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AWS (Amazon Web Services) library for Ruby

This gem provides access to many AWS cloud services. Unlike many other AWS libaries this gem is a very thin adaptation layer over the AWS APIs. It is highly meta-programmed and exposes the exact AWS API calls with the exact AWS parameters. There are two big benefits to this approach: you don't have to translate betwen the AWS docs and the library in order to figure out what to do, and there's nothing in the AWS APIs you can't call through the library. The library doesn't even need to be updated when AWS introduces new API features. The downside to this approach is that when things don't work it's sometimes more difficult to figure out what's happening... Another downside is that method names and parameter names follow the AWS API spec and thereby run against Ruby conventions.

If you encounter problems please open a github issue.


For some getting-started info see further down but for detailed docs see!file.README.html


The gem supports the following AWS services out of the box:

Web Services:

  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::AS::Manager Auto Scaling (AS)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::CF::Manager Cloud Front (CF)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::CFM::Manager Cloud Formation (CFM)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::CW::Manager Cloud Watch (CW)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::EB::Manager Elastic Beanstalk (EB)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::EC::Manager Elasti Cache (EC)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::EC2::Manager Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::ELB::Manager Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::EMR::Manager Elastic Map Reduce (EMR)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::IAM::Manager Identity and Access Management (IAM)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::RDS::Manager Relational Database Service (RDS)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::Route53::Manager Route 53 (Route53)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::Route53::Domain::Manager Route 53 Domain (Route53Domain)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::S3::Manager Simple Storage Service (S3)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::SDB::Manager Simple DB (SDB)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::SNS::Manager Simple Notification Service (SNS)}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::SQS::Manager Simple Queue Service (SQS)}

Product Advertising API:

  • {RightScale::CloudApi::ECS::PA::Manager Product Advertising API (PA)}

Market Web Services:

  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::CartInformation::Manager Cart Information}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::CustomerInformation::Manager Customer Information}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::Feeds::Manager Feeds}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::Finances::Manager Finances}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::FulfillmentInboundShipment::Manager Fulfillment Inbound Shipment}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::FulfillmentInventory::Manager Fulfillment Inventory}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::FulfillmentOutboundShipment::Manager Fulfillment Outbound Shipment}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::Orders::Manager Orders}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::Products::Manager Products}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::Recommendations::Manager Recommendations}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::Reports::Manager Reports}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::Sellers::Manager Sellers}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::Subscriptions::Manager Subscriptions}
  • {RightScale::CloudApi::MWS::Webstore::Manager Webstore}

And it is easy to add support for other. You will need to refer to the AWS docs ( for all the API params and usage explanations.

Basic usage

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

This library supports all existing and future EC2 API calls. If you know that EC2 supports a call and you know what params it accepts - just call the method with those params.


  require "right_aws_api"

  key      = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
  endpoint = ''
  ec2      =, secret, endpoint)

  ec2.ThisCallMustBeSupportedByEc2('Param.1' => 'A', 'Param.2' => 'B')

EC2 Instances

  require "right_aws_api"

  ec2 =, secret, endpoint)

  # Get a list of your instances

  # Describe custom Instance(s)
  ec2.DescribeInstances('InstanceId' => "i-2ba7c640")
  ec2.DescribeInstances('InstanceId' => ["i-2ba7c640", "i-7db9101e"])

  # Describe Instances with filteringSame (another way, the result is the same):
    'Filter' => [
      {'Name'  => 'architecture',
       'Value' => 'i386'},
      {'Name'  => 'availability-zone',
       'Value' => [ 'us-east-1a', 'us-east-1d' ]},
      {'Name'  => 'instance-type',
       'Value' =>  'm1.small'} ]

  # Run an new instance:
    'ImageId'            => 'ami-8ef607e7',
    'MinCount'           => 1,
    'MaxCount'           => 1,
    'KeyName'            => 'kd: alex',
    'UserData'           => RightScale::CloudApi::Utils::base64en('Hehehehe!!!!'),
    'InstanceType'       => 'c1.medium',
    'ClientToken'        => RightScale::CloudApi::Utils::generate_token,
    'SecurityGroupId'    => ['sg-f71a089e', 'sg-c71a08ae' ],
    'Placement+'         => {
       'AvailabilityZone' => 'us-east-1d',
       'Tenancy'          => 'default' },
    'BlockDeviceMapping' => [
      {'DeviceName' => '/dev/sdc',
       'Ebs'        => {
         'SnapshotId'          => 'snap-e40fd188',
         'VolumeSize'          => 3,
         'DeleteOnTermination' => true}} ]

  # Terminate your instance:
  ec2.TerminateInstances("InstanceId" => ["i-67c87504", "i-67c87504"])

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

  require "right_aws_api"

  key      = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
  endpoint = ''
  s3       = RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::S3::Manager::new(key, secret, endpoint)

  s3.GetBucketAcl('Bucket' => 'my-lovely-bucket')
  s3.GetObject('Bucket' => 'my-lovely-bucket', 'Object' => 'fairies.txt')

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

  require "right_aws_api"

  key            = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
  secret         = ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
  account_number = ENV['AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER']
  endpoint       = ''
  sqs            =, secret, account_number, endpoint)

  # List all queues

  # Create a new one
    'QueueName' => 'myCoolQueue',
    'Attribute' => [
       { 'Name'  => 'VisibilityTimeout',  'Value' => 40 },
       { 'Name'  => 'MaximumMessageSize', 'Value' => 2048 } ])

  # Send a message
  message = URI::escape('Woohoo!!!')
  sqs.SendMessage('myCoolQueue', 'MessageBody' => message)

  # Receive a message

  # Kill the queue

Amazon Product Advertising API (PA)

  require "right_aws_api"

  key      = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
  endpoint = ''
  paa      =, secret, endpoint)

