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Build Sphinx Environment Using Scoop

Build Sphinx environment using windows package management tool scoop.
This script does these processes.

  1. install Scoop
  2. install Python37 (using scoop)
  3. create python venv and activate
  4. install Sphinx
    • install theme (sphinx_rtd_theme)
    • install some extentions
    • install pandoc, latex, perl (using scoop)
  5. create sphinx document project template


  • Windows 7 SP1+ / Windows Server 2008+
  • PowerShell 5 (or later, include PowerShell Core) and .NET Framework 4.5 (or later)
  • PowerShell must be enabled for your user account
    e.g. Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

Quick start

Run following command in PowerShell.

Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')

How to use

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Change some parameters in create_sphinx_env.ps1 and save.

    # python venv path for sphinx
    # WARNNING: This script create new python venv!!
  3. Open PowerShell

  4. Run the following command to change policy.

    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser

    if display some message, input y and enter.

  5. Run script create_sphinx_env.ps1.

  6. Change directory ./sample_project and activate venv.

  7. Enjoy Sphinx!!!

    ./make html
    ./make latexpdf