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Golang basic web application structure using an onion architecture approach.


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Golang Basic REST API

Golang basic REST API is a web application structure using an onion architecture approach.

It implements controller, service, database layers, that makes above layers independent of which database (or any other bottom layer type e.g. other API downstream) type is being used. There are cmd implemented examples of the application, for each database type: mongo, mysql and postgres.

It also could be a useful structure for Golang development, having model, config loading, implemented GitHub workflows, Makefile, that are often requirements of a Golang application.

1. Config

Before to run application you may setup .env with Config values. Check out the following tables to know all Config parameters detailed.

Parameter Description Type Default Required
DB_ADDRESS Database URL address. string YES
DB_NAME Name of the initial database to access. string NO
MIGRATIONS_PATH Migrations local path if needed. string NO
HOST HTTP server host number. string NO
PORT HTTP server port number. string YES

2. Run Application

After define env variables values, run the following commands to start web application server.

The different examples of running this application packages and features are available in cmd.

For a REST application with a postgres database layer use:

go run ./cmd/postgres/main.go

For a REST application with MySQL database layer use:

go run ./cmd/mysql/main.go

For a REST application with MongoDB database layer use:

go run ./cmd/mongo/main.go

3. API specifications

API specs could be find in openapi.yml and swagger.yml files.

3.1. Swagger commands

To generate Swagger spec in Unix run te following command:

swagger generate spec -o ./swagger.yml --scan-models

If you're using windows use the following command before swagger code:

docker run --rm -it --env GOPATH=/go -v %CD%:/go/src -w /go/src <swagger code here>

For information about Swagger installation, check this:

Source: 🔗 Go Swagger