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How to Configure

rich-murphey edited this page Jul 29, 2019 · 7 revisions

Selecting Columns for Output

The command line option, -col normal, selects the column set named 'normal' shown below. This is also the default if no -col option is specified.

Below 'normal:' is a set of columns for output. The numbers are the fixed width of columns on standard output (CSV export has no limit). The complete list of the column sets is shown in Default YAML Configuration File.

    - [title, 20]
    - [category, 4]
    - [status, 7]

Metadata has a tree structure. To select individual values, lists or dictionaries, use jsonpath syntax.

In the column set below, 'owners[*].emailAddress' a list of the owner email addresses. 20 is the fixed width of the column on standard output.

    - [status, 7]
    - ['owners[*].emailAddress', 20]
    - [fullpath, 50]

Column titles are specified under the csv_title key, below. Each item translates a column value to a column title. Names containing spaces or delimiters must be quoted.

  status:  Status
  'owners[*].emailAddress':  Owners
  fullpath:  Full Path

Metadata Names

Example raw metadata shows a variety of available metadata. They include:

CSV Columns Description
title File name
category one of: doc, xls, ppt, text, pdf, image, audio, video or other
modifiedDate Last Modified Time (UTC)
lastViewedByMeDate Time Last Viewed by Account Holder (UTC)
md5Checksum MD5 digest of remote file. None if file is a native Google Apps Document.
md5Match 'match' if local and remote MD5s match, else time difference.
fileSize Number of bytes in file
sizeMatch 'match' if local and remote sizes match, else %local/remote.
revision Number of available revisions
ownerNames A list of owner user names
createdDate Created Time (UTC)
mimeType MIME file type
path File path in Google Drive
id Unique Google Drive File ID
shared Is shared in Google Drive to other users (true/false)

Google Drive Credentials

The configuration file also specifies the location of credentials for Google Drive and Ouath API access.

Name Description
gdrive_auth file path of Google Drive account authorization. Ignored if provided on command line.
oauth_id file path of Google Oauth Client ID credentials. (App's permission to use API).

See the Default YAML Configuration File for more details.

HTTP Proxy

To optionally relay kumodd access though an HTTP proxy, specify the proxy in config/config.yml:

  port: 8888 (optional)
  user: username (optional)
  pass: password (optional)