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The match wrapper is used to run matches on It takes care of starting up the processes, handles communication between the processes, handles broken/non-responding processes and stores the results of the match.


Building the project is done using Gradle, a generic build and dependency management tool for JVM languages.

Creating the jar file is done by running the following command:

gradle build jar

The match wrapper .jar file will be located in build/libs/. Use this .jar file to run matches.


You can use the script to easily run a match on your local computer. This takes the JSON from test/wrapper-command.json and gives it as an argument to the match wrapper. The contents of wrapper-commands.json determine how a match runs (see below).

Wrapper Commands

Example wrapper commands:

  "wrapper": {
    "timebankMax": 2000,
    "timePerMove": 100,
    "maxTimeouts": 2,
    "resultFile": "./resultfile.json",
    "propagateBotExitCode": false,
    "debug": true
  "match": {
    "bots": [{
      "command": "python /home/jim/workspace/match-wrapper/test/"
      "command": "python /home/jim/workspace/match-wrapper/test/"
    "engine": {
      "command": "python /home/jim/workspace/match-wrapper/test/",
      "configuration": {}
  • wrapper Configuration for the wrapper
    • timebankMax Maximum amount of time bots get in their timebank (in milliseconds).
    • timePerMove Time the bots get extra in their timebank each action request (in milliseconds).
    • maxTimeouts Maximum amount of timeouts a bot can have before it's shut down. Note: On, this value will always be 0.
    • resultFile Name and location of the file with the match results.
    • propagateBotExitCode Propagates the exit code of the bot to the exit value of the match wrapper. This is only used for the test match after the input test on
    • debug If true, will print the engine error streams.
  • match Configuration for the match processes
    • bots An array with all bot configurations
      • command The command to start the bot process. Can be any command; if it works in your console, it should work here. If your command contains a path with spaces, enter it as an array as follows:
        "command": "java -jar \"/home/me/My Projects/bot.jar\"" => "command": ["java", "-jar", "/home/me/My Projects/bot.jar"]
    • engine Configuration for the engine process
      • command The command to start the engine process. Paths with spaces need to be entered as above.
      • configuration Any configuration you might want to send to the game engine.

The configuration for most current (java) game engines looks like this (example):

"configuration": {
    "fieldWidth": {
        "type": "integer",
        "value": 15
    "randomSeed": {
        "type": "string",
        "value": "abcdefg"

In this case, {"fieldWidth":{"type":"integer","value": 15},"randomSeed":{"type":"string","value":"abcdefg"}} will be sent directly to the game engine.