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TF 2.x support for the CodeSearchNet challenge. Tested in TF 2.1 with horovod for multi GPU training. Utilized CodeGPT as an encoder for code and query.

Install the python dependencies

pip3 install -r src/requirement.txt

Download the dataset

cd script
python3 ../resources/data

Split the dataset accross workers/GPUs to for distributed training using horovod. Prepend the GPU rank (i.e rank=0 if you have only 1 GPU) to the jsonl.gz files in the resources/data/python/final/jsonl/train/ directory. images/filetree.png

Train CodeGPT model

cd src
python3 --model gpt2

Sample Result

This is the sample result after training CodeGPT on the python data
Test MRR: 0.026

Rank Language Query Func-name Code
326 python Promote 2-bit unisgned data into 8-bit unsigned data. Args: data: Numpy array with dtype == uint8 Notes: # The process is this: # ABCDEFGH [Bits of one 4+4-bit value] # 00000000ABCDEFGH [astype(uint16)] # 0000ABCDEFGH0000 [<< 4] # 0000ABCDXXXXEFGH [bitwise 'or' of previous two lines] # 0000111100001111 [0x0F0F] # 0000ABCD0000EFGH [bitwise 'and' of previous two lines] # ABCD0000EFGH0000 [<< 4] # which effectively pads the two 4-bit values with zeros on the right # Note: This technique assumes LSB-first ordering unpack_4to8 python def unpack_4to8(data): """ Promote 2-bit unisgned data into 8-bit unsigned data. Args: data: Numpy array with dtype == uint8 Notes: # The process is this: # ABCDEFGH [Bits of one 4+4-bit value] # 00000000ABCDEFGH [astype(uint16)] # 0000ABCDEFGH0000 [<< 4] # 0000ABCDXXXXEFGH [bitwise 'or' of previous two lines] # 0000111100001111 [0x0F0F] # 0000ABCD0000EFGH [bitwise 'and' of previous two lines] # ABCD0000EFGH0000 [<< 4] # which effectively pads the two 4-bit values with zeros on the right # Note: This technique assumes LSB-first ordering """ tmpdata = data.astype(np.int16) # np.empty(upshape, dtype=np.int16) tmpdata = (tmpdata &#124; (tmpdata << 4)) & 0x0F0F # tmpdata = tmpdata << 4 # Shift into high bits to avoid needing to sign extend updata = tmpdata.byteswap() return updata.view(data.dtype)
7 python Parse the file called mim2gene This file describes what type(s) the different mim numbers have. The different entry types are: 'gene', 'gene/phenotype', 'moved/removed', 'phenotype', 'predominantly phenotypes' Where: gene: Is a gene entry gene/phenotype: This entry describes both a phenotype and a gene moved/removed: No explanation needed phenotype: Describes a phenotype predominantly phenotype: Not clearly established (probably phenotype) Args: lines(iterable(str)): The mim2gene lines Yields: parsed_entry(dict) { "mim_number": int, "entry_type": str, "entrez_gene_id": int, "hgnc_symbol": str, "ensembl_gene_id": str, "ensembl_transcript_id": str, } parse_mim2gene python def parse_mim2gene(lines): """Parse the file called mim2gene This file describes what type(s) the different mim numbers have. The different entry types are: 'gene', 'gene/phenotype', 'moved/removed', 'phenotype', 'predominantly phenotypes' Where: gene: Is a gene entry gene/phenotype: This entry describes both a phenotype and a gene moved/removed: No explanation needed phenotype: Describes a phenotype predominantly phenotype: Not clearly established (probably phenotype) Args: lines(iterable(str)): The mim2gene lines Yields: parsed_entry(dict) { "mim_number": int, "entry_type": str, "entrez_gene_id": int, "hgnc_symbol": str, "ensembl_gene_id": str, "ensembl_transcript_id": str, } """"Parsing mim2gene") header = ["mim_number", "entry_type", "entrez_gene_id", "hgnc_symbol", "ensembl_gene_id"] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith('#'): continue if not len(line) > 0: continue line = line.rstrip() parsed_entry = parse_omim_line(line, header) parsed_entry['mim_number'] = int(parsed_entry['mim_number']) parsed_entry['raw'] = line if 'hgnc_symbol' in parsed_entry: parsed_entry['hgnc_symbol'] = parsed_entry['hgnc_symbol'] if parsed_entry.get('entrez_gene_id'): parsed_entry['entrez_gene_id'] = int(parsed_entry['entrez_gene_id']) if parsed_entry.get('ensembl_gene_id'): ensembl_info = parsed_entry['ensembl_gene_id'].split(',') parsed_entry['ensembl_gene_id'] = ensembl_info[0].strip() if len(ensembl_info) > 1: parsed_entry['ensembl_transcript_id'] = ensembl_info[1].strip() yield parsed_entry
