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wDUCO tutorial

Robert Piotrowski edited this page Apr 30, 2021 · 1 revision

Duino-Coin is a hybrid currency, meaning that it can be converted to wDUCO which is DUCO wrapped on the Tron network (as a token).
Currently there aren't many uses for it other than just storing funds in external wallet or exchanging wDUCO to another token on JustSwap, but in the future it will be a great way to integrate the decentralized version of Duino-Coin on other exchanges and wallets.

Configuring the wDUCO Wrapper

Before starting, make sure you have tronpy (tron lib) and cryptography (for encrypting private key) modules for python3 installed.

  1. Open your DUCO GUI (desktop) or CLI (console) Wallet
  2. If you're using the GUI Wallet:
    1. Open the settings tab
    2. Click the Configure Wrapper button
  3. If you're using the CLI Wallet:
    1. Start wrapper configuration tool by typing wrapperconf
  4. Input your private key (for example your tronlink key) and set a passphrase used for encrypting it

Wrapping DUCO

After setting up the wrapper in one of the two wallets, you can wrap DUCOs (convert them to wDUCO).

  1. Open your Wallet
  2. Type wrap to start the wrapping process OR click Wrap DUCO button
  3. Follow the instructions displayed by the wallet

Unwrapping DUCO

After setting up the wrapper in one of the two wallets, you can unwrap wDUCOs (convert them to DUCO).
Note: make sure you have some TRX in your wallet for the fees! Unwraping will use ~5 TRX (~0.5 USD) as fees.

  1. Open your Wallet
  2. Type unwrap to start the unwrapping process OR click Unwrap DUCO button
  3. Follow the instructions displayed by the wallet

Swap rates: 1 DUCO = 1 wDUCO
Token address: TWYaXdxA12JywrUdou3PFD1fvx2PWjqK9U
wDUCO is maintained by Yanis