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1. Goals

Rhydian Thomas edited this page Aug 6, 2018 · 4 revisions
  • target both iOS and Android
  • use common native features;
    • location services (GPS)
    • animation
    • sound and/or haptics
    • touch/face id
    • keychain
    • notifications
    • custom font, colors, splash and icon
    • offline storage
    • embedded web views - n/a
    • custom drawing
  • implement common UI patterns;
    • onboarding
    • login/registration
    • collections/lists views
    • search, filter and sort
    • navigation between screens
    • maps
    • settings
    • profile
  • consumes external service(s)
    • some form of JSON API
    • AWS resources
    • firebase realtime database
  • use production tooling;
    • automated unit tests
    • mock/stubs
    • automated widget tests
    • automated UI tests
    • code coverage
    • static code analysis
    • CI support
    • profiling tools
    • monitoring and analytics
    • design-time tools
  • get a feel for;
    • the level of iOS/Android knowledge required
    • the learning curve to pickup fundamentals
    • development environment
    • limitations
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