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Mounting on login for OSX

Jürgen Hörmann edited this page Feb 2, 2023 · 2 revisions

Store your Password in the OSX Keychain

Open the Terminal app and enter

security add-generic-password -a ${USER} -s gocryptfs -w

Type or paste in your gocryptfs password when prompted.

Create the launchd daemon plist file

Now launch the text editor of your choice like Textmate and copy and paste this code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<!--	<key>StandardErrorPath</key>
		<string>--extpass=&quot;security find-generic-password -s gocryptfs -w&quot;</string>

You need to replace some values:

  • your-username: Replace this with your real username. If you are unsure what your username is, open the Terminal app and type echo $USER and hit enter. The Terminal will output your username.
  • /path/to/encrypted/folder: Replace this with the real location of your encrypted files. I assume here that your files are located somewhere in the user's home directory. If your files are located for instance on an external drive please replace the full path /Users/your-username/path/to/encrypted/folder
  • /path/to/plain/folder: Similar to the encrypted folder you have to enter the location of the folder where your unencrypted files should be shown.

Save the editor content as a *.plist file under ~/Library/LaunchAgents/gocryptfs.plist

Log out and log in again to see if it works. If you have issues getting it working, you can remove the comments (<!-- and -->) from debugging section. Don't forget to adjust the location of the debug log file. If you now re-login you will get some information in the log file that might help to resolve your issues.