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Richard Willars edited this page Sep 19, 2016 · 3 revisions

Whenever something happens on Thinglator an event is triggered and logged. All these events can be accessed using a REST API.

For example, an API request is received to turn a lightbulb on - this is the event that is created:

    "value": {
            "brightness": 0.50,
            "saturation": 1,
            "hue": 229.99679560540167245

If you call GET /event/device then this event (along with any others) would be returned in a JSON array in order of occurrence. This API could be used to keep a home automation user interface up to date (the above event has enough information to show that the Lifx lightbulb is on and blue at a brightness of 50%). All events are consistent - it wouldn't matter if this was a Lifx or Philips Hue lightbulb, the event would look exactly the same.

###GET event/:eventType _E.g. GET event/device

Returns a list of device events in order of occurrence.

An optional (but recommended) query parameter of ?from=:eventId can be used to paginate the requests (it will then only return events that occurred after the specified event id). This is useful to avoid re-downloading and re-processing events that have already been dealt with.

_E.g. GET event/device?from=57b878ac4e861754ee019bf8

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