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Reference List for RISC-V

本仓库维护与labeled risv-v相关的参考资料信息。


  1. Hardware Execution Throttling for Multi-core Resource Management , USENIX ATC 09
  2. Zihao Yu, et al., Labeled RISC-V: A New Perspective on Software-Defined Architecture slides , paper , RISCV workshop 2017 autumn
  3. David Lo, et al., Heracles: Improving Resource Efficiency at Scale , ISCA 2015
  4. George Prekas, et al., ZygOS: Achieving Low Tail Latency for Microsecond-scale Networked Tasks , SOSP 2017
  5. L. Ravindranath et al., Timecard: Controlling User-Perceived Delays in Server-Based Mobile Applications, SOSP, 2013.
  6. L. Albert Greenberg, SDN for the Cloud, SIGCOMM Keynote, 2015.
  7. J. M. Kaplan, W. Forrest, and N. Kindler. Revolutionizing data center energy efficiency. McKinsey & Company, 2008.
  8. Huan Liu, A Measurement Study of Server Utilization in Public Clouds, 2011.
  9. J. Dean,“Achieving Rapid Response Times in Large Online Services”, talk at Berkeley, 2012.
  10. L. Barrosa, J.Clidaras, U. Holzle, The Datacenter as a Computer (2nd Edition), July, 2013.
  11. R. Kapoor et al. Chronos: Predictable for Data Center Low Latency Applications, SOCC, 2012.
  12. Melanie Kambadur et al., “Measuring Interference Between Live Datacenter Applications”, SC'11, 2011
  13. Heterogeneity and Dynamicity of Clouds at Scale: Google Trace Analysis SOCC 2012
  14. Jeff Dean, Software Engineering Advice from Building Large-Scale Distributed Systems 2016
  15. T. Chen et al., Statistical Performance Comparisons of Computers, HPCA 2012.
  16. D. Krushevskaja and M.Sandler, Understanding Latency Variations of Black Box Services, WWW 2013.
  18. FreeBSD/RISC-V and Device Drivers BSDTW2017


  1. A Survey of Techniques for Cache Partitioning in Multicore Processors, ACM Computing Surveys 2017
  2. SWAP: Effective Fine-Grain Management of Shared Last-Level Caches with Minimum Hardware Support, HPCA17
  3. Quasar: Resource-Efficient and QoS-Aware Cluster Management
  4. Cuanta: quantifying effects of shared on-chip resource interference for consolidated virtual machines
  5. Reconciling High Server Utilization and Sub-millisecond Quality-of-Service
  6. Increasing Utilization in Modern Warehouse-Scale Computers Using Bubble-Up
  7. Scalable and Efficient Fine-Grained Cache Partitioning with Vantage
  8. A Hardware Evaluation of Cache Partitioning to Improve Utilization and Energy-efficiency While Preserving Responsiveness
  9. QoS Policies and Architecture for Cache/Memory in CMP Platforms
  10. Utility-based cache partitioning: A low-overhead, high-performance, runtime mechanism to partition shared caches
  11. Gaining insights into multicore cache partitioning: Bridging the gap between simulation and real systems
  12. 1Q-Clouds: Managing Performance Interference Effects for QoS-Aware Clouds


  1. QoS Policies and Architecture for Cache/Memory in CMP Platforms
  2. A QoS-aware Memory Controller for Dynamically Balancing GPU and CPU Bandwidth Use in an MPSoC
  3. Reducing Memory Interference in Multicore Systems via Application-aware Memory Channel Partitioning
  4. A Case for NUMA-aware Contention Management on Multicore Systems
  5. The impact of memory subsystem resource sharing on datacenter applications


  1. The Linux Scheduler: A Decade of Wasted Cores
  2. Reconciling High Server Utilization and Sub-millisecond Quality-of-Service
  3. Borrowed-Virtual-Time (BVT) scheduling: supporting latency-sensitive threads in a general-purpose scheduler
  4. Cache-Guided Scheduling: Exploiting Caches to Maximize Locality in Graph Processing, AGP 2017


  1. Documentation for RISC-V Spike
  2. blog of various RISC-V ports(linux/gcc/glibc...) from Palmer Dabbelt

perf tools

  1. Linux Performance Tools
  2. perf tutorial
  3. perf examples
  4. Perf Tool: Performance Analysis Tool for Linux
  5. Linux 性能诊断 perf使用指南
  6. Linux 效能分析工具: Perf


  1. Treadmill: Attributing the Source of Tail Latency through Precise Load Testing and Statistical Inference
  2. TailBench: A Benchmark Suite and Evaluation Methodology for Latency-Critical Applications
  3. sysbench:Scriptable database and system performance benchmark
  4. hackbench − scheduler benchmark/stress test
  5. LLCbench - Low Level Architectural Characterization Benchmark Suite
  6. HPC Challenge Benchmark
  7. ZSim: Fast and Accurate Microarchitectural Simulation of Thousand-Core Systems


  1. labeled riscv
  2. educational microarchitectures for risc-v isa


  1. CNRV


  1. resrouce from CNRV
  2. papers from CNRV


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