsAPICalled, want)

func TestGitHubPullRequest_workdir(t *testing.T) {
cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
defer os.Chdir(cwd)
Expand Down
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions service/github/githubutils/utils.go
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package githubutils

import (


// LinkedMarkdownCheckResult returns Markdown string which contains a link to the
// location in the CheckResult and CheckResult content itself.
func LinkedMarkdownCheckResult(owner, repo, sha string, c *reviewdog.CheckResult) string {
if c.Path == "" {
return c.Message
loc := BasicLocationFormat(c)
link := PathLink(owner, repo, sha, c.Path, c.Lnum)
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s](%s) %s", loc, link, c.Message)

// PathLink build a link to GitHub path to given sha, file, and line.
func PathLink(owner, repo, sha, path string, line int) string {
if sha == "" {
sha = "master"
fragment := ""
if line > 0 {
fragment = fmt.Sprintf("#L%d", line)
return fmt.Sprintf("",
owner, repo, sha, path, fragment)

// BasicLocationFormat format chec CheckResult to %f|%l col %c| erorformat.
func BasicLocationFormat(c *reviewdog.CheckResult) string {
loc := c.Path + "|"
if c.Lnum != 0 {
loc = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", loc, c.Lnum)
if c.Col != 0 {
loc = fmt.Sprintf("%s col %d", loc, c.Col)
return loc + "|"
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions service/github/githubutils/utils_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package githubutils

import (


func TestLinkedMarkdownCheckResult(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
owner, repo, sha string
c *reviewdog.CheckResult
want string
owner: "o",
repo: "r",
sha: "s",
c: &reviewdog.CheckResult{
Path: "path/to/file.txt",
Lnum: 1414,
Col: 14,
Message: "msg",
want: "[path/to/file.txt|1414 col 14|]( msg",
owner: "o",
repo: "r",
sha: "s",
c: &reviewdog.CheckResult{
Path: "path/to/file.txt",
Lnum: 1414,
Col: 0,
Message: "msg",
want: "[path/to/file.txt|1414|]( msg",
owner: "o",
repo: "r",
sha: "s",
c: &reviewdog.CheckResult{
Path: "path/to/file.txt",
Lnum: 0,
Col: 0,
Message: "msg",
want: "[path/to/file.txt||]( msg",
for _, tt := range tests {
if got := LinkedMarkdownCheckResult(tt.owner, tt.repo, tt.sha, tt.c); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("LinkedMarkdownCheckResult(%q, %q, %q, %#v) = %q, want %q",
tt.owner, tt.repo, tt.sha, tt.c, got, tt.want)

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