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Modal confirme service for AngularJS - supports creating confirm modals via a service. See a quick fiddle .

  1. Usage
  2. Developing
  3. Tests
  4. FAQ & Troubleshooting
  5. Thanks


First, install with Bower:

bower install angular-modal-confirm

Then reference the minified script:

<script src="bower_components/angular-modal-confirm/src/angular-modal-confirm.js"></script>

Specify the modal service as a dependency of your application:

var app = angular.module('sampleapp', ['angularModalConfirm']);

Now just inject the modal service into any controller, service or directive where you need it.

app.controller('SampleController', function($scope, $confirmModal) {
  var isConfirm = false;

  $scope.confirmMe = function() {

  	$confirmModal({text: 'Hello modal confirm:)'})
      .then(function() {
      // do your thing if it's confirm
      isConfirm = false;



Calling $confirmModal returns a promise which is resolved when the modal DOM element is created and the controller for it is created.

#### $confirm Options

The `$confirm` function takes an object with these fields:

$confirmModal([data], [settings])

* `data`: Data to be used by the modal template/templateUrl. Referenced with "data.". The keys "title", "ok", and "cancel" can be used to change the labels used in the modal.

* `settings`: Settings that will be passed to [angularModalService](

* `controller`: The name of the controller to created. It could be a function.
* `controllerAs` : The name of the variable on the scope the controller is assigned to - (optional).
* `templateUrl`: The URL of the HTML template to use for the modal.
* `template`: If `templateUrl` is not specified, you can specify `template` as raw
  HTML for the modal.
* `inputs`: A set of values to pass as inputs to the controller. Each value provided
  is injected into the controller constructor.
* `appendElement`: The custom angular element to append the modal to instead of default `body` element.

## FAQ

## Thanks

Thanks go the the following contributors:

* [dwmkerr]( - Creator of the modal service.
* [Schlogen]( - Inspired of is confirm service with modal UI.