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Auth Proxy

auth_proxy provides authentication via Active Directory and authorization via RBAC before forwarding requests to an upstream netmaster. It is TLS-only, and it will only talk to a non-TLS netmaster. Future versions will allow or potentially require TLS-only communication with netmaster.

auth_proxy also hosts the UI (see the contiv-ui repo). The UI is baked into the container and lives at the /ui directory. It is served from the root of the proxy, e.g., if you run with --listen-address=localhost:10000, you can see the UI at https://localhost:10000

A custom version of the UI can be bindmounted over the baked-in version. Note that you need to bind in the /app directory under the contiv-ui repo, not the base directory: -v /your/contiv-ui/repo/app:/ui:ro


Running make will generate a auth_proxy:devbuild image using the current code you have checked out and HEAD from the master branch in the contiv-ui repo.

You can also specify a version, e.g., BUILD_VERSION=0.1 make. This will generate a auth_proxy:0.1 image using current code you have checked out and whatever commit is tagged as 0.1 in the contiv-ui repo.

auth_proxy will check the version of the netmaster it's pointed to at startup. We require that the major versions are the same and that the minor version of netmaster is >= the minor version of auth_proxy.

For example, version 1.2.3 of auth_proxy will only talk to a netmaster build version of 1.x.y where x is >= 2 and y can be anything.

Running Tests

Just run make test to run the systemtests and unit tests. The tests are fully containerized and will spawn anything they require as part of the test run (note that this does NOT currently include an AD server and we are still using a hardcoded one). There is also a MockServer available in the systemtests directory which can pretend to be netmaster for the purposes of testing. This allows us to mock the parts of netmaster we need (mainly that a given endpoint returns some expected JSON response) without the burden of actually compiling and running a full netmaster binary and all of its dependencies plus creating the necessary networks, tenants, etc. to get realistic responses from it.

Future end-to-end testing will cover a real auth_proxy binary talking to a real netmaster binary so there's no point duplicating that here in our own testing.

Local Development

You will need a local cert and key to start auth_proxy. You can run make generate-certificate to generate them if you don't already have them.

To simplify the networking around all the cross-container communication, we are discouraging the use of docker-machine. Please run Docker natively on your Linux system or use Docker for Mac.

Architecture Overview

Before anything else, a prospective user must authenticate and get a token. Authentication requires passing a username and password to the /api/v1/auth_proxy/login endpoint:

login request ---> auth_proxy ---> authentication
                                                 local user *or* LDAP / Active Directory
<---- token sent to client <---- auth_proxy ----

Subsequent requests must pass this token along in a X-Auth-Token request header. All non-login requests are simply passed on to the netmaster if authentication and authorization are both successful.

Example of a full request cycle:

  1. A request for /api/v1/networks/ is sent in with a token in the X-Auth-Token header
  2. The user represented by the token is authenticated against a local DB or LDAP / Active Directory
  3. An authorization check is performed to see if the user is allowed to access the resource in question (networks)
  4. If both authentication and authorization are successful, the request is proxied to netmaster
  5. If the user is not an admin and the endpoint returns data for multiple tenants, the response from netmaster will be filtered to only return what the current user is allowed to see
request w. token ---> auth_proxy ---> authorization ----> request forwarded to netmaster
<----- results filtered based on token and returned to client <----- auth_proxy --------


To start an etcd v2 datastore (highest version supported by netmaster and netplugin):

docker run -d --name etcd -p 2379:2379 --listen-client-urls --advertise-client-urls

To start a Consul datastore:

docker run -d --name consul -p 8500:8500  consul

The Consul UI also runs on port 8500.


A proxy + UI server for Contiv handles authentication (local users/LDAP/AD) + authorization (RBAC)






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  • Go 84.1%
  • Shell 13.4%
  • Ruby 1.4%
  • Makefile 1.1%