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Ricoh Auth Client for Swift

This open-source library allows you to integrate Ricoh API's Authorization and Discovery Service into your Swift app.

Learn more at


  • Swift 2.2+
  • Xcode 7.3.1+

You'll also need

  • Ricoh API Client Credentials (client_id & client_secret)
  • Ricoh ID (user_id & password)

If you don't have them, please register yourself and your client from THETA Developers Website.


This section shows you two different methods to install Ricoh Auth Client for Swift in your application.
See Auth Sample to try out a sample of Ricoh Auth Client for Swift.


  • If it is your first time to use CocoaPods, run the following commands to set it up.
$ gem install cocoapods
$ pod setup
  • Go to your project directory.
  • Create a Podfile by running pod init ( if you do not have one yet ), and specify RicohAPIAuth as follows:
source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'YourAppName' do
  pod 'RicohAPIAuth', '~> 1.0.2'
  • Run pod install to install RicohAPIAuth.
  • Open your project's workspace.
  • Choose your application scheme and run it to load the RicohAPIAuth module.
  • Install completed! See Sample Flow for a coding example.


  • Clone Ricoh Auth Client for Swift by running the following commands:
$ git clone
  • Open the new auth-swift directory, and drag RicohAPIAuth.xcodeproj into the Project Navigator of your application's Xcode project.

    It should appear nested underneath your application's blue project icon. Whether it is above or below all the other Xcode groups does not matter.

  • Choose RicohAPIAuth scheme at the scheme menu of Xcode and run it.

  • Choose your application scheme and run it to load the RicohAPIAuth module.

  • Install completed! See Sample Flow for a coding example.

Sample Flow

// Import
import RicohAPIAuth

// Set your Ricoh API Client Credentials
var authClient = AuthClient(
    clientId: "<your_client_id>",
    clientSecret: "<your_client_secret>"

// Set your Ricoh ID
    userId: "<your_user_id>",
    userPass: "<your_password>"

// Open a new session
authClient.session(){result, error in
if !error.isEmpty() {
    print("status code: \(error.statusCode)")
    print("error message: \(error.message)")
} else {
    print("access token : \(result.accessToken)")

SDK API Samples


var authClient = AuthClient(
    clientId: "<your_client_id>",
    clientSecret: "<your_client_secret>"

Set resource owner credentials

    userId: "<your_user_id>",
    userPass: "<your_password>"

Open a new session

authClient.session(){result, error in
if error.isEmpty() {
    print("access token : \(result.accessToken)")
    // do something

Resume a preceding session

// This method resumes a preceding session if it is closed.
authClient.getAccessToken(){result, error in
if error.isEmpty() {
    print("access token : \(result.accessToken)")
    // do something