70 python Generates an invoice with a cancellation fee, and applies credit to the invoice. percentage (Decimal): The percentage of the credit note to turn into a cancellation fee. Must be 0 <= percentage <= 100. CreditNoteController.cancellation_fee python def cancellation_fee(self, percentage): ''' Generates an invoice with a cancellation fee, and applies credit to the invoice. percentage (Decimal): The percentage of the credit note to turn into a cancellation fee. Must be 0 <= percentage <= 100. ''' # Local import to fix import cycles. Can we do better? from .invoice import InvoiceController assert(percentage >= 0 and percentage <= 100) cancellation_fee = self.credit_note.value * percentage / 100 due = datetime.timedelta(days=1) item = [("Cancellation fee", cancellation_fee)] invoice = InvoiceController.manual_invoice( self.credit_note.invoice.user, due, item ) if not invoice.is_paid: self.apply_to_invoice(invoice) return InvoiceController(invoice)
217 python Update an existing gene panel with genes. Args: store(scout.adapter.MongoAdapter) panel_name(str) csv_lines(iterable(str)): Stream with genes option(str): 'add' or 'replace' Returns: panel_obj(dict) update_panel python def update_panel(store, panel_name, csv_lines, option): """Update an existing gene panel with genes. Args: store(scout.adapter.MongoAdapter) panel_name(str) csv_lines(iterable(str)): Stream with genes option(str): 'add' or 'replace' Returns: panel_obj(dict) """ new_genes= [] panel_obj = store.gene_panel(panel_name) if panel_obj is None: return None try: new_genes = parse_genes(csv_lines) # a list of gene dictionaries containing gene info except SyntaxError as error: flash(error.args[0], 'danger') return None # if existing genes are to be replaced by those in csv_lines if option == 'replace': # all existing genes should be deleted for gene in panel_obj['genes']: #create extra key to use in pending actions: gene['hgnc_symbol'] = gene['symbol'] store.add_pending(panel_obj, gene, action='delete', info=None) for new_gene in new_genes: if not new_gene['hgnc_id']: flash("gene missing hgnc id: {}".format(new_gene['hgnc_symbol']),'danger') continue gene_obj = store.hgnc_gene(new_gene['hgnc_id']) if gene_obj is None: flash("gene not found: {} - {}".format(new_gene['hgnc_id'], new_gene['hgnc_symbol']),'danger') continue if new_gene['hgnc_symbol'] and gene_obj['hgnc_symbol'] != new_gene['hgnc_symbol']: flash("symbol mis-match: {0} &#124; {1}".format( gene_obj['hgnc_symbol'], new_gene['hgnc_symbol']), 'warning') info_data = { 'disease_associated_transcripts': new_gene['transcripts'], 'reduced_penetrance': new_gene['reduced_penetrance'], 'mosaicism': new_gene['mosaicism'], 'inheritance_models': new_gene['inheritance_models'], 'database_entry_version': new_gene['database_entry_version'], } if option == 'replace': # there will be no existing genes for sure, because we're replacing them all action = 'add' else: # add option. Add if genes is not existing. otherwise edit it existing_genes = {gene['hgnc_id'] for gene in panel_obj['genes']} action = 'edit' if gene_obj['hgnc_id'] in existing_genes else 'add' store.add_pending(panel_obj, gene_obj, action=action, info=info_data) return panel_obj
239 python Index all the keys added so far and make them searchable. MinHashLSHForest.index python def index(self): ''' Index all the keys added so far and make them searchable. ''' for i, hashtable in enumerate(self.hashtables): self.sorted_hashtables[i] = [H for H in hashtable.keys()] self.sorted_hashtables[i].sort()


An easy way would be to try different models from the Hugging Face transformers library to encode code and queries.