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rgomezcasas committed Oct 1, 2023
1 parent c42f7c3 commit f061695
Showing 1 changed file with 165 additions and 164 deletions.
329 changes: 165 additions & 164 deletions os/mac/karabiner-goku/karabiner.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,185 +1,186 @@
{:default true
:alone 20
:delay 200
:held 100
:sim 100}}
{:default true
:alone 20
:delay 200
:held 100
:sim 100}}
{;; To obtain the app ID: `grep -A1 "CFBundleIdentifier" /Applications/`
:ChatGPT [""]
:Chrome ["", ""]
:Contexts ["com.contextsformac.Contexts"]
:Finder [""]
:GuitarPro ["com.arobas-music.guitarpro7"]
:IntelliJ ["com.jetbrains.intellij"]
:Keynote [""]
:Notion [""]
:Safari [""]
:Slack ["com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap"]
:VSCode [""]}
:ChatGPT [""]
:Chrome ["", ""]
:Contexts ["com.contextsformac.Contexts"]
:Finder [""]
:GuitarPro ["com.arobas-music.guitarpro7"]
:IntelliJ ["com.jetbrains.intellij"]
:Keynote [""]
:Notion [""]
:Safari [""]
:Slack ["com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap"]
:VSCode [""]}
:froms {:line-delete {:modi :left_command :key :delete_or_backspace}
:clipboard-history {:modi [:left_command :left_shift] :key :v}
:line-duplicate {:modi :left_command :key :d}
:move-next-screen {:modi [:left_command :left_shift :left_option] :key :right_arrow}
:move-prev-screen {:modi [:left_command :left_shift :left_option] :key :left_arrow}
:selection-extend {:modi :left_option :key :up_arrow}
:selection-shrink {:modi :left_option :key :down_arrow}
:show-recent {:modi :left_command :key :e}
:sidebar-primary-toggle {:modi :left_command :key :1}
:sidebar-secondary-toggle {:modi :left_command :key :2}
:create-folder {:modi [:left_control :left_option :left_command] :key :p}
:switch-account {:modi :left_command :key :caps_lock}
:switch-account-esc {:modi :left_command :key :escape}
:zoom-in {:modi :left_command :key :equal_sign}
:zoom-out {:modi :left_command :key :hyphen}}
:clipboard-history {:modi [:left_command :left_shift] :key :v}
:line-duplicate {:modi :left_command :key :d}
:move-next-screen {:modi [:left_command :left_shift :left_option] :key :right_arrow}
:move-prev-screen {:modi [:left_command :left_shift :left_option] :key :left_arrow}
:selection-extend {:modi :left_option :key :up_arrow}
:selection-shrink {:modi :left_option :key :down_arrow}
:show-recent {:modi :left_command :key :e}
:sidebar-primary-toggle {:modi :left_command :key :1}
:sidebar-secondary-toggle {:modi :left_command :key :2}
:create-folder {:modi [:left_control :left_option :left_command] :key :p}
:switch-account {:modi :left_command :key :caps_lock}
:switch-account-esc {:modi :left_command :key :escape}
:zoom-in {:modi :left_command :key :equal_sign}
:zoom-out {:modi :left_command :key :hyphen}}
:templates {:open-app "open -a \"%s\""
:type "/opt/homebrew/bin/skhd -t \"%s\""
:paste "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot mac paste_text \"%s\""
:paste-and-return "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot mac paste_text \"%s\" --returning"
:open-in-chrome "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot mac open_chrome_url \"%s\""
:wait_seconds "osascript -e 'delay %s'"}
:type "/opt/homebrew/bin/skhd -t \"%s\""
:paste "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot mac paste_text \"%s\""
:paste-and-return "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot mac paste_text \"%s\" --returning"
:open-in-chrome "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot mac open_chrome_url \"%s\""
:wait_seconds "osascript -e 'delay %s'"}
:layers {:tab-mode {:key :tab}
:caps-mode {:key :caps_lock}}
:caps-mode {:key :caps_lock}}
:simlayers {:emoji-mode {:key :e}
:open-mode {:key :o}
:script-mode {:key :s}}
:open-mode {:key :o}
:script-mode {:key :s}}
[;; ------------ Remaps ------------
{:des "[mouse] Up key -> Restore last hidden"
:rules [[{:pkey :button5} :!Ctab]]}
{:des "[mouse] Down key -> Hide"
:rules [[{:pkey :button4} [{:pkey :button1} :!Ch]]]}
{:des "[keyboard] ctr + cmd + ↑ as ↓"
:rules [[:!CTdown_arrow :!CTup_arrow]]}
{:des "[keyboard] shift + opt + cmd + ↑ as shift + opt + cmd + →"
:rules [[:!CTdown_arrow :!CTup_arrow]]}
{:des "[keyboard] disable minimize with cmd+m"
:rules [[:!Cm :!CTSm]]}
{:des "[keyboard] supr ctrl+backspace"
:rules [[:!Tdelete_or_backspace :delete_forward]]}

