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Single header topmost library, make window always topmost.

  • Copyright (C) 2019 Youngjoong Kim (revsic)


Include library.

#include "TopMost.hpp"

For making current process as topmost.

auto topper = TopMost::MakeTop::CurrentProc(true, false, true);

Find process with window title and make topmost.

auto topper = TopMost::MakeTop::ByName(name, true, false, true);

Make topmost with process id.

auto topper = std::make_unique<TopMost::MakeTop>(dwPid, true, false, true);

Last three parameters are same in all constructor methods.

MakeTop(DWORD pid, bool runThread = true, bool hook = false, bool log = false)

Sample: winapp

Compile winapp.

cl winapp.cpp User32.lib /EHsc /std:c++17

Run ! It will be stopped when you press any key.

For topmost current window.

input format
topmost current app : "current"
pid base topmost : "pid 1223"
window title base : "title ConsoleApplication1 - Microsoft Visual Studio"
input: current
[*] TopMost : Start thread
[*] TopMost : Start Loop
Press any key to continue . . .
[*] TopMost : other topmost app found (name: 배터리 수준)

For process id.

input format
topmost current app : "current"
pid base topmost : "pid 1223"
window title base : "title ConsoleApplication1 - Microsoft Visual Studio"
input: pid 1600
[*] TopMost : Start thread
[*] TopMost : Start Loop
Press any key to continue . . .

Sample: Node-gyp

Precompiled binary can be donwloaded in release.

Move files to node-gyp directory.

move .\path\to\topmost-x64-Release.node .\node-gyp\build\topmost.node

Run sample.js

node node-gyp/sample.js

Or without precompiled biinary, go to directory and install topmost manually.

cd node-gyp; npm install; node sample.js

Node-gyp API

Import module.

var addon = require('bindings')('topmost')
// var addon = require('./build/topmost')

Make current app topmost without logging.

var topper = new addon.TopMostWrapper();
// var topper = new addon.TopMostWrapper(false);

Make current app topmost with logging.

var topper = new addon.TopMostWrapper(true);

Make process topmost with process id.

var log = true; // or false
var pid = 8252;
var topper = new addon.TopMostWrapper(log, pid);