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WHAT YOU WILL FIND HERE                         

A C++ library with Python bindings "Loudia"
It is used to build audio applications.

Loudia is specially targeted for researchers.
The algorithms are not necessarily tuned for performance
but rather for:

 * Ease of use 
 * Flexibility and clarity of the algorithms
 * Variety of algorithms 

The following algorithms are implemented:

 * Window

 * Unwrap
 * Fast Fourier Transform (FFT/IFFT) (wrapper around libfftw [])

 * Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)

 * Filters (based on Scipy [] implementation):
   - LowPass
   - HighPass
   - BandPass
   - BandStop 

   in the following types:
   - Chebyshev I
   - Chebyshev II
   - Bessel
   - Butterworth 

 * Correlation / Autocorrelation
   - Direct calculation
   - FFT based calculation

 * Resampling (wrapper around libsamplerate [])

 * Onset Detection Functions:
   - High Frequency Content (HFC)
   - Flux
   - Phase Deviation
   - Complex Domain
   - Modified Kullback-Liebler
   - Peak Center of Gravity

 * Pitch Estimation:
   - Autocorrelation Function based (ACF)
   - Inverse Problem based
 * Spectral Bands
   - Mel bands


 * LPC

 * Sinusoidal Modelling:
   - Peak Detection
   - Peak Interpolation
   - Peak Tracking
 * Spectral Whitening

 * Spectral Noise Suppression

 * Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)

 * Other experimental and/or unfinished algorithm implementations 
   - Spectral Reassignment
   - Adaptative Optimized Kernel (AOK) (modification of AOK 4.1 [])
   - Peak Synthesis
   - Incremental Non-negative Matrix Factorization (INMF)
   - LPC residual

Numerous examples which can also be used for testing in some cases can be found in python/
Some of the examples require an audio WAVE filename as input argument.


The C++ library Libaudio requires:
  - libsamplerate-dev >=0.1.3
  - libfftw3-dev >=3.1.2
  - gcc
  - python >=2.5

The Python bindings Libaudio require:  
  - swig
  - numpy-dev
  - python-dev

Libaudio uses a template library called Eigen (

In C++ all algorithms use Eigen::Matrix types as inputs and outputs.

In the Python bindings use Numpy arrays as inputs and outputs.


To build and install Loudia run:
./waf configure --prefix=/some/install/dir
./waf build
sudo ./waf install

To uninstall it run:
sudo ./waf uninstall

Several options allow different building modes.

To build without Python bindings run:
./waf configure --no-python-bindings
./waf build --no-python-bindings

To build the documentation run:
./waf configure --doc
./waf build --doc

To build in debug mode run:
./waf configure --debug
./waf build --debug

These options can be combined.


From Python you may create algorithm, change its parameters and call the process method:

import numpy
import pylab
import loudia

# We create a 120 samples frame 
# of a sine at 440 Hz 
# with a samplerate of 8000 Hz
data_frame = numpy.array(numpy.sin(2*numpy.pi*440.0*numpy.arange( 0.0, 120/8000.0, 1/8000.0)))

fft = loudia.FFT()
fft.setFftSize( 256 )

result = fft.process( data_frame )

# Note that the results of the FFT algorithm 
# are stacked in rows (we only plot the first)
pylab.plot( abs( result[0,:] ) ) 

# When setting several parameters we might 
# not want the algorithm to reconfigure itself
# method after each parameter setting, 
# and we will call the setup() manually 
fft.setFftSize( 1024, False )
fft.setZeroPhase( True, False )

result = fft.process( data_frame )

# Note that the results of the FFT algorithm 
# are stacked in rows (we only plot the first)
pylab.plot( abs( result[0,:] ) )


A few assumptions are used when using the library:
  * Loudia has no algorithm for loading audio frames

  * All algorithms take Eigen::Matrix types as inputs and outputs in the process() methods

  * Loudia does NOT have a streaming mode.  All algorithms mantain a state which can be reset using reset().
    And the process() methods may act on preallocated matrices. Therefore with the use of Eigen::Map, 
    Loudia can be used inside streaming libraries that expose the buffers.

Loudia (C) 2008, 2009 Ricard Marxer


Library for research in audio analysis, processing and synthesis






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