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rs commands for creating and managing static web apps with jekyll and aws s3


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All commands are basically ruby codes residing in the file lib/rscmd. To experiment with that code, run bin/console for an interactive prompt.

Go through the Usage Section for more information about how to use this commands / gem

You will have to install the gem first before you could work with it. Followh the section below to install this gem on your system to start with:


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rscmd'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rscmd


Note: You might want to try bundle exec bin/rscmd instead of just rscmd for the following commands.

Create a Jekyll Project

rscmd jekyll <project_name> <project_path>

The jekyll command will create a jekyll application and configure it according to the standards.

You need to specify 2 parameters

project_name: name of the project, preferably the domain name according to the right solution standard.
project_path: The path where you would like to create jekyll application


	$ rscmd jekyll ~/Projects/Temp 
	$ rscmd jekyll .  
	$ rscmd jekyll projects/jekyll_projects  

The folder structure is as follows:

-> project_name |-> releases # zipped releases files |-> src # jekyll project files |-> template # the html template if any

The src folder will be the jekyll root folder

Make sure that you do do bundle install after this command

$ bundle install

Create a Rails Project

rscmd rails <project_name> <project_path>

The rails command will create a jekyll application and configure it according to the standards.

You need to specify 2 parameters

project_name: name of the project, preferably the domain name according to the right solution standard.
project_path: The path where you would like to create rails application


	$ rscmd rails ~/Projects/Temp 
	$ rscmd rails .  
	$ rscmd rails projects/jekyll_projects  

-> project_name |-> releases |-> src |-> template

The src folder will be the rails root folder

Make sure that you do do bundle install after this command

$ bundle install

Create a Github Repository

rscmd github <project_name> <project_path>

The github command will setup repository in github and push the given directory (code) to the master branch. Need to provide github login and password.

You need to specify 2 + 2 parameters

  1. project_name: name of the application you would like to set repository for in github
  2. project_path: the path where the application is created. if the application is in /Projects/Jekyll, then the project_path would be /Projects/Jekyll

While running, it will ask you to enter the github login handle and password


	$ rscmd github . 
	$ rscmd github projects/jekyll

Add an HTML template

rscmd template <project_name> <dir_path>

The template command will open up a filebrowser window where you can select the downloaded html template file. It will then copy it to the /template directory in the project folder, add it to the repository but ignoring the content inside.

Since it is adding the template file to the repository, you will have to enter your github username and password.

According to the right solutions standards.

This command will also do the following

  1. create a directory named 'template' and will copy the template file to it
  2. extract the template zip/rar file into the template folder for easy access
  3. add the extracted files to the .gitignore so that the repository is lean

You need to specify 2 parameters *) project_name: name of the application *) project_path: the path where the application is created. if the application is in /Projects/Jekyll, then the project_path would be /Projects/Jekyll

This will ask you to choose the template zip file which will be copied to the the project folder. It will also ask you to enter the github login handle and password.


	$ rscmd template .
	$ rscmd template projects/jekyll


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/rscmd.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


rs commands for creating and managing static web apps with jekyll and aws s3







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