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A simple utility to interact with the Revolt API via the command line.


You can install Termivolt via the following methods:


npm i -g termivolt


yarn global add termivolt

Yarn 2+ doesn't support global installs, but you can run Termivolt as a "one-time" command with yarn dlx:

yarn dlx termivolt <command, eg -help>

(Note that you'll have to append yarn dlx every time you want to use Termivolt with this method.)


pnpm add termivolt --global


Required arguments are in <angle brackets>, while optional arguments are in [square brackets].

Global arguments

Aside from the help command, the following arguments are required for all commands:

  • --user/--bot determines whether the token is a bot or session token. These require different methods of authentication.
  • The token is provided as-is (i.e. as copied from Revolt). Bot tokens can be found in your bot settings page - to get session tokens, follow this guide.

In addtion, you can optionally specify a custom API URL (e.g. https://api.myrevoltinstan.ce). This should be the last argument and in quotes. This is not required if you're using the official Revolt instance (

Sending messages (-send)

To send messages with Termivolt, run termivolt -send. Here's the full list of arguments:

termivolt -send <(--user/--bot)> <token> <channel id (in quotes)> <message content (in quotes)> [custom API URL]


In addtion to the required arguments:

  • The channel ID should be provided as a string (i.e. in quotes). You can find it in the URL when using Revite (the official Revolt client) or by right-clicking the channel's entry on the channel list and selecting "Copy channel ID".
  • The message itself should be fully encased in double quotes - if you want to use double quotes in the message itself, escape them with a backslash. Note that message formatting may be messed up in some cases - I'm still investigating as to why, but it seems backticks and \newlines break.

Use Termivolt as a TUI (-interactive)

To use Termivolt as an interactive client, run termivolt -interactive. Here's the full list of arguments:

termivolt -interactive <(--user/--bot)> <token> [custom API URL]


Aside from the required arguments, this command does not take any extra arguments since, as the name suggests, it's designed for interactive use.

Fetching messages (-fetch)

To fetch messages with Termivolt, run termivolt -fetch. Here's the full list of arguments:

termivolt -send <(--user/--bot)> <token> <channel id (in quotes)> [amount of messages to send] [custom API URL]


In addtion to the required arguments:

  • The channel ID should be provided as a string (i.e. in quotes). You can find it in the URL when using Revite (the official Revolt client) or by right-clicking the channel's entry on the channel list and selecting "Copy channel ID".
  • If specified, the amount should be provided as a standard number - the maximum amount of messages you can fetch is 100, and the default is 10.

Archiving messages (-archive)

To archive messages with Termivolt, run termivolt -archive. Here's the full list of arguments:

termivolt -archive <(--user/--bot)> <token> <channel id (in quotes)> [custom API URL]


In addtion to the required arguments:

  • The channel ID should be provided as a string (i.e. in quotes). You can find it in the URL when using Revite (the official Revolt client) or by right-clicking the channel's entry on the channel list and selecting "Copy channel ID".

Kicking users (-kick)

To kick members from servers with Termivolt, run termivolt -kick. Note that you'll need the Kick Members permission - if you get a 403 error, this might be why. Here's the full list of arguments:

termivolt -kick <(--user/--bot)> <token> <server id (in quotes)> <user id (in quotes)> [custom API URL]


In addtion to the required arguments:

  • The server ID should be provided as a string (i.e. in quotes). You can find it in the URL when using Revite (the official Revolt client) or by right-clicking the server's entry on the server list and selecting "Copy server ID".
  • The user ID should also be provided as a string.

Banning users (-ban)

To ban members from servers with Termivolt, run termivolt -ban. Note that you'll need the Ban Members permission - if you get a 403 error, this might be why. Here's the full list of arguments:

termivolt -ban <(--user/--bot)> <token> <server id (in quotes)> <user id (in quotes)> [custom API URL]


In addtion to the required arguments:

  • The server ID should be provided as a string (i.e. in quotes). You can find it in the URL when using Revite (the official Revolt client) or by right-clicking the server's entry on the server list and selecting "Copy server ID".
  • The user ID should also be provided as a string.

Removing users from a group DM (-rmfromgroup)

To remove users from a group DM with Termivolt, run termivolt -rmfromgroup. Note that you need to own the group - if you get a 403 error, this might be why. Here's the full list of arguments:

termivolt -rmfromgroup <(--user/--bot)> <token> <group id (in quotes)> <user id (in quotes)> [custom API URL]


In addtion to the required arguments:

  • The group ID should be provided as a string (i.e. in quotes). You can find it in the URL when using Revite (the official Revolt client) or by right-clicking the groups's entry on the DM list and selecting "Copy server ID".
  • The user ID should also be provided as a string.

Help (-help)

If you need help, or want to see a list of commands, run termivolt -help. This will also show you what version of Termivolt you're using, which is useful for bug reports and such.


If you want to report a bug, suggest a feature or get help with using Termivolt, you can open an issue or join Termivolt's support server on Revolt.