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Merge pull request #1752 from reviewdog/renovate/ #7061

Merge pull request #1752 from reviewdog/renovate/

Merge pull request #1752 from reviewdog/renovate/ #7061

GitHub Actions / golint-github-check completed May 21, 2024 in 1s

reviewdog [golint-github-check] report

reported by reviewdog 馃惗

Findings (62)

comment_iowriter.go|17 col 1| exported function NewRawCommentWriter should have comment or be unexported
comment_iowriter.go|21 col 1| exported method RawCommentWriter.Post should have comment or be unexported
comment_iowriter.go|41 col 1| exported function NewUnifiedCommentWriter should have comment or be unexported
comment_iowriter.go|45 col 1| exported method UnifiedCommentWriter.Post should have comment or be unexported
diff.go|11 col 6| exported type DiffString should have comment or be unexported
diff.go|16 col 1| exported function NewDiffString should have comment or be unexported
diff.go|20 col 1| exported method DiffString.Diff should have comment or be unexported
diff.go|24 col 1| exported method DiffString.Strip should have comment or be unexported
diff.go|30 col 6| exported type DiffCmd should have comment or be unexported
diff.go|38 col 1| exported function NewDiffCmd should have comment or be unexported
diff.go|60 col 1| exported method DiffCmd.Strip should have comment or be unexported
diff.go|67 col 1| exported method EmptyDiff.Diff should have comment or be unexported
diff.go|71 col 1| exported method EmptyDiff.Strip should have comment or be unexported
resultmap.go|17 col 6| exported type Result should have comment or be unexported
resultmap.go|77 col 6| exported type FilteredResult should have comment or be unexported
cienv/github_actions.go|9 col 1| comment on exported type GitHubEvent should be of the form "GitHubEvent ..." (with optional leading article)
cienv/github_actions.go|28 col 6| exported type GitHubRepo should have comment or be unexported
cienv/github_actions.go|34 col 6| exported type GitHubPullRequest should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/appengine/github.go|25 col 6| exported type GitHubHandler should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/appengine/github.go|39 col 1| exported function NewGitHubHandler should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/appengine/github.go|102 col 1| exported method GitHubHandler.HandleAuthCallback should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/appengine/github.go|139 col 1| exported method GitHubHandler.HandleLogout should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/appengine/github.go|144 col 1| exported method GitHubHandler.LogInHandler should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/appengine/github.go|221 col 1| exported method GitHubHandler.HandleGitHubTop should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/appengine/github.go|375 col 1| exported function NewAuthClient should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/appengine/github_webhook.go|89 col 1| comment on exported type InstallationEvent should be of the form "InstallationEvent ..." (with optional leading article)
doghouse/appengine/github_webhook.go|101 col 1| comment on exported type CheckSuiteEvent should be of the form "CheckSuiteEvent ..." (with optional leading article)
doghouse/client/github_client.go|18 col 1| exported method GitHubClient.Check should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/server/doghouse.go|34 col 6| exported type Checker should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/server/doghouse.go|39 col 1| exported function NewChecker should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/server/doghouse.go|43 col 1| exported method Checker.Check should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/server/doghouse.go|183 col 9| if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block
doghouse/server/github.go|12 col 6| exported type NewGitHubClientOption should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/server/github.go|25 col 1| exported function NewGitHubClient should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/server/token.go|12 col 1| exported function GenerateRepositoryToken should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/server/token.go|22 col 1| exported function GetOrGenerateRepoToken should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/server/token.go|35 col 1| exported function RegenerateRepoToken should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/server/ciutil/ciutil.go|85 col 1| comment on exported function UpdateTravisCIIPAddrs should be of the form "UpdateTravisCIIPAddrs ..."
doghouse/server/ciutil/ciutil.go|106 col 1| exported function IPFromReq should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/server/storage/installation.go|65 col 1| exported method GitHubInstallationDatastore.Get should have comment or be unexported
doghouse/server/storage/token.go|52 col 1| exported method GitHubRepoTokenDatastore.Get should have comment or be unexported
filter/filter.go|38 col 6| func name will be used as filter.FilterCheck by other packages, and that stutters; consider calling this Check
parser/checkstyle.go|21 col 1| exported method CheckStyleParser.Parse should have comment or be unexported
parser/errorformat.go|35 col 1| exported method ErrorformatParser.Parse should have comment or be unexported
parser/sarif.go|24 col 1| exported method SarifParser.Parse should have comment or be unexported
parser/sarif.go|123 col 1| comment on exported type SarifJson should be of the form "SarifJson ..." (with optional leading article)
parser/sarif.go|127 col 6| type SarifJson should be SarifJSON
parser/sarif.go|164 col 6| exported type SarifOriginalURI should have comment or be unexported
parser/sarif.go|168 col 6| exported type SarifArtifactLocation should have comment or be unexported
parser/sarif.go|174 col 1| exported method SarifArtifactLocation.GetPath should have comment or be unexported
parser/sarif.go|196 col 6| exported type SarifText should have comment or be unexported
parser/sarif.go|201 col 1| exported method SarifText.GetText should have comment or be unexported
parser/sarif.go|209 col 6| exported type SarifRegion should have comment or be unexported
parser/sarif.go|216 col 1| comment on exported method SarifRegion.GetRdfRange should be of the form "GetRdfRange ..."
parser/sarif.go|340 col 6| exported type SarifRule should have comment or be unexported
project/run_test.go|64 col 28| error strings should not be capitalized or end with punctuation or a newline
service/commentutil/commentutil.go|12 col 1| comment on exported type PostedComments should be of the form "PostedComments ..." (with optional leading article)
service/github/githubutils/comment_writer.go|14 col 7| exported const MaxLoggingAnnotationsPerStep should have comment or be unexported
service/github/githubutils/comment_writer.go|31 col 1| exported method GitHubActionLogWriter.Post should have comment or be unexported
service/github/githubutils/comment_writer.go|82 col 1| exported function WarnTooManyAnnotationOnce should have comment or be unexported
service/github/githubutils/utils_test.go|14 col 3| struct field serverUrl should be serverURL
service/serviceutil/serviceutil.go|36 col 1| exported function GetGitRoot should have comment or be unexported

