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rickyrockrat edited this page Feb 15, 2022 · 1 revision

2022 - Feb 14 -

Project is actively working on a port to X11/XCB since GTK2.0+ is being deprecated and no toolkits show a even a tiny bit of stability like GTK2.0 had other than FLTK2. Since this is such a simple application, an attempt will be made to port to XCB/X11, removing dependencies on all tool kits.

There is of course the Wayland happening, but since that seems to be driven by Red Hat it is questionable at best. Red Hat developers are responsible for inflicting the world with systemd, pulse audio, and some really awful, terrible 8,000 line commit changes to glibc to fix an overlapped memcopy for .... flashplayer. Let's hope Wayland never sees widespread use if it is anything like systemd or pulse audio.

There will be a release of 1.2.2 prior to this port, which hopefully will be the last GTK based port. There is a new build that is make -f Makefile.simple, since autotools is failing on some systems. Please report back on the systems it does not work on. Why are automated build systems so stupid complicated??

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