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Openly serious about storage

REX-Ray provides visibility and management of external/underlying storage via guest storage introspection. Available as a Go package, CLI tool, and Linux service, and with built-in third-party support for tools such as Docker, REX-Ray is easily integrated into any workflow. For example, here's how to list storage for a guest hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with REX-Ray:

$ export AWS_ACCESSKEY=access_key
$ export AWS_SECRETKEY=secret_key
$ rexray volume get

- providername: ec2
  instanceid: i-695bb6ab
  volumeid: vol-dedbadc3
  devicename: /dev/sda1
  region: us-west-1
  status: attached


Today REX-Ray supports the following storage providers:

REX-Ray also supports integration with the following platforms:

Operating System Support

REX-Ray currently supports the following operating systems:

OS Command Line As Service
Linux Yes Yes
OS X Yes No
Windows No No

Getting Started

This section will help you get started using REX-Ray.

Installing REX-Ray

The following command will download the most recent, stable build of REX-Ray and install it to /usr/bin/rexray. On Linux systems REX-Ray will also be registered as either a SystemD or SystemV service.

curl -sSL | sh -

REX-Ray can also be installed from a pre-built binary, an RPM or DEB package, or by building it from source.

Once installed, REX-Ray can be used by simply typing rexray on the command line, but in order for REX-Ray to do much more than print out help text, configuration is necessary:

Configuring REX-Ray

The first step to getting started is configuring REX-Ray!

Configuring Storage Providers

Configuring External Integration

Getting Help

To get help with REX-Ray, please use the discussion group, GitHub issues, or tagging questions with EMC at StackOverflow.

The code and documentation are released with no warranties or SLAs and are intended to be supported through a community driven process.