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DOC: clean up and document stats.boxcox_normplot.
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Also some PEP8 cleanups in related functions.
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rgommers committed Dec 15, 2013
1 parent 51b71e0 commit 1bebbce
Showing 1 changed file with 121 additions and 35 deletions.
156 changes: 121 additions & 35 deletions scipy/stats/
Expand Up @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ def probplot(x, sparams=(), dist='norm', fit=True, plot=None):
Even if `plot` is given, the figure is not shown or saved by `probplot`;
```` or ``plot.savefig('figname.png')`` should be used after
```` or ``plt.savefig('figname.png')`` should be used after
calling `probplot`.
`probplot` generates a probability plot, which should not be confused with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ def boxcox_llf(lmb, data):
>>> np.random.seed(1245)
Generate some random variates and calculate Box-Cox log-likelihood values
for them for a range of ``lmbda``s:
for them for a range of ``lmbda`` values:
>>> x = stats.loggamma.rvs(5, loc=10, size=1000)
>>> lmbdas = np.linspace(-2, 10)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -587,28 +587,33 @@ def boxcox_llf(lmb, data):
def _boxcox_conf_interval(x, lmax, alpha):
# Need to find the lambda for which
# f(x,lmbda) >= f(x,lmax) - 0.5*chi^2_alpha;1
fac = 0.5*distributions.chi2.ppf(1-alpha,1)
target = boxcox_llf(lmax,x)-fac
fac = 0.5 * distributions.chi2.ppf(1 - alpha, 1)
target = boxcox_llf(lmax, x) - fac

def rootfunc(lmbda, data, target):
return boxcox_llf(lmbda, data) - target

def rootfunc(lmbda,data,target):
return boxcox_llf(lmbda,data) - target
# Find positive endpont
newlm = lmax+0.5
newlm = lmax + 0.5
N = 0
while (rootfunc(newlm,x,target) > 0.0) and (N < 500):
while (rootfunc(newlm, x, target) > 0.0) and (N < 500):
newlm += 0.1
N += 1

if N == 500:
raise RuntimeError("Could not find endpoint.")
lmplus = optimize.brentq(rootfunc,lmax,newlm,args=(x,target))
newlm = lmax-0.5

lmplus = optimize.brentq(rootfunc, lmax, newlm, args=(x, target))
newlm = lmax - 0.5
N = 0
while (rootfunc(newlm,x,target) > 0.0) and (N < 500):
while (rootfunc(newlm, x, target) > 0.0) and (N < 500):
newlm += 0.1
N += 1

if N == 500:
raise RuntimeError("Could not find endpoint.")
lmminus = optimize.brentq(rootfunc, newlm, lmax, args=(x,target))

lmminus = optimize.brentq(rootfunc, newlm, lmax, args=(x, target))
return lmminus, lmplus

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -715,44 +720,125 @@ def tempfunc(lmb, data): # function to minimize
return y, lmax, interval

def boxcox_normmax(x,brack=(-1.0,1.0)):
def boxcox_normmax(x, brack=(-1.0, 1.0)):
osm_uniform = _calc_uniform_order_statistic_medians(x)
# this function computes the x-axis values of the probability plot
# and computes a linear regression (including the correlation)
# and returns 1-r so that a minimization function maximizes the
# correlation
xvals = distributions.norm.ppf(osm_uniform)

def tempfunc(lmbda, xvals, samps):
y = boxcox(samps,lmbda)
"""This function computes the x-axis values of the probability plot and
computes a linear regression (including the correlation) and returns
``1 - r`` so that a minimization function maximizes the correlation.
y = boxcox(samps, lmbda)
yvals = sort(y)
r, prob = stats.pearsonr(xvals, yvals)
return 1-r
return 1 - r

return optimize.brent(tempfunc, brack=brack, args=(xvals, x))

def boxcox_normplot(x,la,lb,plot=None,N=80):
svals = r_[la:lb:complex(N)]
ppcc = svals*0.0
k = 0
for sval in svals:
# This doesn't use sval, creates constant ppcc, and horizontal line
z = boxcox(x,sval)
r1,r2 = probplot(z,dist='norm',fit=1)
ppcc[k] = r2[-1]
k += 1
def boxcox_normplot(x, la, lb, plot=None, N=80):
"""Compute parameters for a Box-Cox normality plot, optionally show it.
A Box-Cox normality plot shows graphically what the best transformation
parameter is to use in `boxcox` for obtained a distribution that is close
to normal.
x : array_like
Input array.
la, lb : scalar
The lower and upper bounds for the ``lmbda`` values to pass to `boxcox`
for Box-Cox transformations. These are also the limits of the
horizontal axis of the plot if that is generated.
plot : object, optional
If given, plots the quantiles and least squares fit.
`plot` is an object that has to have methods "plot" and "text".
The `matplotlib.pyplot` module or a Matplotlib Axes object can be used,
or a custom object with the same methods.
Default is None, which means that no plot is created.
N : int, optional
Number of points on the horizontal axis (equally distributed from
`la` to `lb`).
lmbdas : ndarray
The ``lmbda`` values for which a Box-Cox transform was done.
ppcc : ndarray
Probability Plot Correlelation Coefficient, as obtained from `probplot`
when fitting the Box-Cox transformed input `x` against a normal
See Also
probplot, boxcox, boxcox_normmax, boxcox_llf, ppcc_max
Even if `plot` is given, the figure is not shown or saved by
`boxcox_normplot`; ```` or ``plt.savefig('figname.png')``
should be used after calling `probplot`.
>>> from scipy import stats
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Generate some non-normally distributed data, and create a Box-Cox plot:
>>> x = stats.loggamma.rvs(5, size=500) + 5
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
>>> stats.boxcox_normplot(x, -20, 20, plot=ax)
Determine and plot the optimal ``lmbda`` to transform ``x`` and plot it in
the same plot:
>>> _, maxlog = stats.boxcox(x)
>>> ax.axvline(maxlog, color='r')
x = np.asarray(x)
if x.size == 0:
return x

if lb <= la:
raise ValueError("`lb` has to be larger than `la`.")

lmbdas = np.linspace(la, lb, num=N)
ppcc = lmbdas * 0.0
for i, val in enumerate(lmbdas):
# Determine for each lmbda the correlation coefficient of transformed x
z = boxcox(x, lmbda=val)
_, r2 = probplot(z, dist='norm', fit=True)
ppcc[i] = r2[-1]

if plot is not None:
plot.plot(svals, ppcc, 'x')
plot.title('Box-Cox Normality Plot')
plot.xlabel('Prob Plot Corr. Coef.')
plot.ylabel('Transformation parameter')
plot.plot(lmbdas, ppcc, 'x')
if hasattr(plot, 'set_title'):
# Matplotlib Axes instance or something that looks like it
plot.set_title('Box-Cox Normality Plot')
plot.set_ylabel('Prob Plot Corr. Coef.')
# matplotlib.pyplot module
plot.title('Box-Cox Normality Plot')
plot.ylabel('Prob Plot Corr. Coef.')
# Not an MPL object or something that looks (enough) like it.
# Don't crash on adding labels or title

return svals, ppcc
return lmbdas, ppcc

def shapiro(x,a=None,reta=False):
def shapiro(x, a=None, reta=False):
Perform the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality.
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