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A (very) small collection of directives to help with the loading of images.


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Angular Image Utils


A (very) small collection of directives to help with the loading of images. Will be adding more as I think of them.


Currently available on bower. Hoping to make it available on NPM also.

bower install angular-image-utils --save

Lodash is also required for debouncing window resize events. It's not a hard requirement but without it your browser may struggle to keep up with the hundreds of function calls that get fired on resize. This depends very much on how many images you are loading and whether you're concerned with the user resizing the browser before the images have loaded, it's at your discretion. Just in case you want to though (and you should cause lodash is amazing) lodash is defined as a dependency in bower so it's as simple as loading it before you load this script.



Setting the width and height attributes on an image can be desirable if you have something like a grid of images. Unfortunately even if you can return width and height of images before you load the image in the users browser setting these attributes will often overflow thier bounds.

This is a simple little directive which dynamically sets those attributes while the image loads and removes those attributes once it that is done to restore the natural flow.

<img iu-sizes iu-width="1024" iu-height="768" ng-src="{{image}}" />

Which before load in a parent container that is 500px wide will yield:

<img iu-sizes width="500" height="375" iu-width="1024" iu-height="768" src="..." ng-src="..." />

As mentioned before, after load those width and height attributes will be removed.

You can also get the sizes to be applied to a parent element and then have them removed when a child element triggers the load event.

<div iu-sizes iu-width="1024" iu-height="768">
  <img iu-sizes-element ng-src="..." />


Inserts a small user-defined string at the end of the images parent container.


  <img iu-spinner iu-template-string="<span class='spinner'></div>" ng-src="..." />

Will compile to:

<div class="iu-load">
  <img iu-spinner iu-template-string="<span class='spinner'></div>" ng-src="..." />
  <span class='spinner'></div>

Notice how the iu-load class was added to the class. The iu-spinner directive will add this class on link() when the onload event is triggered on the image element a further iu-complete class is added so that you may do things like hide the spinner or trigger animations.

So to clarify, when the image has loaded the HTML will look like this:

<div class="iu-load iu-complete">
  <img iu-spinner iu-template-string="<span class='spinner'></div>" ng-src="..." />
  <span class='spinner'></div>

You can customize the class names. Refer to the API below.

You can also get the spinner to attach to a parent container and then be removed in a similar way to iu-sizes.

<div iu-spinner iu-template-string="<span class='spinner'></div>">
  <img iu-sizes-element ng-src="..." />



  • iu-width: The original width of the image in pixels. Required.
  • iu-height: The original width of the image in pixels. Required.
  • iu-scale-up: Boolean to override the default behaviour of not up-scaling images. Optional.


  • iu-template-string: The template to insert into the bottom of the parent container. Optional if iu-template-url is specified.
  • iu-template-url: Dynamically loads a template to insert into the bottom of the parent container via Angular's $http service. Optional if iu-template-string is specified.
  • iu-parent-selector: A CSS selector that matches which parent you want the loading classes to be applied to. If not found or not set, it's applied to the immediate parent. Optional.
  • iu-load-class: Change class that is added to the parent when the link() function on the directive is called. Optional. Default iu-load.
  • iu-complete-class: Change class that is added to the parent when the image element finished loading. Optional. Default iu-complete.
  • iu-error-class: Change class that is added to the parent when the image element fails to load. Optional. Default iu-error.
  • iu-error-replace-string: A custom string that will replace the image if it fails to load. Optional.
  • iu-error-replace-url: A custom template URL that will replace the image if it fails to load. Optional.


  • Restrict iu-spinner and iu-sizes to attributes, not elements.
  • Add to NPM directory.
  • Add ngDocs.


  1. Use bower to pull down frontend test dependencies. bower install.
  2. Install the dependencies specified in package.json. npm install.
  3. Run the tests with npm. npm test or gulp gulp test.
  4. Run the build with gulp build.


A (very) small collection of directives to help with the loading of images.







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