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A TypeScript SDK for the Phantasma blockchain.


Use the package manager npm to install phatasma-ts.

npm install phantasma-ts


const { phantasmaJS } = require('phantasma-ts')

Standalone HTML Import

<script src=""></script>
phantasma.phantasmaJS   // To use PhantasmaJS
phantasma.PhantasmaLink // To use PhantasmaLink
phantasma.EasyConnect   // To use EasyConnect, an easy to use PhantasmaLink wrapper

Table Of Contents

The Phantasma TypeScript SDK transpiles into phantasmaJS, PhantasmaLink and EasyConnect.

  1. PhantasmaJS - Allows you to interact with the Phantasma Blockchain

  2. PhantasmaLink - Allows you to interact with Phantasma based wallets

  3. EasyConnect - Easy plug and play solution for creating DApps

  4. [Misc]


Use phantasmaJS to interact with the Phantasma blockchain directly.

PhantasmaJS Utility Functions

Just some standard useful functions that you probably will end up using at some point.

phantasmaJS.byteArrayToHex(arr: ArrayBuffer | ArrayLike<number>); //Turns a Byte Array into Serialized Hex
phantasmaJS.getAddressFromWif(wif: string); //Get's Public Address from WIF (Wallet Import Format)
phantasmaJS.getPrivateKeyFromWif(wif: string); //Get's Private Key from WIF (Wallet Import Format)
phantasmaJS.hexToByteArray(hexBytes: string); //Turns Serialized Hex into Byte Array
phantasmaJS.reverseHex(hex: string); //Reverse <-> esreveR Serialized Hex
phantasmaJS.signData(msgHex: string, privateKey: string); //Signs some text with given Private Key

Building a Script with Script Builder

Building a script is the most important part of interacting with the Phantasma blockchain. Without a propper script, the Phantasma blockchain will not know what you are trying to do.

These functions, .callContract and .callInterop, are your bread and butter for creating new scripts.

.callContract(contractName: string, methodName: string, [arguments]: array)

.callInterop(functionName: string, [arguments]: array)

  • You can find out all the diffrent .callInterop functions below.

  • For .callContract, you will have to look through the ABI's of all the diffrent smart contracts currently deployed on the Phantasma 'mainnet': Link Here


//Creating a new Script Builder Object
let sb = new phantasmaJS.ScriptBuilder();

//Here is an example of a Transactional Script
    .allowGas(fromAddress, sb.nullAddress, gasPrice, gasLimit)
    .callInterop("Runtime.TransferTokens", ['fromAddress', 'toAddress', 'KCAL', 10000000000]) //10000000000 = 1 KCAL

--- OR ----

//Here is an example of a non Transactional Script

    .callContract('account', 'LookUpName', ['accountName'])

Interop Functions:

Here are some Interop functions that are used to interact with the core functionality of the Phantasma blockchain. Use these inside your script to add extra functionality.

sb.callInterop("Runtime.MintTokens", [from: string, target: string, tokenSymbol: string , amount: number]); //Used for Fungible Tokens
sb.callInterop("Runtime.TransferTokens", [from: string, to: string, tokenSymbol: string, amount: number]); //Used for Fungible Tokens
sb.callInterop("Runtime.TransferBalance", [from: string, to: string, tokenSymbol: string]);
sb.callInterop("Runtime.TransferToken", [from: string, to: string, tokenSymbol: string, tokenId: number]); //Used for Non Fungible Tokens
sb.callInterop("Runtime.SendTokens", [destinationChain: string, from: string, to: string, tokenSymbol: string, amount: number); //Used for Fungible Tokens
sb.callInterop("Runtime.SendToken", [destinationChain: string, from: string, to: string, tokenSymbol: string, tokenId: number]); //Used for Non Fungible Tokens
sb.callInterop("Runtime.DeployContract", [from: string, contractName: string, pvm: hexString, abi: hexString]);

Building a Transaction

To build a transaction you will first need to build a script.