{:des "[keyboard] Symbols // @todo: move this to a keyboard layout using ukelele"
:rules [[:!On [:type "ñ"]]
[:!OSn [:type "Ñ"]]
[:!Oslash [:type "¿"]]
[:!Eslash [:type "¿"]]
[:!E3 [:type ""]]
[:!O3 [:type ""]]]}

{:des "[keyboard] I wanna learn typing"
:rules [[:!Oo [:type "ó"]]
[:!Oa [:type "á"]]]}
{:des "[mouse] Up key -> Restore last hidden"
:rules [[{:pkey :button5} :!Ctab]]}
{:des "[mouse] Down key -> Hide"
:rules [[{:pkey :button4} [{:pkey :button1} :!Ch]]]}

{:des "[keyboard] ctr + cmd + ↑ as ↓"
:rules [[:!CTdown_arrow :!CTup_arrow]]}
{:des "[keyboard] shift + opt + cmd + ↑ as shift + opt + cmd + →"
:rules [[:!CTdown_arrow :!CTup_arrow]]}
{:des "[keyboard] disable minimize with cmd+m"
:rules [[:!Cm :!CTSm]]}
{:des "[keyboard] supr ctrl+backspace"
:rules [[:!Tdelete_or_backspace :delete_forward]]}

{:des "[keyboard] Symbols // @todo: move this to a keyboard layout using ukelele"
:rules [[:!On [:type "ñ"]]
[:!OSn [:type "Ñ"]]
[:!Oslash [:type "¿"]]
[:!Eslash [:type "¿"]]
[:!E3 [:type ""]]
[:!O3 [:type ""]]]}

{:des "[keyboard] I wanna learn typing"
:rules [[:!Oo [:type "ó"]]
[:!Oa [:type "á"]]]}

;; ------------ Utils ------------
{:des "[util] Change brightness with the wheel"
:rules [[:!Svolume_increment :display_brightness_increment]
[:!Svolume_decrement :display_brightness_decrement]]}
{:des "[util] Zoom with the wheel"
:rules [[:!Cvolume_increment :!Cequal_sign]
[:!Cvolume_decrement :!Chyphen]]}
{:des "[util] Extend selection"
:rules [[:selection-extend
[:!Oleft_arrow :!OSright_arrow]
[:!IntelliJ :!Notion :!VSCode :!GuitarPro]]]}
{:des "[util] Delete line"
:rules [[:line-delete
[:!Cright_arrow :!Cdelete_or_backspace :delete_or_backspace]
[:!IntelliJ :!Notion :!Finder :!Contexts]]]}
{:des "[util] Clipboard history"
:rules [[:clipboard-history [:!CTO0]]]}
{:des "[util] Move app to next screen and center"
:rules [[:move-next-screen [:!CTOSright_arrow :!COc]]]}
{:des "[util] Move app to prev screen and center"
:rules [[:move-prev-screen [:!CTOSleft_arrow :!COc]]]}
{:des "[util] Change brightness with the wheel"
:rules [[:!Svolume_increment :display_brightness_increment]
[:!Svolume_decrement :display_brightness_decrement]]}
{:des "[util] Zoom with the wheel"
:rules [[:!Cvolume_increment :!Cequal_sign]
[:!Cvolume_decrement :!Chyphen]]}
{:des "[util] Extend selection"
:rules [[:selection-extend
[:!Oleft_arrow :!OSright_arrow]
[:!IntelliJ :!Notion :!VSCode :!GuitarPro]]]}
{:des "[util] Delete line"
:rules [[:line-delete
[:!Cright_arrow :!Cdelete_or_backspace :delete_or_backspace]
[:!IntelliJ :!Notion :!Finder :!Contexts]]]}
{:des "[util] Clipboard history"
:rules [[:clipboard-history [:!CTO0]]]}
{:des "[util] Move app to next screen and center"
:rules [[:move-next-screen [:!CTOSright_arrow :!COc]]]}
{:des "[util] Move app to prev screen and center"
:rules [[:move-prev-screen [:!CTOSleft_arrow :!COc]]]}

