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Build PyPI Code style: black pylint NoPrint


Automate your commands - be it for environment setup or in CI/CD pipeline. Parallelize execution, and make it easier to handle dependent commands.


This package requires tomlkit and dataclass-wizard packages.


Full description

Staging is configurable in pyproject.toml file and is accessible through CLI interface.

In order to use staging, you have to define steps and then stages. Stages are built from steps.

Let's see example below (which uses all available options):

# Test
get_test_packages = {execute = "command to get test packages", output="test_packages"}
coverage = { prepare = "coverage run -m pytest -xv {packages}", execute = "coverage report {flags}", cleanup = "coverage erase", output = "coverage_result", format = {flags = "flags", packages= "test_packages"} }
# Lint
clean = {execute = "command to execute", success_codes=[0,1,2,3,4,5]}
isort = { execute = "isort {flags} . tests", format = {flags = "flags"}}
black = { execute = "black {flags} . tests", format = {flags = "flags"}}
pylint = { execute = "pylint {package} tests", format = {package = "package"}}
noprint = { execute = "noprint -ve {package} tests", format = {package = "package"}, error_codes=[1,2]}
finish = { execute = "finishing command" }

description = "Format code"
format = {package="staging"}
steps = [
    {step = "isort"},
    {step = "black"},

description = "Check linting"
format = {flags="--check", package="staging"}
steps = [
    {step = "clean", continue_on_failure=true},
    {parallel = {steps = ["isort", "black", "pylint", "noprint"]}, continue_on_failure=true},
    {step = "finish"},

description = "Test the package"
format = {flags="-m --fail-under=30"}
steps = [
    {step = "get_test_packages"},
    {step = "coverage"},

Here we have defined 7 different steps: get_test_packages, coverage, clean, and so on. These 7 steps are later used in 3 stages: test, lint, and format.

Let's say we execute staging format. What happens?

  1. Stage context is updated with formatter {key=package, value=staging}.
  2. Step isort is executed. Command isort {flags} . tests is formatted using stage formatter. Since flags is empty, the final command is simply isort . tests.
  3. Step black is executed. This works the same as isort above.

Now let's say we execute staging lint.

  1. Context has formatter for value package, but also for flags.
  2. Step clean is executed. It might fail, but we don't care and instead the process is continued.
  3. Steps isort, black, pylint and noprint are all executed in a thread pool due to being specified in a parallel block. This time however, even though some of the steps are the same as in the staging format, we now have a flags formatter defined. Thanks to this, we now have executed isort --check . tests command that would verify if the formatting was properly applied. Due to how steps are configured - specified custom success and error codes - the parallel block would fail (one command will crash others). However, the parallel block allows to specify continue_on_error as well, just like step block.
  4. As such, finish block is also executed.

Last but not least, staging test.

  1. Similarly to previous stages, we set up the stage formatter context.
  2. Step get_test_packages outputs a package name to stdout. This value will be saved under test_packages key in the staging context.
  3. Step coverage has a bit of a different structure, it has prepare and cleanup blocks on top of typical execute. Prepare is executed before execute. However, it's not taken into account when writing to output. Moreover, it will always fail when status code is different to 0. Block called cleanup is just like what it says it is. It's a cleanup process executed after execute. It will be executed no matter what is the final status of the execute command.

You can also chain your stages in one command. Keep in mind however that formatting contexts are defined on per stage basis. So if you execute staging format lint - formatting context from stage format won't be propagated to stage lint. Running stages in one execution is also performed in serial manner - no parallelism.


For real-life examples, see pyproject.toml file for this package.



Install virtual environment and check_bump package in editable mode with dev dependencies.

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[dev]

How to?

Automate as much as we can, see configuration in pyproject.toml file to see what are the flags used.

staging format  # Reformat the code
staging lint    # Check for linting issues
staging test    # Run unit tests and coverage report