Note, building a Transaction is for transactional scripts only. Non transactional scripts should use the RPC function RPC.invokeRawScript(chainInput: string, scriptData: string)

async function sendTransaction() {
        let privateKey = 'yourPrivateKey'; //In Hex Format

        let fromAddress = 'yourPublicWalletAddress';
        let toAddress = 'addressYourSendingTo';

        //Creating a new Script Builder Object
        let sb = new phantasmaJS.ScriptBuilder();
        let gasPrice = 10000; 
        let gasLimit = 21000;

        //Creating RPC Connection **(Needs To Be Updated)
        let RPC = new phantasmaJS.PhantasmaAPI('', '', 'mainnet');

        //Making a Script
        let script = sb
            .allowGas(fromAddress, sb.nullAddress, gasPrice, gasLimit)
            .callInterop("Runtime.TransferTokens", [fromAddress, toAddress, 'KCAL', 10000000000]) //10000000000 = 1 KCAL

        //Used to set expiration date
        let expiration = 5; //This is in miniutes
        let getTime = new Date();
        let date = new Date(getTime.getTime() + expiration * 60000);

        let payload = '7068616e7461736d612d7473' //Says 'Phantasma-ts' in hex

        //Creating New Transaction Object
        let transaction = new phantasmaJS.Transaction(
            'testnet',  //Nexus Name - if you're using mainnet change it to mainnet
            'main',     //Chain
            script,     //In string format
            expiration, //Date Object
            payload     //Extra Info to attach to Transaction in Serialized Hex

        //Sign's Transaction with Private Key
        await transaction.sign(privateKey);

        //Send Transaction
        let txHash = await RPC.sendRawTransaction(transaction.toString(true));

        //Return Transaction Hash
        return txHash;

Staking SOUL

This is an example how to stake SOUL

async function stakeSOUL() {
        let privateKey = 'yourPrivateKey'; //In Hex Format

        let fromAddress = 'yourPublicWalletAddress'; // Phantasma Public Address

        //Creating a new Script Builder Object
        let sb = new phantasmaJS.ScriptBuilder();
        let gasPrice = 10000; 
        let gasLimit = 21000;
        let amount =  String(100 * 10**8); // 100 the amount - 10**8 it's to get the decimals to the desired amount
        // Soul has 8 decimals places.

        //Creating RPC Connection **(Needs To Be Updated)
        let RPC = new phantasmaJS.PhantasmaAPI('', '', 'testnet');

        //Making a Script
        let script = sb
            .allowGas(fromAddress, sb.nullAddress, gasPrice, gasLimit)
            .callContract("stake", "stake", [fromAddress, amount]) 

        //Used to set expiration date
        let expiration = 5; //This is in miniutes
        let getTime = new Date();
        let date = new Date(getTime.getTime() + expiration * 60000);

        let payload = '7068616e7461736d612d7473' //Says 'Phantasma-ts' in hex

        //Creating New Transaction Object
        let transaction = new phantasmaJS.Transaction(
            'testnet',  //Nexus Name - if you're using mainnet change it to mainnet
            'main',     //Chain
            script,     //In string format
            expiration, //Date Object
            payload     //Extra Info to attach to Transaction in Serialized Hex

        //Sign's Transaction with Private Key
        await transaction.sign(privateKey);

        let transactionSigned = transaction.toString(true);

        //Send Transaction
        let txHash = await RPC.sendRawTransaction(transactionSigned);

        //Return Transaction Hash
        return txHash;

Deploying a Contract

async function deployContract() {
    //Wallet Stuff
    let privateKey = 'privateKey'; //In Hex Format
    let fromAddress = 'publicAddress';

    //Contract Stuff
    let pvm = 'PVM HEX String';
    let abi = 'ABI HEX String';
    let gasPrice = 10000; 
    let gasLimit = 21000;
    let contractName = 'ContractName' //Whatever you want

    //Creating a new Script Builder Object
    let sb = new phantasmaJS.ScriptBuilder();

    //New RPC and Peers Needed
    //Creating RPC Connection, use ('', '', 'testnet') for testing
    let RPC = new phantasmaJS.PhantasmaAPI('', '', 'mainnet');

    //Making a Script
    let script = sb
        .allowGas(fromAddress, sb.nullAddress, gasPrice, gasLimit)
        .callInterop("Runtime.DeployContract", [fromAddress, contractName, pvm, abi])

