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Welcome to Snowcast, the 100% secure streaming service fitted with a wide variety of tunes. Poke around, and please don't crash the server (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡


Executables can be created and deleted with make all and make clean respectively. Each executable provides usage instructions, but in short:

- ./snowcast_server <PORT> FILE1 [FILE2 [FILE3 ...]]
    - <PORT> specifies the port on which the server should listen.
    - FILE1 [FILE2 [FILE3 ...]] specify which songs the server's stations should stream. At least
    one song is required, but you may specify as many as you wish.
    - <SERVERNAME> and <SERVERPORT> specify the IP address and port of the snowcast server,
    respectively. In most use cases, SERVERNAME will be localhost.
    - <LISTENER_PORT> is the port on which a UDP listener will listen.
- ./snowcast_listener <PORT>
    - <PORT> specifies the port on which a client listener will listen for streamed information.

Snowcast Server

Control Structures

The server consists of three central control structures, each of which is extensively described in inline documentation; here is a brief overview of each's functionality.


typedef struct {
  thread_pool_t *t_pool;      // thread pool for polling work!
  pthread_mutex_t server_mtx; // synchronize access to server
  pthread_cond_t server_cond; // condition variable for cleanup
  uint8_t stopped;            // flag for server condition
} server_control_t;

A server_control_t instance handles the primary operations of the server: a thread pool t_pool manages all "work" a server must perform in response to clients (i.e. accepting clients and responding to client commands).

In other worlds, I also had the thread pool handle station streaming, but I decided against it rather arbitrarily.

Because t_pool already handles synchronizing adding jobs to the thread pool, server_mtx and server_cond, together with stopped, are instead used solely for cleanup. When the server REPL receives a q input (or a fatal error occurs during server operations), the stopped flag is set to 1, and the server waits on server_cond until it is ready for complete cleanup of the server.


typedef struct {
  station_t **stations;        // available stations
  size_t num_stations;         // keeps track of the number of stations
  pthread_mutex_t station_mtx; // mutex for station control access
} station_control_t;

A station_control_t instance handles all operations involving stations, i.e. adding, removing, and swapping clients from stations. A station_mtx is used to synchronize these operations, which may be an issue if multiple clients requested swapping at the same time.

Currently, stations and num_stations are static, in that the values are not changed after initialization. However, if time permits, I hope to expand the server's station capabilites by allowing the server to add/remove stations from the list, and manually change which songs are being played. Because stations is a dynamically allocated array, and every access to the station_control_t structure is synchronized, there should be no issues with regards to concurrently modifying the stations structure.

The station_t structure will be described in detail below.


typedef struct {
  client_vector_t client_vec;  // vector of currently connected clients
  size_t num_pending;          // record number of ops that change client_vec
  pthread_mutex_t clients_mtx; // synchronize access to client control
  pthread_cond_t pending_cond; // wait until no more pending
  // TODO: implement a signal handler
} client_control_t;

A client_control_t instance handles all operations involving clients: adding/removing clients upon connection, polling for client requests, and synchronizing changes between clients and stations.

client_vec stores a dynamically sized array of client connection information (described in detail below). In order to synchronize access to the client vector and prevent data races when the server is polling for requests, clients_mtx is locked whenever the structure is accessed, num_pending records the number of client-related operations on the thread pool, and pending_cond provides a way for the client request listener thread to wait until all client-related operations are finished, before re-polling (otherwise, during a poll call, the client vector could be modified and/or resized, resulting in an invalid array of struct pollfds).

Maintaining synchronized access to the client vector is described in a little more detail in the comments for poll_connections.



typedef struct {
  sync_list_t client_list; // list to store clients connected to this station
  uint16_t station_number; // unique number for a station
  char *song_name;         // name of a song
  FILE *song_file;         // file to read the song
  char buf[CHUNK_SIZE];    // buffer to store processed song chunks
  pthread_t streamer;      // streamer thread
  int ipv4_stream_fd;      // IPv4 streaming socket
  int ipv6_stream_fd;      // IPv6 streaming socket
} station_t;

A station_t represents all operations of a station. Each station maintains a synchronized linked list of clients in client_list; synchronization is maintained by wrapping locks around the provided list_t macro implementation. The station's number and song name are stored as well, with a corresponding FILE* to represent the song on disk.