;; ------------ Launchers ------------
{:des "[launch] iTerm"
:rules [[:!CTOspacebar [:open-app "iTerm"]]]}
{:des "[launch] IntelliJ"
:rules [[:!CTOi [:open-app "IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate"]]]}
{:des "[launch] Chrome"
:rules [[:!CTOc [:open-app "Google Chrome"]]]}
{:des "[launch] Slack"
:rules [[:!CTOs [:open-app "Slack"]]]}
{:des "[launch] ChatGPT"
:rules [[:!CTOa [:open-app "ChatGPT"]]]}

{:des "[launch] dotly ui scripts"
:rules [[:!Tcaps_lock "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot ui show_scripts"]]}

{:des "[script] Generate uuid"
:rules [[:!CTOu "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot utils uuid_code"]]}

{:des "[script] Show desktop folder"
:rules [[:!CTOd "open \"$HOME/Desktop\""]]}

{:des "[script] Open common folders"
:rules [[:!CTgrave_accent_and_tilde "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot utils open_common"]]}

;; ------------ Application specific ------------
{:des "[chrome] Show recent tabs"
:rules [:Chrome [:show-recent :!CTO1]]}
{:des "[chrome] Inspect element" :rules [:Chrome [:!CSi :!CSc]]}
{:des "[chrome] Toggle console" :rules [:Chrome [:!CTOt :!COj]]}
{:des "[chrome] Switch profile"
:rules [:Chrome [:switch-account [:!CSm :return_or_enter]]]}
{:des "[chrome] Switch profile with escape"
:rules [:Chrome [:switch-account-esc [:!CSm :return_or_enter]]]}

{:des "[finder] Create folder"
:rules [:Finder [:create-folder :!CSn]]}

{:des "[guitar pro] Zoom in/out"
:rules [:GuitarPro [:zoom-in :!CSperiod] [:zoom-out :!CScomma]]}

{:des "[keynote] Zoom in/out"
:rules [:Keynote [:zoom-in :!CSperiod] [:zoom-out :!CScomma]]}

{:des "[notion] Show recent pages"
:rules [:Notion [:show-recent :!Cp]]}
{:des "[notion] Toggle sidebar"
:rules [:Notion [:sidebar-primary-toggle :!Cbackslash]]}
{:des "[notion] Extend selection"
:rules [:Notion
[:selection-extend :!Sup_arrow]
[:selection-shrink :!Sdown_arrow]]}

{:des "[safari] Toggle sidebar"
:rules [:Safari [:sidebar-primary-toggle :!CSl]]}

{:des "[slack] Navigate between channels"
:rules [:Slack [:!Cp :!Ck] [:!Ce :!Ck]]}
{:des "[slack] Toggle sidebars"
:rules [:Slack
[:sidebar-primary-toggle :!CSd]
[:sidebar-secondary-toggle :!Cperiod]]}
{:des "[slack] Move between workspaces"
:rules [:Slack [:!O1 :!C1] [:!O2 :!C2] [:!O3 :!C3]]}
{:des "[slack] Reactions"
:rules [:Slack
[:!COv [:paste-and-return "+:white_check_mark:"]]
[:!COs [:paste-and-return "+:thumbsup:"]]
[:!COd [:paste-and-return "+:thumbsdown:"]]
[:!COp [:paste-and-return "+:heavy_plus_sign:"]]
[:!COg [:paste-and-return "+:grimacing:"]]
[:!COl [:paste-and-return "+:joy:"]]]}]
{:des "[launch] iTerm"
:rules [[:!CTOspacebar [:open-app "iTerm"]]]}
{:des "[launch] IntelliJ"
:rules [[:!CTOi [:open-app "IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate"]]]}
{:des "[launch] Chrome"
:rules [[:!CTOc [:open-app "Google Chrome"]]]}
{:des "[launch] Slack"
:rules [[:!CTOs [:open-app "Slack"]]]}
{:des "[launch] ChatGPT"
:rules [[:!CTOa [:open-app "ChatGPT"]]]}

