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Portal for Children of Aging Parents

Online resource for children of aging parents.

Designer and Engineer

Ric Mershon


After three years of experience managing the care of my elderly parents I've been unable to find a single resource for the caregivers of elderly that addresses all the issues for caregivers.

'Yelp' for caregivers.

See the project markdown for more information.

Accessing the Application

Got to

Notable Features

  1. Built with Node.js backend tools.
  2. Uses a central server file, server.js, as an entry point for the applications. Defines all the dependencies, configuration, middleware, database opertaions and controllers needed for the app to run. Defines the root route and sets up the listener for the html port.
  3. Relational model between caregivers and reviews.
  4. Uses public folder for css and images.
  5. Uses partials for head, nav and footer elements.
  6. Incorporates a mobile first and responsive design using Bootstrap.
  7. Sticky menu bar.

MongoDB Schemas

There are schemas for caregivers, users and reviews.

Caregiver Schema

const careGiverSchema = mongoose.Schema(
        name: { type: String, required: true },
        location: { type: String, required: false },
        email: { type: String, required: false },
        phone: { type: String, required: false },
        webSite: String,
        contact: {
            firstName: String,
            lastName: String,
        description: { type: String, required: true },
        takingNewClients: { type: Boolean, default: false },
        services: Array,
        rating: { type: Number, max: 5 },
        reviews : [ Review.schema ]
    { timestamps: true }

Reviews Schema

const reviewSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
        text: String,
        postedBy: String,
        rating: { type: Number, max: 5 }

Users Schema

const userSchema = new Schema({
    username: { type: String, unique: true, required: true },
    password: String


There are routes for caregivers, reviews, sessions and users.

Caregivers Routes

Action URL HTTP Verb Description
Index /caregivers GET Displays all caregivers
New /caregivers/new GET Displays new caregiver form
Create /caregivers POST Creates new caregiver
Show /caregivers/:id GET Shows an individual caregiver's information
Edit /caregivers/:id/edit GET Displays the edit caregiver form
Update /caregivers/:id PUT Changes caregiver with info from Edit action
Destroy /caregivers/:id DELETE Deletes a caregiver

Additional Routes for Setup and Reset

Action URL HTTP Verb Description
Seed /caregivers/seed GET Seeds database
Remove /caregivers/remove GET Resets database

Reviews Routes

Action URL HTTP Verb Description
New /caregivers/:id/reviews/new GET Display review form
Create /caregivers/:id/reviews POST Creates new review

User Routes

Action URL HTTP Verb Description
New /users/new GET Displays new user form
Create /users POST Creates new user

Session Routes

Action URL HTTP Verb Description
New /sessions/new GET Displays login form
Create /sessions POST Creates new session after successful login
Destroy /sessions DELETE Logs user out and deletes session

Layout Details and Approach

Layout done with Bootstrap.


Several partials are used:

  • head.ejs - for the head of all ejs/html files.
  • nav.ejs - for the dynamic navigation bar. Changes based on session state.
  • footer.ejs - for the footer, which still needs work.

Technologies used:

  • Express - backend framework for Node.js.
  • method-override - to use HTTP verbs PUT and DELETE where not otherwise supported by the client.
  • MongoDB - a general purpose, document-based, distributed database.
  • Mongoose - MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.
  • express-session - middleware for creating sessions.
  • dotenv - for loading environment variables from a .env file into process.env.
  • Bootstrap - for a responsive, mobile-first layout.

Known Issues

  • Proper handling of failed logins.
  • .env issues.
  • Review routes in a separate file.

Additional Functionality/Routes/User Types

  • User
  • Care manager
  • Care provider
  • Events
  • Blog entries
  • living communities
  • Law issues
  • Financial issues
  • Moving services
  • News related to seniors
  • Doctors
  • Newsletter
  • Message board

Areas for Improvement

  • Clean up footer.
  • General navigation.
  • A lot of additional functionality.
  • Would like to understand better how to incorporate code into objects.


Thanks Brendan!


This is a boilerplate for express apps with mongodb







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