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Qantu is a simple scala library to extract accounts data from online banking websites. It uses the sclicks library to programmatically interact with the websites and pull down the relevant data.

Currently, it only supports a few Australian banks, however adding support to other banks should be relatively easy given the existing framework and the provided interface (see Extending Qantu for more details).

Using Qantu

Qantu uses Maven so include the following dependency in your pom.xml file:


The AccountExtractor class is the main entry point to the library:

  • List the supported banks
import com.codeforz.qantu.AccountExtractor

val banks:Map[Stirng,String] = AccountExtractor.supportedBanks // will return a map of the currently supported banks
  • Interact with a specific bank
val cbaExtractor = AccountExtractor("CBA")
//login before extracting any data. it will throw an error if credentials are invalid
cbaExtractor.login("<your_cba_client_id>", "<your_cba_password>") 
// print all your account names
cbaExtractor.accountNames foreach println  
// print all your accounts summary including balance
// search transactions for the given account in the given period.
cbaExtractor.retrieveTransactions("<your account name>", <start transaction date>, <end transaction date>) 
// extract all the historic transactions available for your account (~2 years for CBA)
// returns the recent transactions for your account
//terminates the session
  • Done!

Extending Qantu

If your bank is not supported you can implement the extractor following the below steps.

The basics first:

  • You will need a valid internet account for the bank you want to implement the extractor for
  • You may use Selenium IDE Firefox plugin to record the interactions with your bank website
  • You need to download and save the following pages as HTML:
    • Accounts summary page The page that list your accounts including the balance amounts
    • Transactions page The page the list the recent transactions of one of your accounts
    • Transactions search form The page to search the transactions by date (if supported by the website)
    • Transactions search result page The search results page, in most cases will be the same a the normal transactions page.

Implement a new PageOps object

  • The PageOps trait defines a set of methods to navigate programmatically the bank website, as well as methods to extract relevant data. The website interaction is done using sclicks, which provides JQuery like selectors to find and reference HTML element, and methods to interact with it. See the PageOps comments for more information and the existing PageOps implementations.
  • Unit test your PageOps implementation specially the data parsing and extractions methods using the pages you donwloaded above. (You should scramble the pages you downloaded above using the scala script /src/test/resources/, before commiting to github)
  • Run the integration test class TestExtractorHealthCheck, it will interactively ask for your bank details, and execute and verify each extractor method. If it succeeds you can commit/push your changes.


Online Banking Data Extraction API






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