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A .NET library that wraps the Win32 Task Dialog API.

Message Box

For a simple message box use the static method TaskDialog.Show:

TaskDialogResult result = TaskDialog.Show(parent, "Main Instruction", "Content",
if (result == TaskDialogResult.Yes)
    // ....

Simple Message Box

For more advanced usages, such as displaying a footer, verification check box, etc... Construct an instance of TaskDialog and set its properties:

TaskDialog dlg = new TaskDialog(parent, "Main Instruction", "Content");
dlg.VerificationText = "Verification Text";
dlg.FooterText = "Footer Text";
dlg.FooterIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information;
dlg.Buttons = TaskDialogButton.None;
dlg.CustomButtons = new TaskDialogCustomButton[]
    new TaskDialogCustomButton((int)TaskDialogResult.Yes, "Okay"),
    new TaskDialogCustomButton((int)TaskDialogResult.No, "No way"),
    new TaskDialogCustomButton(101, "Later")

TaskDialogResult result = dlg.Show(out bool verificationChecked);
if (result == TaskDialogResult.Yes)
    // ...

Advanced Message Box

Progress Dialog

When the progress dialog is passed a System.Threading.Tasks.Task it will be displayed until the task is complete, throws an exception or is canceled. It supports both Task and Task<T>.

If you can provide a method that creates the task then its as simple as:

    // ProgressDialog.Show will pass a CancellationToken and a progress object to the delegate
    int result = ProgressDialog.Show((c, p) => MyMethodAsync(c, p), parent, "Main Instruction", "Content");
    // Do something with result...
catch (OperationCanceledException)
    // The user clicked the cancel button
catch (Exeception e)
    // The task threw an exception

// Dummy async method
private async Task<int> MyMethodAsync(CancellationToken cancellation, IProgress<ProgressDialogProgressInfo> progress)
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

        progress.Report(new ProgressDialogProgressInfo()
            Content = $"step {i}",

        await Task.Delay(1000);

    return 123;

Progress Dialog

To display a progres dialog for an already running task or existing cancellation token do:

// Create the cancellation token (optional)
using (CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource())
    // Create the progress info (optional)
    ProgressDialogProgressInfo progressInfo = new ProgressDialogProgressInfo();

    // Start the task
    Task<int> task = TestAsync(cts.Token, new Progress<ProgressDialogProgressInfo>(p => progressInfo.SetFrom(p)));

        // Display the progress dialog - it wont display if the task is already complete
        int result = ProgressDialog.Show(task, parent, "Main Instruction", "Content", cts, progressInfo);

        // Do something with result...
    catch (OperationCanceledException)
        // The user clicked the cancel button
    catch (Exeception e)
        // The task threw an exception

Notes about WPF and the parent window

The methods can take the HWND of the parent window as an IntPtr. If you pass IntPtr.Zero the message/progress dialog will have no parent (meaning that it will go behind your window).

In WPF you can obtain the HWND for a window using the System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper class, such as:

// Get the HWND of the WPF window
WindowInteropHelper helper = new WindowInteropHelper(myWpfWindow);

// Display a message box where its parent will be the WPF window
TaskDialog.Show(helper.Handle, "Main Instruction", "Content");


.NET Wrapper over Win32 TaskDialog. Including progress dialog that supports System.Threading.Tasks.Task.







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