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This service implements a basic user authentication and 2-factor authentication (2FA) system using the Gin web framework. It provides endpoints for user registration, login, 2FA enabling, and 2FA verification.

User Representation

The User struct represents a user in the system. It stores the user's username, password, 2FA secret, and whether 2FA is enabled.

User Storage

A map named users is used to store the user objects. The key of the map is the user's username, and the value is the user object.

Authentication Endpoints

  • /auth/signup: Handles user registration.

    • Creates a new user object if the username is not already taken.
    • Returns an error if the username is already taken or if there is an error creating the user object.
  • /auth/login: Handles user login and 2FA verification.

    • Retrieves the user object for the provided username.
    • Verifies the user's password and 2FA code.
    • Returns an error if the username or password is incorrect or if the 2FA code is invalid.

2FA Endpoints

  • /auth/enable-2fa: Enables 2FA for a user.

    • Generates a 2FA secret for the user.
    • Stores the secret and sets the user's 2FA enabled flag.
    • Returns the QR code URL for the 2FA secret.
  • /auth/verify: Verifies a 2FA code for a user.

    • Retrieves the user object for the provided username.
    • Verifies the provided 2FA code against the user's secret.
    • Returns an error if the code is invalid.
  participant User
  participant Server
  participant totp

  User->>Server: POST /verify { "username": "user1", "code": "123456" }

  Server->>totp: Verify 2FA code
  totp-->>Server: 2FA code Valid
  Server-->>User: 200 OK { "message": "2FA Code Valid" }

Error Handling

The code uses the Gin framework's ShouldBindJSON method to validate the incoming JSON payload for each API endpoint. If validation fails, an error message is returned.

Error Codes

The code uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of each API request. For example, a successful registration is indicated by a 201 Created response, while an invalid login attempt returns a 401 Unauthorized response.

2FA Implementation

The code uses the totp package to generate and verify TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) codes for 2FA. TOTP is a common 2FA method that uses a secret key and the current time to generate a one-time code. The user can use this code to gain access to the system after logging in.


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