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CNF and D&P Algorithm Implementations

It contains code in Haskell which implements the procedure for obtaining a conjunctive normal form of a given propositional formula.

The following list represents a list of the functions involved in the the code:

  1. The fnc:

     clausularform :: Formula -> Formula
  2. The subsumption algorithm (limited number of variables):

     sieveClauseList :: [Ic] -> [Ic]
  3. Transform a set of formulas with "and" into a set of clauses:

     form2claus :: Formula -> [[Literal]]
     setform2clausImp :: [Formula] -> [[Literal]]
  4. The Davis&Putnam algorithm:

     unsatisfiable:: [[Literal]] -> Bool
     satisfiable :: [[Literal]] -> (Bool, [[Literal]])
  5. The deduction theorem:

     deductionTheorem :: [Formula] -> Formula -> [Formula].
  6. Semantic implication:

     sImplies :: [Formula] -> Formula -> Bool
     extsImplies :: [Formula] -> Formula -> (Bool,[Literal])
  7. Recognise whether a formula is a tautology or not:

     tautological :: Formula -> Bool
  8. Recognise whether two formulae are equivalent or not:

     isLogEquiv :: Formula -> Formula -> Bool

Let us nuance something else:

  1. distribute: apply dak as many times as necessary to arrive at the clause form. It uses the alternation function which measures the minimum number of times it needs to be applied.

  2. associate: apply the aka function to a formula in clause form the minimum number of times necessary for all conjunctions and disjunctions to be left-associative.

  3. clausularform: apply the above functions in the appropriate order to transform a formula into an equivalent formula that is in clausular form.

  4. form2claus: Given a formula, the form2claus function extracts its clauses. It removes tautological clauses and repeated literals from each of the clauses.

  5. setform2claus: Given a set (list) of formulas, extract their clauses. It removes tautological clauses and repeated literals in each of the clauses. So, it does the same as form2claus in a vectorized form.

  6. unsatisfiable: Given a list of clauses, returns True or False depending on whether the clause set is unsatisfiable or satisfiable. It makes use of the Davis&Putnam algorithm.

  7. satisfiable: Given a list of clauses, returns True or False, depending on whether the clause set is satisfiable or not. It also returns a list of literals, which when interpreted as true, satisfies satisfies the set; in case of being unsatisfiable, it gives the empty list.

  8. sImplies: Given a set of formulae, and a formula, it says if this last one is a logical consequence of the previous set of formulas.

  9. extsImplies: Same as above, except that in the case that the implication is false, it also gives a list of literals whose implication is false, showing us why the implication is false.

Here are some examples of how to use the functions included in CnfDpa.hs.

By means of ex00 we propose an example that requires repeated use of dak:

*CnfDpa> let x = ex00 6 6
*CnfDpa> alt x
*CnfDpa> let y = distribute x
*CnfDpa> complejidad y
*CnfDpa> alt y

In order to exemplify the performance of associate we will again use an example created with ex00; it requires iterated use of lasc. We have the following dialog:

*CnfDpa> let x = ex00 3 3
*CnfDpa> let y = distribute x
*CnfDpa> let z = associate y
*CnfDpa> [complejidad x, complejidad y, complejidad z]
*CnfDpa> [longitud x, longitud y, longitud z]

After successive applications of lasc, the evolution of the measures kr and ar can be observed in the following dialogue:

*CnfDpa> [kr y, kr(lasc y), kr(lasc(lasc y)),
          kr(lasc(lasc(lasc y))), kr(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc y))))]
*CnfDpa> [ar y, ar(lasc y), ar(lasc(lasc y)),
          ar(lasc(lasc(lasc y))), ar(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc y))))]

Another example is:

*CnfDpa> let x = ex00 6 6
*CnfDpa> let x = ex00 6 6
*CnfDpa> let y = distribute x
*CnfDpa> let z = associate y
*CnfDpa> [lg x, lg y, lg z]
*CnfDpa> [complejidad x, complejidad y, complejidad z]
*CnfDpa> [kr y, kr(lasc y), kr(lasc(lasc y)), kr(lasc(lasc(lasc y))),
      kr(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc y)))), kr(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc y))))),
      kr(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc y))))))]
*CnfDpa> [ar y, ar(lasc y), ar(lasc(lasc y)), ar(lasc(lasc(lasc y))),
      ar(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc y)))), ar(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc y))))),
      ar(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc(lasc y))))))]

