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EOD #107

Workflow file for this run

# For help debugging build failures open an issue on the RStudio community with the 'github-actions' tag.
name: test_code
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Set up Git repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install Boost
run: sudo apt install -qq libboost-all-dev
- name: Install Qt
uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3
- name: Setup ImageMagick
uses: mfinelli/setup-imagemagick@v1
- name: qmake tests without graphviz
run: qmake boost_graph_cookbook_1/
- name: make tests without graphviz
run: make --silent debug
- name: run tests without graphviz
run: ./boost_graph_cookbook_1_test_no_graphviz
- name: What do we have here?
run: ls
- name: Install codecov
run: sudo pip install codecov
- name: Move function notes
run: |
cp debug/*.gcda .
cp debug/*.gcno .
cp debug/*.o .
- name: Get code coverage notes
run : ./ >/dev/null
- name: Get code coverage
run : codecov >/dev/null
- name: Submit code coverage to codecov
run : bash <(curl -s > /dev/null
# Not yet
# - name: Setup Graphviz
# uses: ts-graphviz/setup-graphviz@v1
# # gdb
# - sudo apt install -qq gdb
# # ImageMagick
# - sudo apt-get install -qq imagemagick graphviz gsfonts
# - sudo apt-get install -qq gcc perl libltdl-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev liblcms2-dev
# - sudo apt-get install -qq libperl-dev libjpeg62-dev libbz2-dev libwmf-dev libx11-dev libxt-dev libxext-dev libxml2-dev libfreetype6-dev libexif-dev pkg-config
# # cppcheck
# - sudo apt install cppcheck
# # gdb
# - gdb -v
# # OCLint
# - ./
# - type dot
# # No GraphViz, test
# - qmake boost_graph_cookbook_1/
# - travis_wait 30 make --silent debug
# - ./boost_graph_cookbook_1_test_no_graphviz
# # No Graphviz, normal
# #- qmake boost_graph_cookbook_1/
# #- make debug
# #- ./boost_graph_cookbook_1_no_graphviz
# # Graphviz, test
# - qmake boost_graph_cookbook_1/
# - travis_wait 30 make --silent debug
# - ./boost_graph_cookbook_1_test
# # Graphviz, normal
# #- qmake boost_graph_cookbook_1/
# #- make --silent debug
# #- ./boost_graph_cookbook_1
# # cppcheck
# - cppcheck --quiet --error-exitcode=1 .
# # Call OCLint, takes to long...
# # - travis_wait 60 ./
# - pdflatex -v
# - cd ~; find . | egrep "\.tex"
# - cd ~; find . | egrep "\.log"
# - cd /usr; find . | egrep "/texlive$"
# - cd /opt; find . | egrep "/texlive$"
# - cd /; find . | egrep "/texlive$"
# #- which tlmgr
# - echo $PATH
# - cat /home/travis/build/richelbilderbeek/boost_graph_cookbook_1/boost_graph_cookbook_1/boost_graph_cookbook_1.tex