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alt gopher network

The kube-gateway-operator installs and operates the kube-gateway service, which allows access to the k8s API using time-limited access tokens and usage of one-time access tokens to access k8s resources.

The operator manages service accounts, permissions, and secrets needed for the operation of the kube-gateway service and JWT token generation used for one-time k8s API access.

Build and push images

export USERNAME=yaacov$USERNAME/kube-gateway-operator:v0.0.1 make podman-build$USERNAME/kube-gateway-operator:v0.0.1 make podman-push


For more information about deployment options see the deploy doc.

# Deploy the operator, RBAC roles, and CRDs
export USERNAME=yaacov$USERNAME/kube-gateway-operator:v0.0.1 make deploy

# Deploy from an example deployment yaml. Will use pre-defined images and permissions. 
# Users can also copy this file to a local directory and edit the container image used.
oc create -f
# Remove deployment of the operator, RBAC roles, and CRDs
export USERNAME=yaacov$USERNAME/kube-gateway-operator:v0.0.1 make undeploy

alt install operator

Create GateServer and GateToken examples

For more information about running the gateway proxy and generating a token see the token and deploy docs.

# Use the kube-gateway namespace
oc create namespace kube-gateway

# Create a sample gateway server
oc create -f config/samples/kubegateway_v1beta1_gateserver.yaml

# Create a sample token request
oc create -f config/samples/kubegateway_v1beta1_gatetoken.yaml

# Check the token
oc get gatetoken gatetoken-sample -o yaml

Example files: gateserver.yaml, gatetoken.yaml

alt create signed link

Building for local development

# Compile the operator

# Install CRDs on the cluster for running locally
make install
# make uninstall

# Run locally
make run

(gopher network image - egonelbre/gophers)