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Added examples for 2nd half of chapter 7
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Richard Hall authored and Richard Hall committed May 3, 2012
1 parent 4e3b501 commit 0ae0cb1
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Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Contents
[Chapter 5]( - More advanced functional programming
[Chapter 6]( - Representing Networks in data and closures
[Chapter 7 (7.1 - 7.4)]( - Intro to macros

[Chapter 7 (7.5 - 7.11)]( - Intro to macros pt. 2

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152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions src/OnLisp/ch7.clj
Expand Up @@ -101,3 +101,155 @@
`(clojure.pprint/pprint (macroexpand-1 '~expr)))

(mac (our-while (atom true) (println "side effect") "Value"))

;; Section 7.5

(let [[x [y] & z] ['a ['b] 'c 'd ]]
(list x y z))

(doseq [x '(1 2 3)]
(println x))

;; this follows the same pattern as Graham's function, but because
;; map is lazy, it is never actually realized!
(defmacro our-dolist [[lst & result] & body]
`(do (map ~@body ~lst)

(macroexpand-1 (our-dolist [[1 2 3] ] #(println %)))
(macroexpand-1 (our-dolist [[1 2 3] 4] #(println %)))

(defmacro when-bind [[var expr] body]
`(let [~var ~expr]
(when ~var)
~@body ))

(when-bind [input "something"] (println input))

;; Section 7.6
(defmacro our-defmacro [name params & body]
`(defn ~name [~@params]

(macroexpand-1 '(our-defmacro test [x] (println x)(+ x 2)))

;; Section 7.7 Just because we can do a thing, it does not follow that we must do a thing

;; our desired result
(let [w 3 x 1 y 2 z nil]
(loop [x x y y]
(if (> x 10)
(do (println z) y )
(println x)
(println y)
(recur (inc x) (inc y))))))

;; the macro
(defmacro our-looper [{:keys [initial-vals
`(let [~@initial-vals]
(loop [~@loop-params]
(if ~exit-cond
(do ~exit-code
(do ~@body
(recur ~@recursion-expr))

;; how to call it
(our-looper {:initial-vals [w 3 x 1 y 2 z nil]
:body ((println x) (println y))
:loop-params [x x y y]
:recursion-expr ((inc x) (inc y))
:exit-cond (> x 10)
:exit-code (println z)
:return-val y})

;; Section 7.8
(defmacro our-and [& args]
(loop [lst args]
(= (count lst) 0) true
(= (count lst) 1) (first lst)
:else (if (first lst) (recur (rest lst)) false))))

;; section 7.9
;; if func a depends on func b and func b gets modified, func a knows about it
;; if func c depends on macro d and macro d gets modified, func c doesn't know
(defn func-a [input]
(+ input 1))

(defn func-b []
(func-a 3))

;; 4

(defn func-a [input]
(+ input 10))

;; 13

(defmacro macro-c [input]
`(+ ~input 1))

(defn func-d []
(macro-d 3))

;; 4

(defmacro macro-c [input]
`(+ ~input 10))

;; 4

;; Section 7.10
(defn second-f [x]
(first (rest x)))

(defmacro second-m [x]
`(first (rest ~x)))

(defn noisy-second-f [x]
(println "Someone is taking a cadr")
(first (rest x)))

(defmacro noisy-second-m [x]
(println "Someone is taking a cadr")
(first (rest ~x))))

(defn sum-f [& args]
(apply + args))

(defmacro sum-m [& args]
`(apply + (list ~@args)))

(defmacro sum2-m [& args]
`(+ ~@args))

(defn foo [x y z]
(list x (let [x y]
(list x z))))

(defmacro foo-m [x y z]
`(list ~x
(let [x# ~y]
(list x# ~z))))

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