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Duino's take on the Internet of Things

Robert Piotrowski edited this page Dec 28, 2022 · 1 revision

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

The Internet of Things describes the network of objects ("Things") that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet.

Duino IoT is our implementation of this unique technology. With it, you can simultaneously mine with your device (AVR, ESP...) and report sensor data e.g. to the Web Wallet.

Implementing Duino IoT

In order to use Duino IoT, you need to have some sensor or data to send. You can use an ammeter, voltmeter, humidity, and temperature sensors or even report custom string data.

In the miner JOB Request, we need to send our data following this way:

JOB,Username,Starting difficulty,Miner key,key1:val1@key2:val2@key3:val3

Where "key" is the text to display and "val" is the value.


  • You can add as many key and value pais as you like - separate each one with the @ symbol
  • Each key needs to have a value after the : symbol
  • The maximum IoT data length is 48 characters.

Example data

Sending three values? No problem:



Wallet will even automatically assign some icons to the received data. Cool, huh?

Using a DHT Sensor on ESP8266/32

In order to use a DHT11/22 Sensor on an ESP miner you need to edit the following lines:

// Uncomment the line below if you wish to use a DHT sensor (Duino IoT beta)
//#define USE_DHT
#ifdef USE_DHT
    // Install "DHT sensor library" if you get an error
    #include <DHT.h>
    // Change D3 to the pin you've connected your sensor to
    #define DHTPIN 3
    // Set DHT11 or DHT22 accordingly
    #define DHTTYPE DHT11

Then connect the sensor following this schema:

VCC/VIN -> 3.3V or 5V
SIG -> Any GPIO pin (specified in #define DHTPIN ...) 

Example Connection

Your DHT sensor will now report temperature and humidity straight to your wallet.

Taking this further

The information above is probably all you need to get started with Duino IoT. You can slightly alter the Duino-Coin codes to make the miners report any data you like - just make sure to watch out for Kolka, as making too many changes may cause problems 😄
Reach out to us on the Discord page if you'll need any help.

Have fun!