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Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. R build status CodeFactor works?

rfiglet is a pure-R implementation of FIGlet (Frank, Ian and Glenn's letters) a classic system for creating text banners in many fonts.

  .--.,                         ,--.'|_
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|  : \    `----'  |   |/        |  ,   /'--'.     /
|  |,'            '---'          ---`-'   `--'---'

There are many FIGlet compatible fonts; to keep things small, this package only includes the base set included by FIGlet

#>  * 3d_diagonal
#>  * banner
#>  * big
#>  * block
#>  * bubble
#>  * digital
#>  * ivrit
#>  * lean
#>  * mini
#>  * mnemonic
#>  * script
#>  * shadow
#>  * slant
#>  * small
#>  * smscript
#>  * smshadow
#>  * smslant
#>  * standard
#>  * term

However, several hundred extra fonts can be installed using

::::::.    :::. .::::::.:::::::::::::::.      :::      :::
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[[[  [[[[[. '[['[==/[[[[,    [[    ,[[ '[[,   [[[      [[[
$$$  $$$ "Y$c$$  '''    $    $$   c$$$cc$$$c  $$'      $$'
888  888    Y88 88b    dP    88,   888   888,o88oo,.__o88oo,.__
MMM  MMM     YM  "YMmMY"     MMM   YMM   ""` """"YUMMM""""YUMMM
remotes::install_github("richfitz/rfiglet", upgrade = FALSE)


MIT © Richard G. FitzJohn