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Yet Another Kubernetes Installation Repository (YAKIR)


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Yakir - Yet Another Kubernetes Installation Repository

A base k8s install on Ubuntu distribution (Tested on Jammy).

Can be deployed on local with Vagrant (Bento/Ubuntu boxes)

  • 3 different sizings
    • small: 1 Managers and 1 Worker (for a Vagrant deployment, fit to 8Go RAM Laptop with 2 cpu cores)
    • medium : 3 Managers and 3 Workers (for a Vagrant deployment, fit to 16Go RAM Laptop with 4 cpu cores)
    • large : 3 Managers and 5 Workers (for a Vagrant deployment, fit to 32Go RAM Laptop with 6 cpu cores)

Can be deployed on KVM hypervisor with Terraform

  • Need a dhcp serveur configured with 8 VMs MAC/IP associations : 3 managers and 5 nodes
  • Use of 36 vcpus (fit to ~10 real cpu cores), 64Go RAM, and 1To of disk

Repository structure

+--ansible/                 Root folder for ansible IaC deployment stack
    +---group_vars/         An Higher variables scope, which overrides defaults/main.yml roles definition
            +---global      Includes all global and transversal variables of the deployment
    +---sizing_vars/        Variables about deployment scope on VMs list - depending about small, medium, larger targeted form factor
    +---collections/        Folder where collections are downloaded from ansible-galaxy command
    +---inventories/        Inventory files, scoped about small, medium, larger targeted form factor
    +---roles/              Ansible roles folder
        +---backup          Deploy velero chart helm, install velero cli command on manager1, and configure a daily backup which post on external S3 bucket 
        +---base            Prerequisites for the Linux OS : global attributes (locale, hostname, time, swap usage, ...), user management, system packages
        +---bench           Launch, display, and save a kube-bench analysis
        +---cert_manager    Deploy certificate-manager helm chart and define Issuers for both letsencrypt and autosigned type
        +---cni             Manage network plugins for Kubernetes : Weave, Flannel, Cilium, Calico
        +---crio            Manage container engine installation
        +---csi             Manage storage plugins for Kubernetes : Rook or Cinder
        +---haproxy         Install and configure haproxy on each manager nodes : expose https (port 443) of the cluster and route traffic to ingress controller
        +---helm            Install helm command and add global helm repositories
        +---ingress         Deploy nginx ingress component on Kubernetes
        +---internal_repos  Configure internal repositories on vms for pypi and apt mirroring requirements 
        +---k8s             Install and configure a Kubernetes deployment with Kubeadm
        +---keepalived      Install keepalived service on manager hosts for a no cloud deployment : ensure a failover IP for control-plane endpoint
        +---kubedashboard   Install and secure Dashboard deployment for Kubernetes
        +---linux_hardening Apply hardening rules for linux kernel, pam logins, and ssh 
        +---logcollect      Deploy fluentbit, elastic, and kibana helm chart, and configure fluentbit for kubernetes logs
        +---monitoring      Deploy prometheus and grafana helm charts, and import grafana dashboard for kubernetes metrics
        +---opa             Install Gatekeeper and define some open policy rules
        +---postinstall     Some validations and post-config topics after Kubernetes deployment
    +---inventory           File created (symlink to targeted file on inventories folder) by the deployment script : used by ansible-playbook to scope the infra
    +---sizing_vars.yml     File created (symlink to targeted file on sizing_vars folder) by the deployment script : used by ansible-playbook to scope the infra metadata
    +---requirements.yml    Collections dependencies, to install in collections folder (ansible-galaxy command is executed by deployment scripts on the root folder)
+--tf/                      Terraform folder which contains HCL provisioning tasks
    +---libvirt/            HCL instructions for provisioning VMs and resources on KVM as prerequisites for k8s installation
+--vagrantfiles/            Deployment flavors vagrantfile for small, medium, large scopes
deploy-to-libvirt           Script for installation on a lived KVM with Terraform (See options below on this page)
up                          Script for local installation with Vagrant (See options below on this page) 
Vagrantfile                 File created (symlink to targeted file on vagrantfiles folder) by the deployment script : used by Vagrant to scope the VMs provisioning


