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Step 08 - Go Live

Now let's finalize and go live

1. Touch Ups

Change icon, app title, and some small updates.

Not necessary to explain details in this step. Just check out the code should be fine.

2. Build

npm run build

The command generate everything needed into build/ folder.

Remember to set homepage in your package.json if publishing to a relative path

3. Publish

This app is built completely in HTML/JS/CSS, no backend server needed. Just a static file hosting will do. Here we choose Amazon S3.

In Step 02 we created an AWS Mobile Hub project. During that step we have created everything that we needed for this app.

Go to AWS Console -> Mobile Hub. Click Resources on the top-right corner. Look for "Amazon S3 Buckets", then find the bucket that has hosting inside its name.

Upload files under build/ folder to this bucket. Then open in browser. We are live!