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Header-only C library for ASCII string checking using various optimizations.


  • Header-only library, simply include the files or code in your project.
  • Permissive MIT license. No barriers to including the files.
  • Fast ASCII checking using 8-byte wide masking
  • Accelerated ASCII checking using SSE2 instructions which are available on every 64-bit x86 CPU.
  • Accelerated ASCII checking using AVX2 instructions available only on modern 64-bit x86 CPUs.

This library was made for fast ASCII checks for ASCII-only file formats. It also contains a non-ASCII search for utf-8 decoding purposes. It was put here in the hope that others may find it useful or might learn from the implementation.


Simply copy ascii_check.h and/or ascii_check_sse2.h into your project and include them, or use a git submodule to the same effect.

Both files contain two functions:

 * @brief Check if a string of given length only contains ASCII characters.
 * @param string A char pointer to the start of the string.
 * @param length The length of the string. This funtion does not check for 
 *               terminating NULL bytes.
 * @returns 1 if the string is ASCII-only, 0 otherwise.
static int
string_is_ascii(const char * string, size_t length)

 * @brief Return the char * to the first non-ASCII character. Like memchr but
 * finds all non-ASCII characters.
 * @param string A char pointer to the start of the string.
 * @param length The length of the string. This funtion does not check for
 *               terminating NULL bytes.
 * @returns The char pointer to the first character that is not ASCII or NULL
 * if such a character was not found.
static const char *
search_non_ascii(const char * string, size_t length)

For small strings ascii_check.h is recommended. For large chunks of memory ascii_check_sse2.h might provide a noticeable improvement at the cost of only supporting 64-bit x86-64 CPUs. ascii_check_avx2 is the fastest, though the gains from SSE2 to AVX2 are less big than from no vectorization to SSE2 and it adds a major constraint on which hardware it can run on.

Please note that the vectorization works best on large chunks of memory. On smaller memory sizes there is typically a lot of overhead to using the vectorized functions as the pointer has to be aligned first to 16-byte words for SSE2 and to 32-byte words for AVX2. All the characters leading up to a correct alignment are checked in single-byte mode, which is slow. Hence the 8-byte word non-architecture-specific implementation has the least overhead on small strings.


Optimizations were inspired by the GNU libc memchr implementation and CPython.

string_is_ascii uses a bitwise OR on 8-byte words to OR all the characters together. The resulting 8-byte word is then checked for significant 8th bits. This is the fastest check if the result is expected to be ASCII.

search_non_ascii uses an ASCII mask that is 8 bytes (64-bits) wide for much faster checking.

SSE2 introduced test instructions that allowed checking bitmasks more quickly. ascii_check_sse2.h uses the _mm_movemask_epi8 instruction to check the most signicificant bit of 16 characters at the same time for search_non_ascii. For string_is_ascii the _mm_or_si128 bitwise OR instruction is used.

ascii_check_avx2.h uses similar optimizations as the SSE2 implementation but using 32-byte words rather than 16-byte words.


Header-only C library for ASCII string checking using various optimizations.







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