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How to Install

rich-murphey edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 3 revisions

Kumodd is a command line utility.

Installing Kmodd on Windows

To install Kumodd on Windows, download kumodd.exe from the kumodd release page. Note that the 'Source code' files are not required. kumodd.exe is a standalone windows command line utility.

Next, move kumodd.exe to C:\Windows. Moving it to C:\Windows will ensure it is in the default path, and as a result, is avialable on the command line in a CMD or powershell window.

Then, open a cmd shell or powershell, and run it.

kumodd --helpfull

Installing Kmodd on Unix

To setup kumodd, install python 3 and git, then install kumodd and its requirements.

On Debian or Ubuntu:

apt install python3 git diff
git clone
cd kumodd
python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
kumodd --helpfull

Setup Kmodd on Windows or Unix

To access Google Drive, two credentails are required: 1) an Oauth ID required to access the Google API, and 2) an authorization for the specifiic Google Drive account.

  1. Obtain a Google Oauth client ID (required to access the Google Drive API):

    1. Create a free google cloud account.
    2. Login to your Google cloud account.
    3. Create a Project.
    4. Create Oauth2 API credential for the project.
    5. Click "Create Credentials" and select "Oauth client ID".
    6. Select the radio button "Web Application".
    7. In "Authorized redirect URIs", enter: http://localhost:8080
    8. Click "create". Next, a dialog "OAuth client" will pop up.
    9. Click OK. Next, it will show the list of "Oauth 2.0 client IDs".
    10. Click the down arrow icon at far right of the new ID. The ID will download.
    11. Copy the downloaded ID it to kumodd/config/gdrive.json.
  2. Authorize kumodd to access the specific Google Drive account:

    The first time kumodd is used (e.g. kumodd -l all), it will open the login page in a web browser.

    1. Login to the cloud account. Next, it will request approval.
    2. Click "Approve". Next, kumodd stores the Oauth token in config/gdrive.dat.

    If there is no local browser, or if --nobrowser is used, kumodd will instead print a URL of the login page.

    1. Copy the URL and paste it into a browser.
    2. Login to the cloud account. Next, it will request approval.
    3. Click "Approve". Next, the page will show an access token.
    4. Copy the token from the web page. Paste it into kumodd, and press enter. Next, kumodd saves the Oauth token in config/gdrive.dat.

    Once authorized, the login page will not be shown again unless the token expires or config/gdrive.dat is deleted.