Name Version Description
Kubernetes v1.30.0 Container Orchestrator
Crio v1.28 Container Runtime
Cilium v1.15.4 CNI Plugin (set this one with "-c cilium")
Calico v3.27.3 CNI Plugin (set this one with "-c calico")
Weave v2.8.1 CNI Plugin (set this one with "-c weave")
Flannel v0.25.1 CNI Plugin (set this one with "-c flannel")
Getekeeper v3.14.2 Apply OpenPolicyAgent rules
Rook v1.14.2 Distributed Storage with Ceph, CSI plugin for the Kubernetes installation
Cert Manager v1.12.0 Generate SSL certs for ingress object with auto-signed CA or lets-encrypt (set with bash parameter)
Ingress Controller v1.4.0 Nginx Ingress Controller
Fluentbit v3.0.2 Cluster Log collector service
Elastic v8.5.1 Cluster Log storage (ElasticSearch) and log visualization (Kibana)
Prometheus v2.51.2 Cluster Monitoring metrics storage
Grafana v10.4.1 Cluster Monitoring metrics visualization
Velero v1.12.2 Cluster Backup service, set a complete daily backup on external S3 service
Kube-bench v0.7.3 Install kube-bench on first manager node, and launch analysis (with result output) on each playbook execution

Vagrant deployment

3 providers are defined in Vagrantfiles (using bento boxes)

  • virtualbox / libvirt : targeted for x86 systems (amd64 Ubuntu vagrant box)
  • parallels : targeted for apple silicon systems (arm64 Ubuntu vagrant box)


git submodule update --init

Once setup done, get ui endpoints and secrets for ui credentials

kubectl get ingress -A
kubectl get secrets -A


Usage: ./up [options]
-h                                this is some help text.
-d                                destroy all previously provisioned vms
-c xxxx                           CNI plugin, choices are weave, flannel, calico (default), cilium
-p xxxx                           vagrant provider, default is virtualbox
-s xxxx                           sizing deployment, default is small
                                  - small : 1 manager and 1 nodes, host with 8Go ram / 2 cores
                                  - medium : 3 managers and 2 nodes host with 16Go ram / 4 cores
                                  - large : 3 managers and 5 nodes, host with 24Go ram / 6 cores
-t xxxx                           ansible tag, default is none
--keepalived-password xxxx        keepalived password, default is randomly generated
--kube-domain xxxx                global kubernetes domain, default is k8s.local
--container-registry-mirror xxxx  container private mirror registry
--apt-repository-mirror xxxx      mirror repository URL for apt packages
--pypi-repository-mirror xxxx     mirror repository URL for pypi packages
--cert-issuer-type xxxx           Issuer for managing SSL certs, choices are my-ca-issuer (default), letsencrypt-staging, letsencrypt-prod
--backup-server xxxx              External S3 Server (MinIO / AWS S3) URL
--backup-access-key xxxx          S3 Access Key Id
--backup-access-secret xxxx       S3 Access Key Secret
--backup-region xxxx              S3 Bucket Region, default is minio

For example, an install on apple silicon with local repository, custom domain, flannel CNI, and medium sizing

./up -d -c flannel \
  -p parallels \
  -s medium \
  --keepalived-password UdTelzAu \
  --kube-domain \
  --container-registry-mirror \
  --apt-repository-mirror \

Kvm deployment (amd64 arch only)

At first, copy the terraform default vars file, so we can change it to match our infra and network

cp tf/libvirt/terraform.tfvars.dist tf/libvirt/terraform.tfvars

Form factor is fixed at 8 nodes (3 managers, and 5 workers), but could be changed easily with edit this files

  • deploy-to-libvirt : changes vms ips and count
  • tf/libvirt/terraform.tfvars : changes vms list