    //Used to set expiration date
    let expiration = 5; //This is in miniutes
    let getTime = new Date();
    let date = new Date((getTime.getTime() + expiration * 60000));
    //Setting Temp Payload
    let payload = "MyApp";

    //Creating New Transaction Object
    let transaction = new phantasmaJS.Transaction(
        'testnet',  //Nexus Name
        'main',     //Chain
        script,     //In string format
        expiration, //Date Object
        payload     //Extra Info to attach to Transaction in Serialized Hex

    //Deploying Contract Requires POW -- Use a value of 5 to increase the hash difficulty by at least 5

    //Signs Transaction with your private key

    let transactionSigned = transaction.toString(true);

    //Sends Transaction
    let txHash = await RPC.sendRawTransaction(transactionSigned);

    //Returns Transaction Hash
    return txHash;

Scanning the blockchain for incoming transactions

const { phantasmaJS } = require('phantasma-ts')

let RPC = new phantasmaJS.PhantasmaAPI('', '', 'mainnet');

// Store the current height of the chain
let currentHeight = 1;

let chainName = 'main';

function onTransactionReceived(address, symbol, amount) {

// Function that periodically checks the height of the chain and fetches the latest block if the height has increased
async function checkForNewBlocks() {
  // Get the current height of the chain
  let newHeight = await RPC.getBlockHeight(chainName);

  // Check if the height has increased
  if (newHeight > currentHeight) {
    // Fetch the latest block
    let latestBlock = await RPC.getBlockByHeight(chainName, newHeight);
	// Check all transactions in this block
	for (i = 0; i < latestBlock.txs.length; i++)
		let tx = latestBlock.txs[i];

		// Check all events in this transaction
		for (j = 0; j <; j++)
			let evt =[j];
			if (evt.kind == 'TokenReceive') {
				var data = phantasmaJS.getTokenEventData(;
				onTransactionReceived(evt.address, data.symbol, data.value);

    // Update the current height of the chain
    currentHeight = newHeight;

  // Repeat this process after a delay
  setTimeout(checkForNewBlocks, 1000);

// Start checking for new blocks

Using RPC

let RPC = new phantasmaJS.PhantasmaAPI('', '', 'mainnet');


  • RPC.JSONRPC(method: string, params: Array<any>); <- Used to make any Phantasma RPC call
  • RPC.updateRpc()
  • RPC.setRpcHost(rpcHost: string)
  • RPC.setRpcByName(rpcName: string)
  • RPC.setNexus(nexus: string)
  • RPC.convertDecimals(amount: number, decimals: number)

All RPC Function Calls:

