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RH Summit 2019 Demo 4 Cluster Setup

This repo contains all scripts to prepare an OpenShift 4 cluster to run Demo 4. If you do not have a running OCP4 cluster, you can use these instructions to provision one in a nominated AWS account.


Create a .env file with all the required environment variables. An example env file .env.example is included.

cp .env.example .env

Test that you can login to the server with

make oc_login

Adding scripts

Just create a sub directory, add a shell script and resource files and execute them via the Makefile. Note that the commands in a Makefile have to be indented by tabs. Also add a short description to this


To install all Knative components (build, serving, and eventing) and its required Istio, run

make install_knative

For the most part, it should be idempotent, i.e. it won't install OLM or Istio if their respective namespaces already exist. It will re-apply the knative operator resources, but as long as they haven't changed, OLM shouldn't care.

Deloying Infinispan/Datagrid

To deploy datagrid to the datagrid-demo project:

make datagrid

Strimzi and Apache Kafka

The Apache Kafka related deployment is made by:

  • The Strimzi operators, starting from the Cluster operator to the Topic and User operators
  • The Apache Kafka cluster deployment (alongside with a Zookeeper cluster)
  • The console server component and the related AMQ Streams Topic Web UI
  • The monitoring infrastructure made by Prometheus, the related alert manager and Grafana with Kafka and Zookeeper dashboards

To deploy the Apache Kafka infrastructure:

make kafka

Front End Applications and Socket Servers

To configure an admin password, set the ADMIN_PASSWORD in the .env file. To configure the training application, set the appropriate s3 environment variables for your s3 bucket as shown in the .env.example. Leaving the s3 variables will run the frontend without saving the training data to s3.

make frontend


To install all Syndesis components, run:

make syndesis

Camel K

To install all Camel K components, run:

make camel-k

Open Data Hub

To create an ODH Developer Catalog entry and install the ODH operator in the namespace "opendatahub" run:

make opendatahub

If you want Open Data Hub to show up in the Developer Catalog for additional (or all) namespaces, you need to modify the file opendatahub/opendatahub-operator.operatorgroup.yaml to include each namespace you want it to appear in (or for all namespaces, remove the .spec dictionary from the yaml)

NOTE: Deploying from the catalog will only work in the opendatahub namespace since the operator will already be deployed

Sample Demo Deployments

OptaPlanner Demo

To demonstrate OptaPlanner with the dashboard and admin screens with a smaller resource requirement, we can skip several portions of the demo. Using the environment file similar to the following:

# oc_login

# Datagrid

# OptaPlanner

# Frontend

Then execute the make instructions ton install the required components (datagrid, optaplanner, and frontend):

make datagrid optaplanner frontend

After deployment and all pods are up and running, you should be able to interact with the demo:

Dashboard UI: http://dashboard-web-game-demo.cluster-host

Admin UI: http://admin-web-game-demo.cluster-host (blank password unless ADMIN_PASSWORD was set in the .env file)

In the Admin UI, you can access the OptaPlanner functionality in the OptaPlanner section including play/pause the game, damage simulation, and add/remove/pause/unpause mechanics.