In order to illustrate the use of clausularform we can take the Meredith’s axiom (cfr. J.D. Monk; Mathematical Logic. Springer-Verlag) consider the code:

meredith :: Formula
meredith = C (C (C (C (C (Fa 1) (Fa 2)) (C (N(Fa 3)) (N(Fa 4)))) (Fa 3)) (Fa 5))
             (C (C (Fa 5) (Fa 1)) (C (Fa 4) (Fa 1)))

So we will have the following dialog:

*CnfDpa> clausularform meredith
KKKKKKKAAAAAN1 2 3 5 N4 1 AAAAAN1 2 3 N1 N4 1 AAAAN3 3 5 N4 1 AAAAN3 3 N1 N4 1 AAAA4 3 5 N4 1
AAAA4 3 N1 N4 1 AAAN5 5 N4 1 AAAN5 N1 N4 1
*CnfDpa> clauses (clausularform meredith)

Meredith’s formula defined above is a taulogy of the propositional classical calculus, therefore on being applied to it the function form2claus the empty list must be obtained, as we can see in the following dialog:

*CnfDpa> form2claus meredith

But if the formula is slightly modified to prevent it from being a tautology as follows:

 meredithw = C (C (C (C (C (Fa 1) (Fa 2)) (C (N(Fa 3)) (Fa 4))) (Fa 3)) (Fa 5))
               (C (C (Fa 5) (Fa 1)) (C (Fa 4) (Fa 1)))

*CnfDpa> clauses (clausularform meredithw)
*CnfDpa> form2claus meredithw

Returning to the beginning, an example of use for setform2clausImp is the following:

*CnfDpa> let x = ex00 6 6
*CnfDpa> let y = clausularform x
*CnfDpa> let z = clauses y
*CnfDpa> let w = setform2clausImp [x]
*CnfDpa> length z
*CnfDpa> length w
*CnfDpa> w

Any truth evaluation of the list of n+1+comb (n+1, 2)n clauses pingeonhole n will map n+1 objects one-to-one 2 into n slots. Of course, this cannot be done, so the clauses must be unsatisfiable:

*CnfDpa> unsatisfiable.palomar$3
*CnfDpa> unsatisfiable.palomar$5

However, if we throw away one clause of palomar n, the remaining collection of clauses is satisfiable. For example:

*CnfDpa> let x = pigeonhole 3
*CnfDpa> let y = delete [No(L 5),No(L 8)] x
*CnfDpa> unsatisfiable y
*CnfDpa> satisfiable y

Find in the following dialog a solution to the problem of the eight chess queens problem:

*CnfDpa> let x = queen 8
*CnfDpa> satisfiable x

In what follows we will take four formulas:

example1 = C (C (C (C (A (Fa 3) (A (N(Fa 4)) (C (Fa 5) (N (K (Fa 6) (Fa 7))))))
       (C (C (Fa 1) (Fa 2)) (C (Fa 1) (Fa 4))))
       (C (N(N (C (Fa 1) (A (Fa 7) (Fa 3))))) (N(K (C (Fa 3) (C (Fa 8) (Fa 2)))
       (C (N (Fa 5)) (Fa 4)))))) (N (C (Fa 1) (A (Fa 7) (Fa 3)))))
       (C (Fa 8) (K (N (Fa 6)) (Fa 2)))
example2 = C (C (Fa 8) (K (N (Fa 6)) (Fa 2)))
       (N(K (N (Fa 3)) (N (C (Fa 4) (C (Fa 5) (N (K (Fa 6) (Fa 7))))))))

example3 = K (C (Fa 3) (A (N(Fa 8)) (Fa 2))) (C (N (Fa 5)) (Fa 4))

example4 = A (Fa 3) (C (Fa 4) (C (Fa 5) (N (K (Fa 6) (Fa 7)))))

and we will see that the fourth is a consequence of the first three:

*CnfDpa> sImplies [example1, example2, example3] example4
*CnfDpa> sImplies [example1, example3] example4
*CnfDpa> extsImplies [example1, example3] example4


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