await RPC.getAccount(account: string); //Returns the account name and balance of given address.
await RPC.lookUpName(name: string); //Returns the address that owns a given name.
await RPC.getBlockHeight(chainInput: string); //Returns the height of a chain.
await RPC.getBlockTransactionCountByHash(blockHash: string); //Returns the number of transactions of given block hash or error if given hash is invalid or is not found.
await RPC.getBlockByHash(blockHash: string); //Returns information about a block by hash.
await RPC.getRawBlockByHash(blockHash: string); //Returns a serialized string, containing information about a block by hash.
await RPC.getBlockByHeight(chainInput: string, height: number); //Returns information about a block by height and chain.
await RPC.getRawBlockByHeight(chainInput: string, height: number); //Returns a serialized string, in hex format, containing information about a block by height and chain.
await RPC.getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(blockHash: string, index: number); //Returns the information about a transaction requested by a block hash and transaction index.
await RPC.getAddressTransactions(account: string, page: number, pageSize: number); //Returns last X transactions of given address.
await RPC.getAddressTransactionCount(account: string, chainInput: string); //Get number of transactions in a specific address and chain.
await RPC.sendRawTransaction(txData: string); //Allows to broadcast a signed operation on the network, but it&apos;s required to build it manually.
await RPC.invokeRawScript(chainInput: string, scriptData: string); //Allows to invoke script based on network state, without state changes.
await RPC.getTransaction(hashText: string); //Returns information about a transaction by hash.
await RPC.cancelTransaction(hashText: string); //Removes a pending transaction from the mempool.
await RPC.getChains(); //Returns an array of all chains deployed in Phantasma.
await RPC.getNexus(); //Returns info about the nexus.
await RPC.getOrganization(ID: string); //Returns info about an organization.
await RPC.getLeaderboard(name: string); //Returns content of a Phantasma leaderboard.
await RPC.getTokens(); //Returns an array of tokens deployed in Phantasma.
await RPC.getToken(symbol: string); //Returns info about a specific token deployed in Phantasma.
await RPC.getTokenData(symbol: string, IDtext: string); //Returns data of a non-fungible token, in hexadecimal format.
await RPC.getTokenBalance(account: string, tokenSymbol: string, chainInput: string); //Returns the balance for a specific token and chain, given an address.
await RPC.getAuctionsCount(chainAddressOrName: string, symbol: string); //Returns the number of active auctions.
await RPC.getAuctions(chainAddressOrName: string, symbol: string, page: number, pageSize: number); //Returns the auctions available in the market.
await RPC.getAuction(chainAddressOrName: string, symbol: string, IDtext: string); //Returns the auction for a specific token.
await RPC.getArchive(hashText: string)getArchive(hashText: string); //Returns info about a specific archive.
await RPC.writeArchive(hashText: string, blockIndex: number, blockContent: string); //Writes the contents of an incomplete archive.
await RPC.getABI(chainAddressOrName: string, contractName: string); //Returns the ABI interface of specific contract.
await RPC.getPeers(); //Returns list of known peers.
await RPC.relaySend(receiptHex: string); //Writes a message to the relay network.
await RPC.relayReceive(account: string); //Receives messages from the relay network.
await RPC.getEvents(account: string); //Reads pending messages from the relay network.
await RPC.getPlatforms(); //Returns an array of available interop platforms. 
await RPC.getValidators(); //Returns an array of available validators.
await RPC.settleSwap(sourcePlatform: string, destPlatform: string, hashText: string); //Tries to settle a pending swap for a specific hash.
await RPC.getSwapsForAddressOld(account: string); //Returns platform swaps for a specific address.
await RPC.getSwapsForAddress(account: string, platform: string); //Returns platform swaps for a specific address. 
await RPC.getNFT(symbol: string, nftId: string); //Returns info of a nft.


PhantasmaLink is a core connecting piece that allows you to interact with Phantasma based Wallets. PhantasmaLink is a building block to help you connect with wallets, however if you are more interested in using a more simple plug and play product, please see EasyConnect <- Super Useful

Since phantasmaLink is a Class we are going to initiate a new phantasmaLink object.

let dappID = "Dapp Name";   //This is just the name you want to give the connection
let consoleLogging = true;  //This is if you want console logging for Debugging Purposes [Default is set to true]

let link = new PhantasmaLink(dappID, consoleLogging); 


  • Callback - Function that gets called on after a success
  • onErrorCallback - Function that gets called on after a failure
  • Script - A set of instructions for that PhantasmaChain to decode that lies inside of a transaction object See ScriptBuilder
  • Nexus - The chain on Phantasma that is being used: Either 'mainnet' or 'testnet'
  • Payload - Extra data attached to a transaction object
  • ProviderHint - Tells PhantasmaLink which wallet you intend to connect with


link.login(onLoginCallback, onErrorCallback, providerHint);  //Provider Hint can be 'ecto' or 'poltergeist'
link.invokeScript(script, callback);  //Allows you to do a ReadOnly script operation on the Phantasma Blockchain (Sends results as an Argument to Callback Function)
link.signTx(nexus, script, payload, callback, onErrorCallback);  //Signs a Transaction via Wallet (payload can be Null) (Sends results as an Argument to Callback Function)
link.signTxPow(nexus, script, payload, proofOfWork, callback, onErrorCallback);  //Signs a Transaction via Wallet with ProofOfWork Attached (Used for Contract Deployment)