{:des "[launch] dotly ui scripts"
:rules [[:!Tcaps_lock "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot ui show_scripts"]]}

{:des "[script] Generate uuid"
:rules [[:!CTOu "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot utils uuid_code"]]}

{:des "[script] Show desktop folder"
:rules [[:!CTOd "open \"$HOME/Desktop\""]]}

{:des "[script] Open common folders"
:rules [[:!CTgrave_accent_and_tilde "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/sdot utils open_common"]]}

;; ------------ Application specific ------------
{:des "[chrome] Show recent tabs"
:rules [:Chrome [:show-recent :!CTO1]]}
{:des "[chrome] Inspect element" :rules [:Chrome [:!CSi :!CSc]]}
{:des "[chrome] Toggle console" :rules [:Chrome [:!CTOt :!COj]]}
{:des "[chrome] Switch profile"
:rules [:Chrome [:switch-account [:!CSm :return_or_enter]]]}
{:des "[chrome] Switch profile with escape"
:rules [:Chrome [:switch-account-esc [:!CSm :return_or_enter]]]}

{:des "[finder] Create folder"
:rules [:Finder [:create-folder :!CSn]]}

{:des "[guitar pro] Zoom in/out"
:rules [:GuitarPro [:zoom-in :!CSperiod] [:zoom-out :!CScomma]]}

{:des "[keynote] Zoom in/out"
:rules [:Keynote [:zoom-in :!CSperiod] [:zoom-out :!CScomma]]}

{:des "[notion] Show recent pages"
:rules [:Notion [:show-recent :!Cp]]}
{:des "[notion] Toggle sidebar"
:rules [:Notion [:sidebar-primary-toggle :!Cbackslash]]}
{:des "[notion] Extend selection"
:rules [:Notion
[:selection-extend :!Sup_arrow]
[:selection-shrink :!Sdown_arrow]]}

{:des "[safari] Toggle sidebar"
:rules [:Safari [:sidebar-primary-toggle :!CSl]]}

{:des "[slack] Navigate between channels"
:rules [:Slack [:!Cp :!Ck] [:!Ce :!Ck]]}
{:des "[slack] Toggle sidebars"
:rules [:Slack
[:sidebar-primary-toggle :!CSd]
[:sidebar-secondary-toggle :!Cperiod]]}
{:des "[slack] Move between workspaces"
:rules [:Slack [:!O1 :!C1] [:!O2 :!C2] [:!O3 :!C3]]}
{:des "[slack] Reactions"
:rules [:Slack
[:!COv [:paste-and-return "+:white_check_mark:"]]
[:!COs [:paste-and-return "+:thumbsup:"]]
[:!COd [:paste-and-return "+:thumbsdown:"]]
[:!COp [:paste-and-return "+:heavy_plus_sign:"]]
[:!COg [:paste-and-return "+:grimacing:"]]
[:!COl [:paste-and-return "+:joy:"]]]}]
;; ------------ Cheatsheet ------------
;; ! stand for mandatory
;; # stand for optional
;; !! stand for mandatory command + control + optional + shift (hyper)
;; C T O S for left command control optional shift
;; Q W E R for right command control optional shift
;; !! stand for mandatory command + control + option + shift (hyper)
;; T O C S for left control option command shift
;; Q W E R for right command control option shift
;; F for fn
;; need to prefix C T O S F Q W E R with ! or #
{:!Ca "command a"
:!Ta "control a"
:!Oa "option a"
:!Sa "shift a"
:#Sa "shift a"
:!CTOa "command control option a"
:!Cspacebar "command space"
:!Fa "fn a"
:##a "keycode a optional any"
:!!a "mandatory hyper (control command option shift) a "}}
:!Ta "control a"
:!Oa "option a"
:!Sa "shift a"
:#Sa "shift a"
:!CTOa "command control option a"
:!Cspacebar "command space"
:!Fa "fn a"
:##a "keycode a optional any"
:!!a "mandatory hyper (control command option shift) a "}}

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