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Riposo Server

Riposo is a JSON document store written in Go, based on the design of Kinto. It implements v1.22 of the Kinto API and aims to be fully compatible with the client libraries kinto-http.js, as well as higher-level, offline-first abstraction kinto.js.

Getting Started

The easiest way to deploy Riposo is via Docker.

To launch a test instance (on port 8888):

docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 riposo/riposo server

You can use environment variables to configure all aspects of your instance, including persistence. For more information, please see the Configuration section.

docker run --rm \
    -e RIPOSO_STORAGE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@database/riposo?timezone=UTC \
    -e RIPOSO_PERMISSION_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@database/riposo?timezone=UTC \
    -e RIPOSO_CACHE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@database/riposo?timezone=UTC \
    riposo/riposo:0.1.0 server

Plugins can also be loaded dynamically by referencing the plugin ID. In order to enable a plugin, the server binary must have been built with it. For more information, please see the Plugins section.

# list plugins
docker run --rm riposo/riposo plugins

# run server with plugins
docker run --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/data
    -e RIPOSO_PLUGINS=accounts,default-bucket \
    -e RIPOSO_PERMISSION_DEFAULTS='{"account:create":[system.Everyone], "bucket:create":[system.Authenticated]}' \
    riposo/riposo server


The server instance can be configured via environment variables or an optional YAML configuration file which can be passed via -config flag.

Option Type Description Default string Project name, as reported by GET /v1/ riposo
project.version string Project version, as reported by GET /v1/ none string Project documentation URL
id.factory string ID generator, see ID Factories nanoid
storage.url string Storage ba ckend URL, see Data Backends :memory:
permission.url string Permission backend URL :memory:
permission.defaults map<string,string[]> Default permissions none
cache.url string Cache back end URL :memory:
batch.max_requests int Maximum permitted number of requests per batch 25
auth.methods string[] Comma-separated list of auth methods, see Authentication basic
auth.hash string Hash method used for password hashing, argon2id or bcrypt argon2id string[] Permitted CORS origins *
cors.max_age duration Indicates how long the results of a preflight CORS request can be cached 1h
pagination.token_validity duration Pagination token TTL 10m
pagination.max_limit int Maximum number of records that can be requested per page 10000
backoff.duration duration Provide clients with a backoff during which they should avoid unnecessary requests. none
backoff.percentage int Send backoff header to a fraction of clients. none
retry_after duration Duration after which the client should issue requests after failures. 30s
server.address string Server address to listen for requests :8888
server.read_timeout duration Read timeout for server requests 60s
server.write_timeout duration Write timeout for server responses 60s
server.shutdown_timeout duration Grace time to wait for active connections to close before shutdown 5s
plugins string[] Comma-separated list of plugins to enable, see Plugins none
temp.dir string Directory path for storing temporary files none (= the OS temp dir)
eos.time time End-of-service timestamp none
eos.message string End-of-service message none
eos.url string End-of-service details URL none

Environment variable names must be prefixed by RIPOSO_ and can be inferred by capitalising the option name and replacing . with _. Examples:

# Set project.version

# Adjust server.shutdown_timeout

# Set permission defaults
RIPOSO_PERMISSION_DEFAULTS='{"bucket:create":[system.Authenticated], "other":[comma,separated,principals]}'

ID Factories

ID factories are used to generate random, non-colliding, human-readable IDs for records in the system. The two built-in methods are:

  • nanoid - tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique, see Nano ID
  • uuid - v4 of the universally unique identifier, see Wikipedia

Data Backends

Backends can be configured through URLs By default, your server comes with support for two data backends:

  • :memory: - purely in-memory, only use this for testing
  • postgres:// - PostgreSQL support, use this for production

Additional backends are available as plugins.


Authentication methods are available as plugins. By default only basic auth is supported but additional methods are available as plugins.

Default permissions

Default permissions will take precedence over those stored permanently in the permission backend. For example:

    # Allow all users to create new accounts
    account:create: [system.Everyone]
    # Allow authenticated users to create buckets
    bucket:create: [system.Authenticated]
    # Allow admin user to read all buckets
    bucket:read: [account:admin]
    # Grant admin user full access
    write: [account:admin]

The equivalent setting as env variable would be:

RIPOSO_PERMISSION_DEFAULT='{ account:create: [system.Everyone], bucket:create: [system.Authenticated], bucket:read: [account:admin], write: [account:admin] }'


Plugins can be loaded at runtime by referencing them via RIPOSO_PLUGINS environment variable. To see a list of bundled plugins, please run riposo plugins. By default, the following plugins are available:

To build a custom release with additional plugins, please see instructions on the cmd page. More plugins are available on GitHub.


Copyright 2021 Black Square Media Ltd

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this material except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.