    'AssociateTag'  => 'weird-tag',
    'IdType'        => 'ASIN',
    'ItemId'        => 'B00TRAO8HK',
    'ResponseGroup' => 'OfferSummary'

Amazon Market Web Services API (MWS)

  key      = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
  endpoint = ''

  # Webstore
  ws =, secret, endpoint)

  # Reports
  rd =, secret, endpoint)
    'SellerId'      => 'foo',
    'MarketplaceId' => 'bar',

  # Recommendations
  rd =, secret, endpoint)
    'SellerId'      => 'foo',
    'MarketplaceId' => 'bar',


There is a way to provide extra options when you instantiate a new manager:

  options = { :key => value }
  ec2 =, secret, endpoint, options)
  sqs =, secret, account_number, endpoint, options)
  s3  = RightScale::CloudApi::AWS::S3::Manager::new(key, secret, endpoint, options)

The options allow you to tweak the managers behavoir. Here is a list of the options that make sense for AWS services:

Name Type Default Description
:abort_on_timeout Boolean false When set to +true+ the gem does not perform a retry call when there is a connection timeout. This may help you to deal with request idempotence issue. Lets say you make a create call and you get back a timeout. It is possible that AWS created a new resource but just failed to report it properly. It is better to stop here rather than keep retrying creating more and more resources.
:api_version String see service Manager The required cloud API version if it is different from the default one.
:cache Boolean false Cache cloud responses when possible so that we don't parse them again if cloud response does not change (see cloud specific ApiManager definition).
:cloud Hash {} A set of cloud or service specific options. There is an only option for AWS S3 so far: :no_dns_buckets => false/true.
:connection_open_timeout Integer up to NetHttpPersistent gem Connection open timeout (in seconds).
:connection_read_timeout Integer up to NetHttpPersistent gem Connection read timeout (in seconds).
:connection_retry_count Integer 3 Max number of establish connection retry attempts before it gives up.
:connection_retry_delay Float 0.5 Initial retry backoff delay in seconds. The value is doubled on every retry attempt.
:connection_verify_mode Integer OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER Try OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE is there is an SSL sertificate issue with th eremote end. This may happen when working with DNS-line S3 buckets.
:headers Hash {} A set of request headers to be added to every API request.
:logger Logger -> STDOUT Current logger. When nil is given it logs to '/dev/nul'.
:log_filter_patterns Array see DEFAULT_LOG_FILTERS A set of log filters that define what to log (see {RightScale::CloudApi::CloudApiLogger}).
:params Hash {} A set of URL params to be added to every API request.
:raw_response Boolean false By default the gem parses all XML and JSON responses and returns them as ruby Hashes. Sometimes it is not what one would want (Amazon S3 GetObject for example). Setting this option to +true+ forces the gem to return the body of the response as it is.

For more options see


It is easy to get the last HTTP request and response data:

  s3.PutObject('Bucket' => '', 'Object' => '13', :body => 'hahaha') #=> ''

  s3.request.verb    # => 'put'
  s3.request.path    # => '/13'
  s3.request.headers # =>
      "content-type"         => ["binary/octet-stream"],
      "content-length"       => [6],
      "content-md5"          => ["EBpuyfk4iF3wpE8gRY0utA=="],
      "x-amz-content-sha256" => ["23453452345234523452345"],
      "x-amz-date"           => ["20150123T225348Z"],
      "x-amz-expires"        => [3600],
      "host"                 => [""],
      "authorization"        => ["AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=000/20150123/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-length;content-md5;content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date;x-amz-expires, Signature=111"]}
  s3.request.body    #=> "hahaha"

  s3.response.code    #=> '200'
  s3.response.headers #=>
      "x-amz-id-2"       => ["wB/XOQ+dfgdfgdfgwgfdg"],
      "x-amz-request-id" => ["FEC7DEE7C51ACAB3"],
      "date"             => ["Fri, 23 Jan 2015 22:53:49 GMT"],
      "etag"             => ["\"101a6ec9f938885df0a44f20458d2eb4\""],
      "content-length"   => ["0"],
      "server"           => ["AmazonS3"]}
  s3.response.body    #=> ''

Furthermore every response value may return its HTTP response code and HTTP headers through 'metadata' method:

response1 = s3.GetObject('Bucket' => '', 'Object' => '13')
response2 = s3.GetObject('Bucket' => '', 'Object' => '14')

response1 #=> "hahaha"
response1.metadata #=>
  { :code    => '200',
    :headers =>
    {"x-amz-id-2"       => ["sdasfdasd="],
     "x-amz-request-id" => ["B2AB70B2D081BF2B"],
     "date"             => ["Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:02:36 GMT"],
     "last-modified"    => ["Fri, 23 Jan 2015 22:53:49 GMT"],
     "etag"             => ["\"2345435234523452345324\""],
     "accept-ranges"    => ["bytes"],
     "content-type"     => ["binary/octet-stream"],
     "content-length"   => ["6"],
     "server"           => ["AmazonS3"]}}

response2 #=> "hohohohoho"
response2.metadata #=>
{ :code    => '200',
  :headers =>
  {"x-amz-id-2"       => ["asdasdf="],
   "x-amz-request-id" => ["50DBC360C934C548"],
   "date"             => ["Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:02:36 GMT"],
   "last-modified"    => ["Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:01:55 GMT"],
   "etag"             => ["\"2345345243523452345234\""],
   "accept-ranges"    => ["bytes"],
   "content-type"     => ["binary/octet-stream"],
   "content-length"   => ["10"],
   "server"           => ["AmazonS3"]}}


This gem depends on a base gem which is shared across all RightScale cloud libraries:

(c) 2014 by RightScale, Inc., see the LICENSE file for the open-source license.