Each station has a corresponding streamer thread responsible for broadcasting song data to listening clients. Maintaining a 16Kbps streaming rate is done as follows:

  • Chunks of size 1024 bytes are read into buf. If the file reaches EOF before 1024 bytes are read, we fseek to the beginning of the file, and resume reading from the very beginning; an ANNOUNCE message is sent to all connected clients.
  • Once a chunk is read, the station iterates through every client within the list, sending a UDP packet to the client.
  • We have now sent 1/16 of the chunks necessary in a second to maintain 16Kbps. The default sleep time is 0.0625s, or 1/16 of a second; but this is assuming the prior two steps don't any time. In order to account for the processing time, we record the start and end times of reading then broadcasting to all clients, then subtract that computation time from 0.0625s.

I originally stored two UDP sockets, one for IPv4 and one for IPv6 sockets; however, after the announcement of requiring only IPv4, the IPv6 socket is no longer necessary. I currently don't have time to remove it.


typedef struct {
  client_connection_t **conns; // array of connections
  struct pollfd *pfds;         // array of struct pollfds
  size_t size;                 // current size of a vector array
  size_t max;                  // current max size of a vector array
  int listener;                // listener socket
} client_vector_t;

A client_vector_t stores an array of clients, represented as two arrays of client_connection_ts and struct pollfds respectively. This separation, although highly unsightly, is necessary for poll to work properly: since poll requires an array of struct pollfds, we must maintain two separate arrays. The other fields are necessary for implementing vector capabilities.

A client connection is represented as follows:

typedef struct {
  list_link_t link;                 // for the doubly linked lists
  int client_fd;                    // TCP connection socket
  struct sockaddr_storage tcp_addr; // TCP address
  struct sockaddr_storage udp_addr; // UDP address
  socklen_t addr_len;  // address length; only difference is type + port
  int current_station; // currently connected station
} client_connection_t;

A client has both TCP and UDP addresses to represent the control and listener clients respectively; the link is used to insert into linked lists.

Snowcast Control

The snowcast control first attempts to connect to the server, then sends and waits for the server to reply correctly. Then, the control client repeatedly polls both stdin and the server_fd for input, spawning a thread for each request.

The snowcast control has one control structure:

typedef struct {
  pthread_mutex_t control_mtx; // synchronize poll calls
  pthread_cond_t control_cond; // synchronize poll calls
  int num_events;              // record num pending
  int stopped;                 // record if client should stop
  int pending;                 // record if we're waiting for an Announce
  struct pollfd pfds[2];       // poll for `stdin` and `server_fd`
} snowcast_control_t;

The synchronization primitives and num_events are used for the same purposes as the server control structure in snowcast_server.c, to ensure synchronization while polling.

Snowcast Listener

idk man just look at it it's like 10 lines


Alas, some bugs still exist in the implementation.

Perhaps the biggest is a potential data race within the for loop for processing poll responses; no mutex is maintained while we iterate through the indices within the client vector, so when we access the pfds on line 561 in snowcast_server.c, there is a chance that the specific entry is removed as we access, causing a segfault. I've run the testing script for 20 iterations, spawning 500 clients that repeatedly swap servers, and I haven't managed to reproduce this segfault; but I believe there's still a synchronization issue.

Shutting down the server operates "cleanly" in most cases, including when a client makes an invalid call, in that all resources should be cleaned up properly and the server will exit. However, when I compile the server with the thread sanitizer enabled, I receive multiple warnings about potential double-unlocks or data races. While I don't believe this'd be a major issue---in that it only happens on cleanup, and it appears that cleanup exits finally---it might be a point of concern. Not sure.

When I broadcast ANNOUNCE messages to clients after a song repeats, I don't robustly error check that the messages are sent; it might cause the streaming thread to crash, but I haven't tested it yet.


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