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Helper components to allow terser implementation of AR using react-reality

2-D Enhancements


Quickly create a 2-d tappable button floating in space. It is a node, but is best mounted on a node with a bit of distance to the user. Requires viewing through <ARTouchableMonoView /> - otherwise how would you tap it?


Inherits props from <ARSign /> and adds:

  • title: Title text for the button
  • pressDepth: How much to change z-position when pressed. (negative for "press-in") (Default -0.2 meters)
  • highlightColor: Color to change to when pressed. (default: purple)


Quickly create a 2-d sign with text floating in space. Acts as a geometry. (E.g. you mount it on a node)


Inherits props from <ARPlaneScene /> and adds text: The text to display


  <ARSign text="Hi there everybody" />

Note An even higher-level implementation that smushes the node props in is available as <ARSignNode />


A more generalized implementation that mounts an <ARSKScene /> on a <ARPlane /> to speed up generation of 2-D content floating in space. Acts as a geometry.


Inherits from <ARPlane /> and <ARSKScene /> and adds ppm: The pixels-per-meter (roughly DPI x 38) to define detail level of your sign.

Note An even higher-level implementation that smushes the node props in is available as <ARPlaneSceneNode />


Creates a text label with horizontal and vertical centering.


Other props inherited from <ARSKLabel />


  <ARCenteredSKLabel width={10 * 38} height={10*38} text="Hi there everybody" />

Enhanced Geometries

Colored Geometries

These components apply a color prop to the diffuse property of all sides of the geometry.

  • ARColoredBox
  • ARColoredCapsule
  • ARColoredCone
  • ARColoredCapsule
  • ARColoredPlane
  • ARColoredPyramid
  • ARColoredShape
  • ARColoredSphere
  • ARColoredText
  • ARColoredTorus
  • ARColoredTube

Textured Geometries

These components apply a path prop containing a path to a locally saved texture to all sides of the geometry.

  • ARTexturedBox
  • ARTexturedCapsule
  • ARTexturedCone
  • ARTexturedCapsule
  • ARTexturedPlane
  • ARTexturedPyramid
  • ARTexturedShape
  • ARTexturedSphere
  • ARTexturedText
  • ARTexturedTorus
  • ARTexturedTube

Enhanced Nodes

Basic Geometry-Node Combinations

The following components smush the properties of the node with the properties of the geometry. Materials can be applied as children.

  • ARBoxNode
  • ARCapsuleNode
  • ARConeNode
  • ARCapsuleNode
  • ARPlaneNode
  • ARPyramidNode
  • ARShapeNode
  • ARSphereNode
  • ARTextNode
  • ARTorusNode
  • ARTubeNode
  • ARSignNode
  • ARPlaneSceneNode

Colored Geometry-Node Combinations

The following smush the properties of the node together with the properties of the geometry and add a prop color to trigger the diffuse color of the geometry across all surfaces. No material components need to be added.

  • ARColoredBoxNode
  • ARColoredCapsuleNode
  • ARColoredConeNode
  • ARColoredCapsuleNode
  • ARColoredPlaneNode
  • ARColoredPyramidNode
  • ARColoredShapeNode
  • ARColoredSphereNode
  • ARColoredTextNode
  • ARColoredTorusNode
  • ARColoredTubeNode

Textured Geometry-Node Combinations

The following components smush the props of the node and the geometry but allo add a prop path to a path texture to be used as the diffuse material. No material components need to be added

  • ARTexturedBoxNode
  • ARTexturedCapsuleNode
  • ARTexturedConeNode
  • ARTexturedCapsuleNode
  • ARTexturedPlaneNode
  • ARTexturedPyramidNode
  • ARTexturedShapeNode
  • ARTexturedSphereNode
  • ARTexturedTextNode
  • ARTexturedTorusNode
  • ARTexturedTubeNode


Component that represents current user position. Implements the details of a <ARPositionProvider /> so you don't have to.

Enhanced Materials


Higher-order component to apply a color prop as the material to the geometry you are attaching to.

  <ARColor color="red" />

If prop index is specified, the color is applied only to that face of the geometry.

  <ARColor index={0} color="red" />
  <ARColor index={1} color="blue" />
  <ARColor index={2} color="red" />
  <ARColor index={3} color="blue" />
  <ARColor index={4} color="red" />
  <ARColor index={5} color="blue" />


Higher-order component to apply a path prop as the path to the texture image for the geometry you are attaching to.

  <ARTexture path={mytexturepath} />

If prop index is specified, the texture is applied only to that face of the geometry.

  <ARColor index={0} color="red" />
  <ARTexture index={1} path={mytexturepath} />
  <ARColor index={2} color="red" />
  <ARTexture index={3} path={mytexturepath} />
  <ARColor index={4} color="red" />
  <ARTexture index={5} path={mytexturepath} />

Enhanced Context Providers


Component whose children are displayed when the AR session is not spun up yet. Use for placeholder views.


Component whose chidren are displayed when the AR sesison is loaded


Component that shows children when you have no planes or images are detected. Requires <ARTrackingProvider /> ancestor in tree


Component that shows only when at least one plane or image detecrted. Requires <ARTrackingProvider /> ancestor in tree


Higher-level components and helpers for react-reality







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