//ProofOfWork Enum
enum ProofOfWork {
    None = 0,
    Minimal = 5,
    Moderate = 15,
    Hard = 19,
    Heavy = 24,
    Extreme = 30
link.getPeer(callback, onErrorCallback); //Get's the peer list for the currently connected network
link.signData(data, callback, onErrorCallback);  //Allows you to sign some data via your Wallet (Sends results as an Argument to Callback Function)
link.toggleMessageLogging();  //Toggles Console Message Logging 
link.dappID();  //Returns DappID
link.sendLinkRequest(request, callback);  //Used internally and sends wallet instructions through socket, you probably won't use it unless you know what your doing
link.createSocket();  //Used internally to connect to wallet, you probably won't use it unless you know what your doing
link.retry();         //Used internally to retry socket connection, you probably won't use it unless you know what your doing
link.disconnect(message); //Disconnects From Socket (You can add a reason with the Message Argument)

Exsample Code

Here is some example code to initate a wallet connection.

let link = new PhantasmaLink("Dapp"); //"Dapp" is just whatever name you want to give your application 

//Use this code snippet to connect to a phantasma wallet 
link.login(function (success) {
            //Console Logging for Debugging Purposes
            if (success) {
                console.log('Connected to account ' + this.account.address + ' via ' + this.wallet);
            } else {
                console.log('Connection Failed');
        }, (data) => {console.log(data)}, 'ecto'); //Swap out ecto for 'poltergeist' if wanting to connect to Poltergeist Wallet


EasyConnect is a plug and play wrapper for PhantasmaLink that makes creating a DApp simple and easy.

Since EasyConnect is a Class we are going to initiate a new EasyConnect object.

//Optional Arguments [ requiredVersion: number, platform: string, providerHint: string]
let link = new EasyConnect(); //Has Optional Arguments input as Array

Core Functions

link.connect(onSuccess, onFail); //Has two optional callback functions, one for Success and one for Failure
link.disconnect(_message: string); //Allows you to disconnect from the wallet with a desired message
link.signTransaction(script: string, payload: string, onSuccess, onFail); //Used to send a transaction to Wallet
link.signData(data:any, onSuccess, onFail); //Allows you to sign data with a wallet keypair
link.setConfig(_provider: string); //Allows you to set wallet provider, 'auto', 'ecto', 'poltergeist' (Default is already set to 'auto')
//Allows Async aswell
link.query(_type: string, _arguments: Array<string>, _callback); //Allows you to query connected wallet/account information (arguments and callback are optional)
//Allows Async aswell
link.action(_type: string, _arguments: Array<string>, _callback); //Allows you to send a specified action quickly
//Allows Async aswell
link.script.buildScript(_type: string, _arguments: Array<string>, _callback); //Allows you to quickly create a script with only arguments
// Script Types
// 'interact', [contractName, methodName, [arguments]]
// 'invoke', [contractName, methodName, [arguments]]
// 'interop', [interopName, [arguments]]
link.invokeScript(script: string, _callback); //Allows you to query data from smart contracts on Phantasma (Non Transactional)
link.deployContract(script: string, payload:string, proofOfWork, onSuccess, onFail) //Allows you to deploy a contract script

//Proof of Work Enum
export enum ProofOfWork {
    None = 0,
    Minimal = 5,
    Moderate = 15,
    Hard = 19,
    Heavy = 24,
    Extreme = 30

Query Function

The Query function is an async function that also allows you to use callbacks. You can use it is a promise, or in a chain!

await link.query('account'); //Retrieves all connected wallet account information
await link.query('name'); //Retrieves registered name associated with connect wallet
await link.query('balances'); //Shows complete token balance accociated with connected wallet
await link.query('walletAddress'); //Shows connected wallet address
await link.query('avatar'); //Shows connected wallet avatar

Action Function

The Action function is an async function that also allows you to use callbacks. You can use it is a promise, or in a chain!

await link.action('sendFT', [fromAddress:string, toAddress:string, tokenSymbol:string, amount:number]); //Send Fungible Token
await link.action('sendNFT', [fromAddress:string, toAddress:string, tokenSymbol:string, tokenID:number]); //Send Non Fungible Token

Easy Script Create

(WIP) Allows you to generate scripts quickly.

async buildScript(_type: string, _options: Array<any>);
// Script Types
// 'interact', [contractName, methodName, [arguments]]
// 'invoke', [contractName, methodName, [arguments]]
// 'interop', [interopName, [arguments]]


A TypeScript SDK for the Phantasma blockchain







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