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FLying is A Privelege


FLAP is a non-judgemental system/process for reducing global air travel in order to help save the planet. This repository includes an implementation of the core FLAP algorithm together with a modelling tool to exercise it and other information about FLAP. For a gentle introduction please go to .

Getting Started

The best way to get started with FLAP is to install and run the modelling tool, flapmodel, on Linux. Follow these steps.

  1. Install and set up a Golang development environment (see ) and go to the golang source folder you have set up:

     cd $GOPATH/src	
  2. Install and build flap:

     go get ""
     go build
  3. Create directories and download data files:

     mkdir working
     mkdir data
     cd data
     cd ..
  4. Build the model:

     ./flapmodel --configfile=../../configs/default.yaml build
  5. Run the model:

     ./flapmodel --configfile=../../configs/default.yaml run
  6. Explore the results:

     ls working/*.csv

Use "flapmodel --help" and view comments in "pkg/configs/default.yaml" to explore ways of varying the model.

Note you do not need to rebuild the model for every run.

Getting Around

This section summarizes what you will find in each top level folder of the FLAP GIT respository.


Contains flapwhitepaper.pdf, a white paper that explains the FLAP idea in detail.


This a full implementation of the functionality as defined in Sections 2-3 of the white paper and implemented consistent with Section 4.

The three core processes defined in Section 4 can be involved via two public functions

  • Engine.SubmitFlights - Flight data processing.
  • Engine.UpdateAndBackfill - Trip completion enforcement and backfilling.

In a full deployment the first of these would be driven by REST interfaces invoked by airline systems. For example usage see pkg/model/engine.go.

Note this package has good working test coverage. Use "go test" to invoke.


Ths is a package containing database implementations for use by pkg/flap encapsulated behind simple key/value-store style interfaces. As of now there is only support for a single database technology - leveldb - which is suitable for modelling purposes only.

Note this package has good working test coverage. Use "go test" to invoke.


This is a package for modelling FLAP behaviour by exercising pkg/flap with realistic data for thousands/millions of travellers. It is driven by genuine data about world airports and the routes between them as curated by For example usage see cmd/flapmodel/main.go

Note this package has limited but useful and valid test coverage. Use "go test" to invoke.


This is a modelling tool for build and running different models using pkg/model and pkg/flap. It is the best starting point for anyone interested in FLAP. See Getting Started.


Contained example and documented configuration files to use with flapmodel. See Getting Started.


This contains all the website content published to .