Without change (keeping the terraform.tfvars.dist content), the deployment needs following resources

  • 8 VMs : 3 managers and 5 workers
  • use of 36 vcpus (fit to ~10 real cpu cores), 64Go RAM, and 1To of disk

Edit tf/libvirt/terraform.tfvars file before deployment

  • Adapt CPU / RAM / DISK
  • Change yakir_domain variable to match your network domain
  • Change naming or MAC addresses to match your convention and guidelines

Need some prerequisites

  • A libvirt and kvm installation on Linux System
  • A linux bridge on the KVM Host system, for example folowing an netplan configuration
  version: 2
  renderer: networkd

      dhcp4: false
      dhcp6: false

      interfaces: [eno1]
        stp: true
        forward-delay: 4
      dhcp4: true
      dhcp6: false
  • A DHCP server with following lease list : adapt it if changing default MAC addresses and/or IPs
VM HostName MAC Address IP Address
k8s-man-01 42:34:00:e2:a1:11
k8s-man-02 42:34:00:a6:d5:21
k8s-man-03 42:34:00:4c:95:a1
k8s-wrk-01 42:34:00:84:5f:13
k8s-wrk-02 42:34:00:28:2d:2c
k8s-wrk-03 42:34:00:31:97:53
k8s-wrk-04 42:34:00:04:3e:1d
k8s-wrk-05 42:34:00:ba:48:c2
  • For use with public exposed IP
    • defined a wildcard *.K8S_DOMAIN which is binding to the public IP
    • add a nat PREROUTING rule to forward incoming public IP on port 80 and 443 connection to the private VIP IP (default is
    • allow port 443 and 80 on Firewall
    • set the issuer for certificate-manager on "letsencrypt-prod"

Use 'deploy-to-libvirt' script for launch deployment

Usage: ./deploy-to-libvirt [options]
-h                                this is some help text.
-c xxx                            CNI plugin, choices are cilium / calico / weave / flannel, default is flannel
--failover-ip xxxx                failover ip for managers nodes, default is
--ansible-path xxxx               override ansible path
--keepalived-password xxxx        keepalived password, default is randomly generated
--kube-domain xxxx                global kubernetes domain, default is kubernetes.local
--container-registry-mirror xxxx  container private mirror registry
--apt-repository-mirror xxxx      mirror repository URL for apt packages
--pypi-repository-mirror xxxx     mirror repository URL for pypi packages
--cert-issuer-type xxxx           Issuer for managing SSL certs, choices are my-ca-issuer (default), letsencrypt-staging, letsencrypt-prod
--ssh-key-pub xxxx                public rsa key path, default is ~/.ssh/
--backup-server xxxx              External S3 Server (MinIO / AWS S3) URL
--backup-access-key xxxx          S3 Access Key Id
--backup-access-secret xxxx       S3 Access Key Secret
--backup-region xxxx              S3 Bucket Region, default is minio


./deploy-to-libvirt -c flannel \
      --cert-issuer-type letsencrypt-prod \
      --container-registry-mirror \
      --apt-repository-mirror \
      --pypi-repository-mirror \



  • have a S3 instance reachable (MinIO or AWS S3)
  • generate access key credentials (ID and Secret) with the S3 instance
  • create a bucket named "velero"
  • provide server URL, credentials, and region (for MinIO, you can create a "minio" region) on up / deploy-to-libvirt commands (See parameters below on README)

Add parameters to enable a daily backup with Velero, for example (same backup parameters are availabe with deploy-to-libvirt command)

./up -s large \
  -c cilium \
  --kube-domain k8s.local \
  -p libvirt \
  --backup-server https://minio.local \
  --backup-access-key xxxxxxxxxxxxx \
  --backup-access-secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
  --backup-region minio


  • Secure k8s settings with CIS benchmark recommandations
  • Work on opentelemetry integration
  • Add Gitops tools