Filtered Findings (0)


Check warning on line 17 in comment_iowriter.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] comment_iowriter.go#L17

exported function NewRawCommentWriter should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
comment_iowriter.go:17:1: exported function NewRawCommentWriter should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 21 in comment_iowriter.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] comment_iowriter.go#L21

exported method RawCommentWriter.Post should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
comment_iowriter.go:21:1: exported method RawCommentWriter.Post should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 41 in comment_iowriter.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] comment_iowriter.go#L41

exported function NewUnifiedCommentWriter should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
comment_iowriter.go:41:1: exported function NewUnifiedCommentWriter should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 45 in comment_iowriter.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] comment_iowriter.go#L45

exported method UnifiedCommentWriter.Post should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
comment_iowriter.go:45:1: exported method UnifiedCommentWriter.Post should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 11 in diff.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] diff.go#L11

exported type DiffString should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
diff.go:11:6: exported type DiffString should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 16 in diff.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] diff.go#L16

exported function NewDiffString should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
diff.go:16:1: exported function NewDiffString should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 20 in diff.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] diff.go#L20

exported method DiffString.Diff should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
diff.go:20:1: exported method DiffString.Diff should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 24 in diff.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] diff.go#L24

exported method DiffString.Strip should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
diff.go:24:1: exported method DiffString.Strip should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 30 in diff.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] diff.go#L30

exported type DiffCmd should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
diff.go:30:6: exported type DiffCmd should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 38 in diff.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] diff.go#L38

exported function NewDiffCmd should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
diff.go:38:1: exported function NewDiffCmd should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 60 in diff.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] diff.go#L60

exported method DiffCmd.Strip should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
diff.go:60:1: exported method DiffCmd.Strip should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 67 in diff.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] diff.go#L67

exported method EmptyDiff.Diff should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
diff.go:67:1: exported method EmptyDiff.Diff should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 71 in diff.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] diff.go#L71

exported method EmptyDiff.Strip should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
diff.go:71:1: exported method EmptyDiff.Strip should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 17 in resultmap.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] resultmap.go#L17

exported type Result should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
resultmap.go:17:6: exported type Result should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 77 in resultmap.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] resultmap.go#L77

exported type FilteredResult should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
resultmap.go:77:6: exported type FilteredResult should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 9 in cienv/github_actions.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] cienv/github_actions.go#L9

comment on exported type GitHubEvent should be of the form "GitHubEvent ..." (with optional leading article)
Raw output
cienv/github_actions.go:9:1: comment on exported type GitHubEvent should be of the form "GitHubEvent ..." (with optional leading article)

Check warning on line 28 in cienv/github_actions.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] cienv/github_actions.go#L28

exported type GitHubRepo should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
cienv/github_actions.go:28:6: exported type GitHubRepo should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 34 in cienv/github_actions.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] cienv/github_actions.go#L34

exported type GitHubPullRequest should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
cienv/github_actions.go:34:6: exported type GitHubPullRequest should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 25 in doghouse/appengine/github.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] doghouse/appengine/github.go#L25

exported type GitHubHandler should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
doghouse/appengine/github.go:25:6: exported type GitHubHandler should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 39 in doghouse/appengine/github.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] doghouse/appengine/github.go#L39

exported function NewGitHubHandler should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
doghouse/appengine/github.go:39:1: exported function NewGitHubHandler should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 102 in doghouse/appengine/github.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] doghouse/appengine/github.go#L102

exported method GitHubHandler.HandleAuthCallback should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
doghouse/appengine/github.go:102:1: exported method GitHubHandler.HandleAuthCallback should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 139 in doghouse/appengine/github.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] doghouse/appengine/github.go#L139

exported method GitHubHandler.HandleLogout should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
doghouse/appengine/github.go:139:1: exported method GitHubHandler.HandleLogout should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 144 in doghouse/appengine/github.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] doghouse/appengine/github.go#L144

exported method GitHubHandler.LogInHandler should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
doghouse/appengine/github.go:144:1: exported method GitHubHandler.LogInHandler should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 221 in doghouse/appengine/github.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] doghouse/appengine/github.go#L221

exported method GitHubHandler.HandleGitHubTop should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
doghouse/appengine/github.go:221:1: exported method GitHubHandler.HandleGitHubTop should have comment or be unexported

Check warning on line 375 in doghouse/appengine/github.go

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / golint-github-check

[golint-github-check] doghouse/appengine/github.go#L375

exported function NewAuthClient should have comment or be unexported
Raw output
doghouse/appengine/github.go:375:1: exported function NewAuthClient should have comment or be unexported