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Code for the paper "Meta-Reinforcement Learning by Tracking Task Non-stationarity" (IJCAI 2021)

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Code for the paper "Meta-Reinforcement Learning by Tracking Task Non-Stationarity" - IJCAI 2021


The code is developed mainly with PyTorch.
The main requirements can be found in requirements.txt. For the MuJoCo experiments you need to install MuJoCo. You also need to install requirements specified in ikostrikov/pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr-gail/.


The main training loops for the methods are found in learner.
Folder ppo contains implementation of PPO and policy models and it is mainly based on the work presented by ikostrikov/pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr-gail/. Check their repository and follow their installation process.
Folder inference contains inference networks models and utils.
Folder task contains task generators, you may want to look examples here in the case in which you need to run the code on other environments.
Folder configs contains details on all the hyper parameters used to train each of our proposed algorithms. Each training script will be executed under these configurations. It is possible to modify parameters by changing the flags.

Running experiments

In order to train Thomson sampling, RL2, and Bayes optimal policy you can type:
python --env-type ant_goal --algo rl2
This will train RL2 on the ant environment using the hyper-parameters specified in the corresponding config file.
--algo may be rl2, ts, bayes.
--env-type may be one of the following options: cheetah_vel, ant_goal, golf, golf_signals. In the case of golf_signals, you can specify the number of additional latent variables as --golf-num-signals.

Policy and inference networks will be automatically stored in result/env_name/algo_name/current_timestamp/.

Once you have trained a policy for a given environment, you can launch the meta-testing script on its meta-test sequences. For instance, you can type python --task-len 1 --num-test-processes 50 --n-jobs 1. --task-len 1 should be set to 1 for MuJoCo experiments, and 4 for MiniGolf. --bayes-folder, --ts-folder and --rl2-folder are used to specify the folders in which training policies and inference networks are stored. --output-folder is used to specify the folders in which results will be stored. When running the MiniGolf robustness experiment, --bayes-sigx-folder is used to specify the folder of TRIO-Bayes trained on the environment with x additional signals. For x=0 use --bayes-folder.
If you trained more policy for each environment, each policy of each algorithm will be used for the tested environment, results will be averaged and stored on a CSV file together with the standard deviations. Moreover, raw data will be dumped on a 'pickle' file.
Please, note that meta-test scripts assumes that you trained at least a policy for each of the 3 algorithms. The scripts requires that the input folder for each of the algorithm (i.e. bayes, ts, and rl2) are folders containing at least a folder obtained via the training scripts. Also, if you stored results in different folders, you need to specify the correct folders where to find trained policies and inference networks.

For what concerns results MAML and VariBAD, we used the code available at tristandeleu/pytorch-maml-rl and lmzintgraf/varibad respectively, with small modifications in order to meta-test specific sequences of tasks. We provide modified code for both cases in two zip folder within the repository. You need to follow their installation process to get things working.
For VariBAD, once the models has been trained as in the original repository, you can launch python to obtain test results. For instance, python --env-type cheetah_vel_varibad --input-main-folder cheetah_varibad/ --has-done 0 --num-test-processes 50 --task-len 1 --noise-seq-var 0.01 --output cheetah_varibad/ launches the script to obtain HalfCheetahVel results.
For MAML, once the models has been trained as in the original repository, you can launch python to obtain test results. For instance, python --num-steps 5 --num-workers 8 --output cheetah_test --input-main-folder cheetah_train/ --seq-std 0.01 --fast-batch-size 50 launches the script for HalfCheetahVel environment. input-main-folder is a folder that contains all the folders generated by the training scripts launched for that environment.

All the code we provided has not been tested on GPUs. Random seeds has been used to train and test the algorithms.

Visualizing results

Once you have obtained the results for each of the method utilities/plots/ contains utilities to generate and merge CSV files from raw data. You can visualize CSV results with the tool you prefer.


Code for the paper "Meta-Reinforcement Learning by Tracking Task Non-stationarity" (IJCAI 2021)







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