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Releases: ripper121/RoboTrickler

RoboTrickler v2.04

03 Jun 19:06
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Powder Profiles:

  • Support for up to 16 steps (1-15). In version 2.03, 32 steps were supported, but using all of them caused the control unit to crash and reboot.
  • Profile generator with 13 steps for faster trickle results.
  • Acceleration option added to mitigate vibration issues with the trickler.


  • Firmware update check can now be disabled in the config.txt file by setting "fw_check": false.
  • Added support for the KERN-ABT.
  • Support for custom protocols with the "customCode" parameter, allowing custom codes (e.g., "xxx") to be sent to the scale for new measurements.
  • The last weight is now saved to the config.txt file with the "weight" parameter, e.g., "weight": 2.540.

Additional Updates:

  • AWACS mod 3D files for the trickler and control unit are now included.
  • Updated BOM (Bill of Materials) in Bom.xlsx.

RoboTrickler v2.03

15 Apr 09:53
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Removed the "Get Weight" from the Log of the display,
Because that could generate a Reboot / Crash

Some small fixes.

RoboTrickler v2.02

28 Feb 10:52
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FW Improvements :

  • added Start via Webserver
  • added Stop via Webserver
  • fixed set Target Weight via Webserver
  • Average Profile

RoboTrickler v2.01 Full

26 Feb 10:07
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Combined the Firmware with the latest SD-Files.

RoboTrickler v2.01 SD-File Update

16 Jan 10:36
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Here is a small update (only SD data, no new firmware)

SD-File Update:

  • new profile editor, so no more typos can happen, which often cause a "Deserialization Failed" error
  • Profile generator has been slightly revised, file name can be defined before downloading

Hier kleines Update (nur SD Daten, keine neue Firmware)

SD-File Update:

  • neuer Profil Editor, damit können keine Tippfehler mehr passieren, welche gern ein "Deserialization Failed" fehler hervorufen
  • Profile Generator wurde leicht überarbeitet, Dateiname kann vor dem download festgelegt werden

RoboTrickler v2.01

13 Dec 23:08
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  • If WIFI is connected it checks if there is a newer Version and will show a MessageBox
  • Tolerance and Alarm moved from Config.txt to PowderProfile.txt
  • Tolerance and Alarm now in the Unit of the Profile instead of %
  • Improved Profile Generator (faster trickle speeds, more control)
  • Library update
  • fixes of Web UI

RoboTrickler v2.00

07 Dec 20:10
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  • New UI
  • target weight tolerance
  • alarm for over trickle
  • many small improvements

!!! If you come from a Firmware <2.00 you need to flash the new Firmware via USB !!!

Update your SD-Card with the provided "SD-Files"

Robo-Trickler v1.20

20 Nov 14:07
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Release Notes for Version 1.20

Important: This release requires new SD-Card Files. Please copy the "Update_SD-Files_1.20\SD-Files" to your SD-Card or use the "Create_SD_Card.bat" script provided.


  • Improved Serial Readout: Enhanced the functionality for reading data via serial communication, ensuring more reliable and accurate data transfer.
  • Set Target Weight via Webserver: Fixed issues related to setting the target weight through the web interface, enhancing reliability and user experience.
  • Better Powder Profile Generator: Updated the powder profile generator for improved performance and accuracy in generating profiles.
  • New Config.txt Generator: Introduced a new generator for creating configuration files, simplifying the configuration process.
  • Improved UI: Updated the user interface for a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.


  • Steinberg Scales Compatibility: Resolved compatibility issues with Steinberg scales, ensuring smoother operation.
  • WiFi Connectivity Issues: Addressed and fixed problems related to WiFi connectivity, improving network stability and performance.
  • SD Card Creator Script for Windows: Provided a new script for Windows users to facilitate the creation of SD cards, simplifying the setup process.

Additional Notes

  • Config and Powder Profile Backup: It's highly recommended to make a backup of your configuration and powder profiles before updating to this version.

RoboTrickler v1.19

03 Nov 20:39
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Bugfix for the over trickle of Powder.

RoboTrickler v1.18

27 Oct 11:43
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  • Moved Oscillate from config.txt to the PowderProfile (powder.txt)
  • added reverse to PowderProfile
  • fixed index.html
  • fixed code to work with Kern Scales
  • added Microsteps to config.txt
  • added DebugLog to config.txt